Chapter ..12..

Different Worlds Live Under One Roof..!

 "heechul-ah, why are you so gloomy today at work? You haven't attend your classes and your…" hong ki said to heechul hoping for a clear answer from his friend. But the latter cut his speech off with a strict voice that shows no mercy!

"you have been telling me the same question all the day! I can't stand the bugging you gave!" heechul almost gave him a rocket for his continuous question.

Hong ki stopped his walking and frowned at the hyper friend. Didn't know that he was annoying him while he was just worrying about him no less no more!

"this is your third time…am I really that annoying to you? I was just asking and worrying about your school life! Damn it when you treat me harshly!" hong ki exploded with anger either, leaving the other person in shock! Heechul let out a sigh then came closer to his friend who lost his patient.

"yah! I know I sound so rude to you! I'm under pressure and you're the only one who could feel it! if my apology would satisfy you, then…I'm sorry!" heechul replied putting his hand on hong ki's shoulder.

"I know, but you've to consider me as a human being who has a limit to everything!" hong ki paused for a bit then raised his head to meet heechul's eyes. "your apology is accepted…for now!"

"I can't do anything when you acted childishly!" heechul commented then completed his way to home. Hong ki immediately followed him with an innocent smile.

"anyway, Mr. perfect…" hong ki said teasing the one beside him, and the innocent smile turned out to be a malicious smile. heechul elbowed his friend's arm strongly, didn't like how he sounded.


-hey hey!! You don't need to shout! I got it, I was about to ask you…

-about what?

-about…about your meeting that day…!

-ah! I see….

Heechul didn't react much to hong ki's words, since the only thing that conquered his mind lately, the discussion that happened between him and his professor.

"hong ki…" heechul stopped his moves and stared for a bit at his friend. Hong ki felt the questioning in his voice so he kept looking at the latter without further words.

"since you brought this matter up, how could you know my professor? I mean, how could you know that he will provide me the information I need?" heechul asked in so curious manner. His expression changed as he waited for the reply.

The one in question widened his eyes in shock like he didn't really prepared for this question! He bowed his head trying to avoid the eye contact he made. Heechul didn't like how hong ki reacted, he affirmed his words by asking him for the second time, which made the latter to answer quickly in fear.

"ok ok, I'll tell you!" hong ki replied while trembling.

"yah, you frightened me! what happened? Isn't it a pure coincidence?" heechul said confused of the whole matter.

"honestly, I…I mean…your father told me about him…he contacted me and told me that Tae won-sshi is the best source, since he knows everything in person! That what your father said!" hong ki was studying heechul's expression, didn't want to disappoint him more! But he couldn't lie anymore!

"my father… contacted you? He didn't bother himself to call me too?" heechul said with a flame of anger in his eyes.

"NO! IT'S NOT LIKE WHAT YOU SEE! Your father even warned me to keep that from you! He didn't want you to know that he…wants to help! He really cares for you!" hong ki said with a guilt and grieve feelings, it was a mixed emotion he couldn't understand.

Heechul chuckled in anger for a bit then smirked at hong ki for his words. Heechul didn't want to discuss this matter anymore with anyone, but hearing the word care made him frustrated. And for his best friend, Hong ki, he knows that there's nothing would satisfy heechul regarding his father's issue, because simply heechul is so stubborn about it.

"you know, it's just so useless to keep saying this to me, it's really funny to know he contacted you to tell you who will be our trust worthy person! He cares for me? huh! Yeah…he told me why I'm in this mess since the beginning, that's why I'm here ASKING PEOPLE ABOUT HER! so just shut up and don't ever say stupid things to me!"

heechul pull out his temper on his friend again. hong ki didn't really get upset this time, because he knows carefully that he was the cause of upsetting to the latter!

"heechul…I'm sorry!" hong ki said and bowed his head while biting his lips in disappointed.

"it's not a big deal! Let's go!" heechul so cold manner made hong ki shivering, he didn't know what this guy might do if he is upset! The idea itself made him sick!

They both walked in and out the hallways until hong ki stopped his moves when he saw 2 persons at the far corner.

"heechul-ah, isn't that girl…the one you had a quarreled with in the restaurant last time?"

Heechul gave him a look at how his friend's memory is full of his bad moments only! Then he looked at the way his friend was looking at…

"oh… Jessica-sshi and…" heechul narrowed his eyes to make sure of his vision and the one in his sight is absolutely Jung su…not his images. He was confused rather than being shocked! He kept seeing them like he couldn't get the people in front of him and hong ki just kept watching silently.

"what's wrong?"

"move your hand away"

"why? Don't you like?"

 "that bastard!! Damn him! why he is so full of himself?!" heechul mumbled loudly and walked quickly to where jung su and Jessica were.

"you…you don't have to put your nose in….HEECHUL!!" hong ki followed him and his sense was telling him that something will go in a wrong way for sure if heechul's mood is still not on!!

"Can't you hear her? MOVE YOUR HAND!" heechul paused when his voice reached the both Jung su and Jessica.

Hong ki buried his face with his hand when he felt the awkward mood that covered the place.

Jung su turned his head to where heechul was while his hand still pressing it against Jessica's left cheek. "heechul-sshi!!!" Jessica exclaimed his name and still stunned.

as soon Jung su heard her exclaim, he dropped his hand. Jung su's expression turned out to be as serious as heechul when their eyes met each other. He was literally not happy to see heechul in his sight, but he managed to control his own feeling so well.

Jung su smirked at him and didn't even move his eyes away, but then he witness another head behind heechul's back which made him chuckle for a bit.

"nice to see you again, newbie!" Jung su said teasing the person in front of him.

"what? who do you think you're?" heechul replied with a frustrated voice.

"it seems you bring your friend with you…"

"so what? can't I hang around with him?" heechul didn't give him the chance to complete his sentence which Jung su hates the most. He was trying to catch any chance to attack him!

Jung su turned his head to Jessica and looked at her expression for a bit -she was staring at heechul not believing her own vision- then again placed his eyes on heechul with the same smirk.

Heechul didn't wait another minute to grab Jessica's hand, trying to take her away from that "bastard" as known as Jung su!

"what…are you doing?" Jessica said, she was moving despite her wants to heechul's side…but her moves stopped the moment Jung su grabbed her other hand…which surprised her for some reason.

"are you trying to pick another fight…newbie?" Jung su asked. his tone and his way of talking were enough to let heechul out of his temper.

"who order you to act that way? Was she asking for your help, newbie?" Jung su completed trying to compose himself, but his tone and facial expression were against what he wanted. Moreover, his hand was catching Jessica's wrist tightly.

The eye-war started between them again and heechul was trying to compose himself too, he was under pressure for sure, he couldn't control his anger at all, so he let off of Jessica's hand and pushed it away which made her standing between the two males in fear and wonder. The time heechul's took off his hand, Jung su let off of hers gently.

"you're really a bastard! Stop acting coolly! Aren't you shame of yourself? Since when people are under your mercy?!!" heechul shouted at him. hong ki and Jessica couldn't believe his words for some reason! His words were …off topic!!

Heechul bit his lips and it seems like his self composed was exploded within second!

"I see…hmmm…You're being burden to us…so, don't interrupt other people, newbie! I don't have to lecture you…since you're already over 18" Jung su said calmly then caught Jessica's wrist to walk away from them.

Hearing the word "burden" made heechul's heart bounds like there's no tomorrow. Everything flashed in his mind like a series regarding his own circumstances! He couldn't control himself anymore. He raised his head and placed his eyes on Jung su's back for a moment.

Hong ki felt the aura that surrounded heechul, he was burning in anger like seriously. But hong ki couldn't do nor say anything to his best friend, the whole matter just so complicated to him!

Heechul walked speedily to catch up with the people who left in a moment. When he was near them he grabbed Jung su's arm and turned his body violently. Jung su got surprised when heechul did that, he didn't prepare himself nor he was expecting it!

As soon as Jung su's face met heechul's, a hard punch flew to his face and let him lost his balance and fell to the ground mightily. Jessica widened her eyes when she saw how Jung su hardly fell, she couldn't help but to scream!

"dare to talk to me again! dare to say this word again, YOU BASTARD!"

"heechul!! What are you doing?!" hong ki harried to him and caught his shoulder trying to pull him back.

"are you ok?" Jessica went to Jung su to help him adjusting his sit but he refused to take her help. He was feeling the pain, but he managed to stay composed. The edge of his mouth was bleeding nonstop from the punch.

"is that all what you want? Are you satisfied now?" Jung su said while trying to stand but couldn’t.

Heechul felt how he lost controlling of himself and lately understand his unnecessary and powerful punch. He mixed the desire of helping Jessica with his own desire of punching someone! He couldn't get his action yet…but he needed to do it anyway, either on Jung su or another one, like hong ki.

"Jung su-sshi, you're bleeding!" Jessica said fearfully. But he ignored her and collected his strength to stand with all his might.

"so…is there anything else you want?" Jung su after getting up, he stared at heechul with a serious and deep expression. heechul wanted to hit him again, but he had settled down by his hand only.

"let's go, heechul!" hong ki tried to pull heechul after him for the second time but to no avail.

"Jessica-sshi, why are you hanging out with this flirty guy?" heechul asked with his calm voice, trying to act cool along with Jung su.

"what?" Jessica didn't like how he interfere and moreover how he hit Jung su badly on his face!

"I don't understand why are you putting yourself in such situation! I can send you home safely!"

"what are you trying to do?" hong ki whispered to heechul's ear. The situation went out heechul's hands as the matter went in the wrong direction.

Jung su gave Jessica a glare then bowed his head touching his mouth by his hand.

"yeah, being with a person with more skills in fighting is safer than being with me, go ahead!" Jung su said mockingly. His tone was seemed to be so pissed off that everyone could sense it.

"you know what…Kim Heechul, I have heard enough already, you're a vice under the guise of goodness! So stop spreading your offer here and there" Jung su said with his sharp sight that made an eye contact with heechul.

"Jung su-sshi!" Jessica got panic of Jung su's sharp personality that appeared suddenly. She actually didn't like how he described heechul either.

"you're seriously pushing my buttons" heechul bit his lips. he didn't feel his feet that made her way to Jung su's and his hand that surrounding Jung su's collar and pushed him to the wall beside them violently.

Upon the minute Jung su's back stuck to the wall, he closed his eyes in pain which made him inhaled and exhaled achingly. But he quickly recovered himself and stared at heechul who lost his last ounce of patience.

Heechul who was unaware of his vibes almost killed Jung su by choking him aggressively, but he loose his tight when he witnessed how Jung su's face turned bright red to his view.

"heechul!" "Heechul-sshi!" Hong ki and Jessica shouted at him to let go of Jung su's collar and neck.

He let off of his hands but his face still inches from Jung su's who he breathed heavily searching for oxygen. Heechul leaned his hand on the wall beside Jung su and whispered to his ear.

"I told you…don't miss up with me! don't get on my nerve you wanton! And for God's sake, stop acting the role of God!" heechul walked away from him and dragged hong ki along with him.

Jessica was stunned and scared at how aggressive and offensive heechul could turn to be if anything upsets him, he was someone who she should take note on! She was staring at heechul's back and could sense how he was angry…."omg!" said Jessica.

Jung su's cough stopped the thinking Jessica and made her realize his presence. He was rubbing once his chest and once his neck.

"I'm sorry! I'm terribly sorry on his behalf!" Jessica bowed and came closer to him. he adjusted his stand and his breath was somehow heavy to him. he stared at her with emotionless expression.

"I don't think he's sorry at all…so don't claim things, STOP APOLOGIZING! Being with you just for one night bring all these troubles to me, it's like a nightmare!"

She widened her eyes in shock and repeated the last word he spelled…"nightmare?" she said with a hurtful face.

"we are late, we've to go!" Jung su after scanning her face and felt how cruel his words were, he said and walked quickly from her view. She followed him and felt that his words were somehow…. true!

Even if she has a deep strong personality, she won't be like one in front of him, no matter how she tried to, it was something over her willing!


"I don't understand you at all! Were you there to defend her or to release your anger at that cold guy?" hong ki asked. his voice was shaking afraid of heechul's reaction…but his curious was killing him.

"that bastard…I don't know why she's STILL WITH HIM! GOD DAMN IT! HE IS SO FULL OF HIMSELF!" heechul said beneath his lips.

"heechul? You sound as if you're…possessive!"

"BO?! About what? about whom? Stop getting on my nerve you too!!"

"just saying! I have never seen you so aggressive as now! you've to control yourself in the future!" hong ki shook his hands.

"please hong ki, leave me alone! I'm feeling blue!" heechul turned to his friend and said.


"may you?"

"as you wish…" hong ki left hesitantly.


"Jung su-sshi, please wait here…for a bit I won't late!" Jessica demanded from Jung su as they reached her home safely…almost!

"what? why? I want to…"

"just seconds, I won't late" Jessica interrupted Jung su's talking which frustrated him, but he heaved a sigh to not get bother anymore this day!

she ran inside the home and he waited her outside rubbing his back exhaustedly then rubbing his mouth that refused to stop the bleeding.

"why am bothering myself by standing here?! Aish!" Jung su thought.

After awhile, Jessica came running toward him with small box. He didn't know what she was planning to do but he kept gazing her.

"thanks God, I thought you'd go!" Jessica flashed a smile at him which made him clearing his throat! "please, can you come inside for a moment, just at the garden if you don't like to enter the home!" Jessica completed in a polite manner.

"what is she thinking off?" Jung su entered hesitantly and sit on the bench placed on the garden.

"what…do you want? Aren't your parent home?" his question was quite a misunderstanding to her, she didn't really get why he was concerned about her parent!

"yeah, they're…do you want to greet them?" Jessica asked innocently.

"NO…I mean…not in this condition…next time, if I have the chance…" Jung su said.

"it's alright, I just want to treat your wound since it's really bleeding nonstop" Jessica said as she opened the box to bring out the medicine she needs.

"treat me? huh! This is the chance of a lifetime" Jung su commented mischievously.

"don't worry, I haven't been thinking of anything related to you recently." Jessica said trying to act coolly in front of him.


he was surprised of her comment but he let a chuckle and stayed calm waiting for the treatment.

Before Jessica putting the plaster on Jung su's mouth to stop the bleeding, she stopped for a moment. she remembered how close he was with Taeyeon this day! "these lips…got stuck with Taeyeon's…huh!" she couldn't help but to feel jealous again.

She cleared his bruise harshly which led him to turn his head. He didn't say a word but he was staring at her in pain!

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Jessica apologized sincerely.

"it's…okay, I guess" he replied.

"oh!" Jessica exclaimed when his answer was somehow gentle! She thought he would give her the usual lecture about apologizing to him!

She put the plaster quickly on the edge of his mouth then sighed in relief.

"was doing it really difficult to the point of sighing?" Jung su said patting his treated wound.

"No! it's just I'm much relief now!" Jessica said.

"I see…" Jung su said then stared at her absentmindedly. She blushed at how he was staring then turned her head to the other side.

"Jung su-sshi?" a voice interrupting their session with a warm aura, which made Jung su dazed. He raised his head but didn't turn it to the owner of the voice. He opened his eyes of the feeling that exist him all up sudden! He breathed in and out, wanting to know why suddenly this happened to him, he bowed his head to kick out the feeling but to no avail!

It was something in his far corner in his brain, which he couldn't tell what it was exactly. It was something brought him to the past but with a blur vision!

"Jung su-sshi?" again he exclaimed.

"appa!" Jessica stood when she saw her father in her sight.

Jung su stood and bowed to him politely and the pain spread all over his body.

"that's why you took the first aid? Why are you putting yourself in childish brawl?" Tae san asked.

"it's not like…" Jessica was cut off by Jung su.

"I'm sorry, I won't involve myself again, your daughter is here safely…hope your trust didn't fade away" Jung su replied with a serious and polite manner.

"yeah, I see…thanks for defending her! you're the man, Jung su!" Tae san said then added "I won't disturb you, am just here curious of what had happened!" Tae an smiled at them and headed back to home.

After Tae san made his way to his home, Jung su heaved a sigh in confusion! This feeling wasn't for now, it took him back…to the past! But as he wants and try to recall what it's exactly, the vision in his eyes blurred!

"what…was that?" Jung su thought loudly and his messy expression was so readable to her.

"Jung su-sshi? What happened?" Jessica asked putting her hand on his arm trying to divert his attention.

"n-n-nothing!" he replied to her as he backed to his sense again. when he turned himself to Jessica's side, the small garden that surrounded with fence behind her attracted his attention, especially the lily. Before the yearning feeling could cover him, he placed his eyes at Jessica.

"may I leave?" Jung su asked and raised an eyebrow.

"oh…yes, sure…please take care of yourself!" Jessica said and bowed her head "what am I saying?"

He stood and stared at her blushing face for a bit with a smile then he bowed slightly. When he bowed, he felt the pain lord it over him! he closed his eyes for a moment but he collected his strength and straight his back.

 She sent him to the door, but she was walking limply all up sudden which made Jung su wonder about her! he didn't ask her but inside, deep inside him, he was worrying and his sight showed how he was concerned.

"not again!" Jessica whispered.

"again?" Jung su thought and stared at her for awhile then cut his gaze when she bowed for the second time ignoring her limped leg.

"Jung su-sshi, thank you"

Something inside him wanting to be at least for this minute being gentle with her, but after all, he managed to put his personality over anything else.

"for what? for getting the hit?" he said sarcastically. "well, this isn't my first time that am getting hurt while being with you…but I'm totally fine, a man should protect a woman, isn't it?"

"it's not… about that…." Jessica paused when she heard his words that he repeated over and over again. she felt she was really a burden to him… first he sprained his ankle, second they almost hit by a car, then he got a punch! What else he would receive?

"because you saved my life back there…" she said.

"ah! anyway, be careful next time…no one will sacrificed his life to save yours…no one!" Jung su said then left her wondering about his obscure words! But, she somehow felt the warm in it!

"ah, yes…before I go…don't tell anyone what happened today!"


"about that newbie… he may get frustrated~ so forget what happened" he knows how that guy might lose his control and to which point he can really hurt the other either emotionally or physically.

"umm, yeah….I will!" Jessica agreed him but she didn't know why! She was smiling like an idiot at how he spoke to her and how he interacted with her!

"I'm not dreaming…I'm not…he talked to me, I treated him…I'm not dreaming"

"ah…." Jung su exclaimed and paused his steps"this happened to her too back there! So she wasn't injured that day!"  he remembered when she sent him off to the hospital and how she walked limply that day either!"What's her problem? I wonder!"


Jung su was reading a novel on the table placed on the far corner of his room. The knocking on the door made him stopped what he was doing and waiting for the knocker to enter. He leaned his back to his chair, and put his palm beneath his chin.

"Jung su, can I talk to you for a bit?" hyung mi, Jung su's father asked.

"what do you want?" Jung su asked and he didn't bother himself to look at his father at all.

Hyung mi made his way to where Jung su was and sit on the chair placed near his table.

"son, we have decided on your wedding date…"

Jung su turned his head stunningly and his facial expression changed within second!

"and… you're here to inform me, not to discuss it with me, RIGHT?" Jung su said pissed off.


Jung su chuckled in anger and tried to control himself, but it seems things getting all in all at once which he couldn’t handle at all.

"what happened to your face?" hyung mi asked showing his worry in his words.


"you involved in another brawl? When are you going to quit this habit?"

"what have you discussed with Tae san-sshi?" Jung su diverted the question.

"well…since your summer vacation is soon, we are deciding to make it next month"

"you're ….kidding me?!" Jung su hit the table furiously.

"am not! We settled everything and you have to be prepared"

"I don't believe you both! Just for the sake of business and your achievement, you're going to ruin your child's life! How disgusting!" Jung su said frustrating about the whole matter.

"it might be for business to him, but for me…it's more than that, Jung su" hyung mi said with a deep voice and leer that made Jung su shiver.

"w-w-why you sound like you're seeking for revenge?" Jung su chuckled at his own words.


As the reply went out hyung mi's mouth, Jung su widened his eyes in shock.

"are you…"

"I'm afraid but I won't force you to recall anything, jung su! But believe me, as time goes by you'll find out the truth…but for now, let me do what I'm planning for…" hyung mi paused as he witness the shocked Jung su then added "I hope your whining and your question is answered now"

He heaved a sigh at his father's cold reply, everything in his head was mixed up to the point he blanked, didn't know what to say to him! Jung su was thinking that all this mess because of Jessica's father and for the sake of his company that faces a crises.

He thought that Jessica wants to stick with him by providing the idea of marriage to her father…that's why that day when he met her at the coffee shop alone, he attacked her without clear reasons! And whenever he sees her he would just hate it. however, all his images were faded away as his father spelled his words to him. it turned out to be all planned by his father…all alone!

"you're…calling yourself human being? Adding your son in your crucial plan…and putting me in your dirty game…and when I'm already into it…you answered my question just NOW?!"

Jung su pushed his chair away and stared blankly at his father. Even though, when he did that the pain on his back returned to him, but he was trying to focus his attention to his heartless father!

"I won't say anything to you…" hyung mi said with a smile then added "you know…Revenge is often like biting a dog… because the dog bit you!" he paused again. "son, I know how you're in pain…"

"I'm not asking you to help me! stop acting like insane! You're seeking for revenge? Are you kidding me? the word itself has no mercy! What are you thinking off, dad?"

"I'm not going to kill anyone…but rather, I'll be glad watching them falling apart as the leaves of the tree!" hyung mi said and the idea itself made him relief.

"I can't believe your words!"

"you'll…after remembering your past…clearly! Not just part of it."

"remembering?" Jung su mumbled.

"please! Dad! I'm begging you! It has not to do anything with us! I can't!"

"I'm asking you this…for the sake of your mother"

"it has not… to do… anything with …her!" he said separately as he lost his power gradually and leaned his hand on the table beside him.

"Jung su!! Are you ok? What's wrong?" hyung mi came closer to him and caught his arm trying to hold him. "you didn't take your medicine, did you?" hyung mi asked while trying to hold him and lead him to his bed.

Jung su suddenly collapsed and fainted on his father's arm from his pain and his pressure which made the latter harried and lied him on the bed.

"I'm sorry son, I should treat you better…but I can't handle seeing you in pain…anymore!"

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Chapter 1: share more please
Yuuki-chan #2
Chapter 26: I just read your story at once, and I love it!! I love so much TeukSica couple! And here they are amazing!!
I just read you story and it was so so great! I loves the interaction sbetween Jess and Jung su! Thi swas amazing thanks for writing this story! :D
coolll.. i spent my day for read your ff. you make me go crazy about teuksica. aish!<br />
COOOLLLL~~~ one of the best fanfic i ever read
I read this in three hours it was so good !!! i luved it *claps hands* YAY <br />
Shira-chan #6
it's okay honey~ as you said, better late than never <33 glad to know you liked the ending despite that Jessica ended up with Jung su ;P I appreciate your words so seriously each word ;D <br />
as always, you raised my hope so high <3 <br />
I'll do my best in my next fiction...because I really don't know how to write a comedy like story, but I'll take it as a challenge ;D I hope I'll see you around soon and to see your support either <3 <br />
you too, thank you so much!
jam_9445 #7
sorry for bein late but better late then never right sooo..CONGRATULATIONS ON COMPLETING UR AWSOME STORY!! ROCK ON! LOVE E STORY! i like how u ended everyting smoothly without making it seemed rush and e way u wrote it made it perfect! very touchin and super! even though it was nt heesica in e end im still very happy wif tis fanfic and loved every moment readin it! im kinda upset tat i'll hav no mre chapters to read and wait for updates..but im glad u were able to complete it successfully! CONGRATS once again and i hope to read future ffs of yours! take care and all the best^^
Shira-chan #8
@snsdyoonaislove: hey sweetie <33 sorry if no more yoonhae disappointed you T_T but glad you read it despite that fact; cause sometime the content of the story what the reader needs to involve himself and to build his own imagination world along with the characters ^_^ and I TRULY LOVE your comment <33 <br />
I will write new one soon and I hope to see you as one of my readers too =D thank you SO MUCH dear =D your words encourage me so much <33<br />
<br />
@4ever9: thank you honey, your supportive words were seriously pushing me to write more ^_^ thank you for your time to read and to comment as well <33 this meant a lot to me...I hope that I'll pass writing that rom-com...can't wait to have your support again <3 thank you =D
4ever9 #9
Oh, I forgot to hug you back kkk. Here *hugs*
4ever9 #10
The last chap is really nice. <br />
Congratulation on finishing this fic ^^<br />
Waiting for your next fic :) (And yay for rom-com ^^)<br />