Chapter ..21..

Different Worlds Live Under One Roof..!


Walking down the streets, letting the rain to hit him and wet him without any mercy. He didn't even give much attention to the few people who crashed into him inadvertently. splashing the water beneath his feet while accelerating once and slow down his speed once. Nothing in his mind was paying any heed to any surrounding things, it was repeating the conversation that occurred earlier with his father.

Jung su couldn't look more than sick human being walking on earth searching for some air…searching for some shoulder to rest just for this short moment, for short awhile.

Even though he said he didn't believe his father's words, yet his mind was pressuring him and forcing him to believe…everything is heading to the same point…to the same man,…the things about his mother's cheating were true, and no doubt of that.

His heartbeat was increasing rapidly whenever the word cheating flashed in his head, furious and grim were all what his facial expression was telling people who passed by him. remembering the last bit of the conversation before he left his father behind was all he could recall at the remain moment……

"don't ever do that! You've to stick with the plans!"

"I'll never follow your stepsanymore unless I hear the whole thing by my both ears"

"jung su…you promised me! you promised that you'll do it for your mother…" Hyung mi said as he walked near jung su to prevent him from moving away and heading to the man who stole his wife.

"it has nothing to do with my promise! And if it possible, I'll break this promise! You didn't answer my question…. I'll go to see Tae san, this is my answer"

Hyung mi's face after hearing the name of the most hateful man reaching his ears made his calm disappear, made the composed self he wanted to contain, fade away. The guy before him was just made a big block between him and his father, he didn't want to hear his father's point of view anymore. His son, was near yet too far. What he should do to prevent his son from stepping this dangerous step? He has to stop him…if he went there, then more gifts would be opened to him!

Even though Jung su didn't have one clue that his father was lying to him, but his gut was telling him so! He was sure that his father's plan was just an excuse like he always does! He can't trust his father, he just don't want it! he has to stop it before he goes deep in it…because then, would be no return…there's no return when you drown down with your grudge.

"Jung su…you can't destroy what I've built, if you want to quit, then quit it and leave me complete it by my own! DON'T YOU DARE TO GO TO HIM…..FOR YOUR MOTHER, REMEMBER THAT!"

Didn't give any heed, he went out hot on his heel leaving his father shouting like a madman alone………..

Now, after the flashing end off with so pressure…he stood in front of Tae san's home with shaking body, his legs brought him unknowingly to the meant place. It was so clear that he's separated, his body and his thoughts. Finally, he reached to the man who could solve the throwing puzzle, the man who could help him going out of the maze.

Why it seems the distance to Tae san's home was short yet he felt it way too long?  

Under the rain, without un umbrella, with no one but the harsh weather that shared with him the sadness and the overbear feelings. He was wet to the point as if he was sinking in a tank of water and just got out from it!

He was standing there, hesitant covered him up after remembering his father's words. Even though he really didn't like his father's lifestyle, but he was thinking about him, he was concerning about him.

" you can't destroy what I've built, if you want to quit, then quit it and leave me complete it by my own!"

what if he asked Tae san? If his father was telling him the truth, then why he was so freaking afraid? Or…was he just didn't want his plan to be discovered? But…he won't display his father's intention! He just want to know the hidden truth…that's it!

standing and standing….nothing was filling him but widely mixed emotions… Guilt, confused, concern, fear, care, pain, grim and what more love. love, the least emotion he was expecting it to occur, the least in the world…

with all this conflicting emotions and feelings, it all made his nose bleeding once again and of course, he didn't give damn to it. all his thoughts were aiming about whether he should ask Tae san or just get back home!


Go back home? Jessica? This is either an ironic option!

3:00 AM

Waiting….waiting and waiting, was all what Jung su did that night. refused to move one inch from Tae san's home.

4:00 AM

He finally made up his thought and with so much insistence, he stood in front of the gate waiting the light to shine to greet him, waiting Tae san to go out from his net to go to his work then he could catch him.

5:00 AM

Sometime, this guy, can be the stupid guy ever…

6:00 AM

As his simple plan, the light started to spread all over the wide sky, but still…the rain wouldn't stop bothering Jung su, or was the rain just supporting him and telling him that there is someone watching his moves?

7:00 AM

His body started to shake like nonstop, his legs couldn't carry him no longer! The guy was being harsh to himself, he was like punishing himself! Nonetheless, it didn't prevent him to stand up straightly once again to get what he wanted.

7:30 AM…

The door opened…

"what the…JUNG SU? What are you doing standing here like that?" Tae san's aghast was written all over his face. leaning his umbrella to hide Jung su from the unkind rain with so much care.

"come inside…"

"were you cheating your wife with my mother?" he interrupted Jessica's father with his ghost like face and voice. He was obviously lacking the power, he was so vulnerable! Nevertheless, he asked, didn't give him the latter the chance to describe how worried he was for him.


"were you cheating your wife with my mother?" Jung su didn't really get bothered repeating the words again, like an out of order robot.

Tae san's soft expression stiffened when he heard the soulless guy replaying the question twice.

"look at your face! let's go inside, I don’t know what you're talking about!" wanting to drag Jung su inside, but to no avail. He was standing like a hard stone unable to move nor feel anything.

"I won't be moving from here unless you reply me…" stopping his stern voice, Jung su suddenly grabbed Tae san's hand with a pleaded eyes that were almost dropped a tear from the overbear feeling.

"please, I'm begging you, tell me that all of that is just fake…please"

For all his life, he didn't beg anyone, nor he pleaded anyone before. This was his first time, and it broke him into pieces, it shattered his pride….

it is so hard to need, yet…you can't help it but asks for help.

He hid how broken he was, he hid how wished to be in his grave, he hid how hard to stand like that! Was his father knew that his son would be so weak, so that he warned him to not get close to Tae san??

"son…please, don't be like that!" Tae san, pitied how Jung su was like losing his self, losing his soul…losing every bit of his body…..slowly!

"PLEASE…TELL ME THE TRUTH! YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS! the rumor about you having an affair with my mother, were all fake? Isn't it?"


This was the answer that calmed the nerve within Jung su like forever. But, was Tae san lying? In case to satisfy the frustrating Jung su? Who knows…!

"now, let us go inside! Your face is so freaking pale…"

"I've waited here the whole night to hear the actuality…don't you dare to lie to me! I'm not the kid who played around you any longer! JUST SPELL THE TRUTH!"

Tae san was so clam…seeing the volcano like guy before him didn't vibrate a bit in him, but he was pitying him…that was all written in his eyes.

"you're crazy then…" Tae san replied quietly, leaning the umbrella on Jung su's side to hide both of them from the rain once again. even though Tae san's shoulders started to catch some of the unkind rain on it.

"before you questioning me anything….do you trust your mom?" Tae san replied with the utmost care in his voice yet the cautious filled his eyes.

The out of order like Jung su blanked at Tae san's way of talking that calmed him someway…yet he was guilty because this trust vibrate…it actually faded.

"y-yes…I do" he lied, yet he said it…because he believed that he shouldn't let his suspicious to take it over him.

"then, you've to trust my words…if you want to hear the whole story here, I'll be gladly sharing it with you …here" Tae san said walking one step forward to be near him enough to study his messed up face.

"I just want to hear the truth…that's all what am asking you" Jung su asked while his voice faded away with the sound of the downpour rain. Every part of his body was powerless, yet his mind was forcing him to stand and to hear what he wanted from the man before him.

"you probably didn't know this piece of information, but we were like one family…before each one of us build his own wealth, we were like truly one family…" he paused scanning the dead face like before him and continued since Jung su's stare was like telling him to not stop.

But hearing this apprise, made Jung su's heart somehow warmed. Was it fate then that gathered them again?

"hyung mi was the kind of jealous man, who wants the spot lights always to focus on him. we were all happily together at the beginning, but after how closed we got, Hyung mi didn't like the relationship that gathered me with Hae jin-your mother, even though, my wife was always the one who fixed our appointments….we were together until hyung mi did something and shake us all…separated us all…."

"you're not asking my question!" the impatient Jung su interrupted Tae san, bored written all over his face.

"your father was the one who started it…he cheated on your mother"

Swallowing really hard all at once from the piece of information given by Tae san. It was like a tough slap printed on Jung su's face, it actually blurred his vision for seconds from the sudden shock he received!

What the hell was this? A game?

Hae jin cheated on Hyung mi…

While in fact, hyung mi was cheating on Hae jin?

Jung su couldn't understand Tae san's words at all! Or he didn't want to hear such words! He's getting away from puzzle to stick with other one…great, just GREAT!

"where the hell was I raising at? What a family to be proud of!!" Jung su uttered mockingly…sarcasm was the lead of this situation! He couldn't take this story seriously either! What the….?

"Jung su….did you know why your mother did that?....... She just want him to feel how it's hard to know that the one who you love is walking away from you, moreover, cheating you! Do you know how hard it's for a woman to bear this kind of life? do you know how patient was your mother? She didn't do anything wrong for your dad, she showered him with love, she gave him the most treasure thing to a woman or a girl…her heart! yet…all what he did for her was cheating and treating her badly!"


As the words found it ways to enter Jung su's ears then automatically his heart….it made sense, it slowly made sense to him…. so that's why his father didn't want him to go to see the man called Tae san?...still confused!

"you could hear everywhere that I'm the most heartless person in the economic field…you could still hear about how I kicked my child, my only son because of his reckless act, and it stills the talk of the town. I don't like playing with fire, I build my wealth by my both hands……and as a man, Jung su; you could tell how it means for us to reach this point,"

he paused, scanning the soulless still like face before him, his face paled within second, but he refused to move.

"but…when it comes to my life that I created, when it comes to my wife that she meant everything to me, I'd stop being the heartless man! the 3 of us, heymi, Hae jin and I were all planning how we could make the fearless Hyung mi fall apart…as how he made Hae jin suffered…we all planed to seem to the public that she had an affair with me,"

he stopped couldn't complete when he noticed how Jung su started to daze out, fighting with his eyes to open it, nevertheless, with Jung su's hand gesture that indicated Tae san to continue on the story he would die to hear.

"I know that it might affect my position in the future, but the desire of wanting to help my friend and how Heymi was worried as well, makes me take the risk and do it….and that's why, we took you when you were still kid, because we wanted to be save…with your innocence presence…"

Jung su swallowed hardly, couldn't handle it alone at all. What he should do? It was so complicated! Why his father cheated on his mother? What did she do to gain such a heartless act?

She did nothing!

She did nothing, yet, his father cheated on her, yet, his father wanted a revenge to cause the pain to all of them who made him suffered! While in reality, in fact, he was the one who started it! what kind of revenge he was asking for then? Strange life!

"son, let's stop it now, look at your face! I can't complete it anymore…"

From the deadly face that showed nothing but illness, Tae san couldn't complete his story under the rain any longer! But the stubborn guy wanted to know everything before moving one inch from his place…

"please, just continue, I'm fine"

Nodding with agreement, Tae san continued after swallowing hard…

"son…I know how your father wanted to take a revenge on me!"

Shock, it was all in Jung su's face. widened his eyes in so much worries and disbelieve. How…?

"do you think I don't know who's the person who put my company to it lines? Do you think I don't know that he's aiming to make me return to the zero again? I'm totally aware of his moves…but I preferred to shush, I want him to enjoy the blessing of his so simple plan for now! but I'll never allow him to destroy me…ever"

"why did you approve of the marriage? Why did you claim that you don't even know me?" stern filled Jung su's sick eyes that he fought it to let it wide open. And aside, he ignored the piece of information Tae san shared with him, he must not get deep into the revenge part……for his father's sake, he's still his father after all.

"for this one, I just let it happen…I thought, if I did that, the media would support me even more for my decision and to let them know how my relationship with Hyung mi is as better as before…."

"it's all about money…again! huh!" Jung su shrugged. After all, the-only-for-money-man still exist in this whole story. And this part was the only truth that spelled from Hyung mi's mouth! Just this bit…

"I didn't claim that I didn't know you. beside, I know about your loss of memory when we were in the hospital back there, so I didn't want to return the pain for you since you didn't seem to remember me at all…but now it seems you gained it somehow in some way."

Tae san paused inhaling deeply, organizing his thoughts and sighed then added.

"I only ignored the fact that I had a 'fake affair' with your mom, because you were the only one who saw us walking hand in hand, but …seeing how mature you're now, seeing how manly you're now…really makes me feel how I'm guilty for the stupid plan that caused more troubles to us….all of us! " said Tae san.

The remorse was all in his voice. If he could back the time, then he would absolutely back it to where they discussed on the plan. He would reject it without thinking twice. Helping her would be by staying by her side, not destroying her and her family. That all what Tae san was thinking about. He would truly grant this wish…

"you should be guilty!! you didn't help her when she needed you that day…" referring to the car accident, Jung su said firmly to him, never forgetting how his mother was lying on the street bleeding all over her body. This scene sent the chills up through his body, losing his self composing that he gained it minutes ago after remembering this part.

"we all were in danger! I couldn't move that day either…I swear if I had the power then I wouldn't hesitate to help her out! I swear if I could change it then I would prefer to die rather than her! you have no idea how I truly wanted to forget this memory! but Heymi always supporting me and she's the reason why I'm still compose!"


"I'm sorry for all this mess, I'm sorry for making you suffer as well"

Not replying with words, everything is so clear now. and he believes the man's words. He really believed it whole heartedly. His words made him so much relief…and he couldn't deny how happy he was after discovering how innocent his mother was. She's still the woman who he would sacrifice his life for. his guilt wasn't gone with the wind…his guilt was on the right person. His mother was really the great gift in his life, and this fact didn't change, Thanks God.

Thought comes and thought goes, until Jung su opened his mouth with his question that he didn't find an answer for it.

"what about his second life? about my father's affair? Did he end it when he knows that my mother was cheating on him?"

"no, not for a bit. He is like a kid, once he finds something he likes, he will make it for him…all alone! I bet you he has a child now and maybe as young as you! But I don't know her nor her face…that's all what I know"

"all of this…my mother's plan wasn't on the right track? All what she did didn't prevent him from stopping? Didn't let him feel how she badly felt and how badly she was affected?"

"unfortunately no, as I said, he wanted the revenge….he probably thinks that I stole his woman, his candy. that's why he's doing the game, even though I told him about the plan…but to no avail, he doesn't want to believe me no matter how much I tried!"

"you know him very well…!" with a faded voice that showed nothing but zombie body, Jung su exclaimed as how Jessica's father really knows what kind of person Hyung mi is!

Even if Tae san would be the heartless man in the economic field, then Hyung mi would be the heartless man in society field as well! Too opposite men were friends, strange life.

"3 years let you know more than you wanted, son"

Almost falling on the ground but leaned to the wall behind him.

" OMG, I told you it's crazy to stay outside, let's get inside!"

Trying to hold Jung su's wet body to drag him inside. But Jung su pushed his hands softly didn't want to enter his home. He didn't want to enter the home which he was about to destroy, the home which he was about to shutter into pieces…to shutter the person who raised in into million pieces!

"go to your company…your money is waiting you" Jung su said with his roar voice as he gazed Tae san and the desire of wanting to resist the pain was formed in his hard trying to open his lazy eyes.

"but…thanks for giving me your time….thanks for clearing my mother…thanks for helping her, thanks for supporting her…you and Heymi-sshi"

Nodded with relief, Tae san patted Jung su's back warmly, resting the coldness that covered him aside.

"take my umbrella…"

"please, I need to be alone…hearing all of that at once, just….I want to be alone" Jung su said as he tried to stand on his feet straightly, refusing to take what Tae san offered him.

Sighing couldn't insist no longer, Tae san knew how it really hard to have such a life and what more discovered it at a late age! He left with so much hesitant as he gazed Jung su time to time till he rode his deluxe car.

"if you need anything just call me" this was the last words he said before he left the spot for Jung su and for the rain to hit him roughly.

Out of blue, the rain stopped above Jung su's head which made him raising his head to see the kind sky that pitied him too…but it wasn't the sky nor wasn't the rain that stopped, it was an umbrella that covered his head. He turned his head to the owner of this so warm shadow…

"Jessica?" stiffened at his place, as the thunder boomed as a background music from the jolt he felt when his eyes met hers…

Her eyes were red, she was crying again…she was absolutely there the whole time!

She decided to go to her house to tell her mother's bodyguards to search for the missing Jung su! It terrified her and prevent her from taking a peaceful sleep. she couldn't wait any longer. She just made up her thought, once the sky is lightened, she will go to her house!

Standing there the whole time…

Hiding herself behind the wall didn't do to her a good favor, she was hearing every bit of the conversation which made her crying her eyes out! She was touched as how the life was cruel on her, on him

why she should be the daughter of the man who he risked his life for another woman?

Why she should be the girl that fell in love with the son of that woman?


He couldn't understand why she was so emotional with her stare, yet he was thankful in some way to her to appear in such time! This feeling couldn't find it a good explanation, just; he was thankful to her presence.

"I'm sorry….to what happened to your mother! I'm sorry on my father behalf, on my mother behalf…" she parted her lips, trying to hide how painful it was on her! she tried to be composed but her voice betrayed her, it showed how in so conflict world she was! But she can't help it! it was so damn hard on her!

She hated it when she heard how her father's blaming himself but acting coolly all the time! She hated it more when she saw how broken the guy before her….it was so hard!

Scanning her face with realizing eyes, she showed up in time that the conversation between him and her father began. What a great timing! He lowered his head leaning his body to the wall, putting the least power he has on it. and the smirk she missed it so much, draw on his skin…it wasn't mocking nor sarcasm…he just used to smirk whenever he sees her….it started to be a habit in him!!

"if…and only if apologizes could bring deaths to lives again….then I'll gladly accept yours," he paused searching for air to inhale before he added "but knowing that it's neither me nor your fault, takes a lot off of my chest…"

Closing his eyes with relief then opened it with laziness, he placed his eyes on hers that made him smile for a bit to see her small smile. It did, his words relief her for the first time!

"let's go to our home, please" she didn't want to involve in so much talking with him not when he was saving the last bit of his power, not when his eyes held a lot of pain that she would be trying to take it off him, not when he fought his eyes to return the tears that clung in it …

and then she realized… that the time when he saw her with so much shock in the lobby wasn't because of the scene he saw, the scene she shared it with heechul nor the tears that he dropped it because of her…it was so ridiculous to believe that he would do such things for her.

Now, it all made sense to her, and it all broke the last hope that this guy would ever hold feelings to her.

"our? Jessica….there's no our, no us! From now on, we would be separated…I'll free you, I don't want to be a block that prevent you from having your own life, I simply don't want to prevent you from your needs…I will stay away from your life, so that you could have a blessing life with him!"

Opening widely her eyes, couldn't believe the words that he threw to her like a bomb. Chocking with her own air that she struggled to inhale. It always like that…whenever she wants to be near him, he pushes her away!

"w-what are you talking about?" she asked, her eyes looked straight into his. There was nothing but pain within their eyes…both of them.

But…indeed, What is this guy is talking about??

"Jessica…" he parted his white like lips, he was shivering, yet he ignored it again! what a stubborn guy!

"I could tell, I'm not the guy who you're searching for, I'm not the one in your heart! It's so obvious that….the guy whose name heechul is the one there! Don't mixed up your emotions, I might be just a crush in your life, but the one who you really love, need, want…is heechul!"

Couldn't take his words seriously, it actually pissed Jessica off to hear such words from him! who is he to talk on her behalf?? Who said that? She was in shock that formed blur in her eyes, she couldn't see anything in her view from her jolt! Why he always assuming things that didn't really occur? Why is he always so confident about his words?

Leaving the spot and moving a little bit from her which she didn't pay attention to it, she didn't notice that he actually left her. she was so damn focusing in his words as if she wanted to assure herself first! He just screw her and left! What a jerk!

"see?" Jung su parted his lips when he didn't notice any moves from her. coming back to earth when she heard him and turning her head to where he was, she ran to him and covered his head which made him chuckled a bit!


she was boiling up! She was truly wanted to do something to him…like hitting him on the face or slapping his cheeks!

"you didn't even notice me when heechul's name entered your heart, you didn't even blink your eyes from the realization! So, don't put yourself in equation you aren't even in! go to him, and confess to him! you know better about him, you're much comfortable around him and you need him"

Hearing the word need over and over again didn't do a favor to her at all! It only made her remember how selfish she was and how immature she is! Even though his words were like a sword to her heart, she didn't reply him nor look at his face which made him sure about his words even more!

"during these days or at least 2 weeks from now, I'll div…."

"you're so heartless to the point I can't even explain!" Jessica uttered unbelievably at how she reached her peeks, she knew that he wanted to spell 'divorce' but she didn't want to hear it, she interrupted him with much sorrow! The heartache she felt during this session equal all the pain he caused her several years ago!

This was a solo matter, a solo situation, a solo ache by it owns!

She didn't want to talk in this ungodly time, but he pushed her to the edge, her patience with him was wearing thin…

"you are talking to me as if I don’t really know my heart, you don't have the right to talk on my behalf!" the tears gathered in her eyes as she didn't dare to gaze him, the heartache within her was pushing her blood all over her body in such hasty! she just couldn't handle this Jung su at all…

he doesn't know how much she suffers for him! yet, he claimed stupidity and now he claimed as if he knows her heart! Really a jerk!

These words made Jung su stared up at her, with so much curiosity that lightened in his pale face and his lazy eyes.

"what are you calling it when I tried hard to approach you since we were in high school? What are you calling it when I can't bear seeing you walking with other girl? what are you calling it when I can't stand seeing you in pain? What are you calling it when….."

chocking with her breath as her tears found it ways out of her eyes. She couldn't believe that she spelled it. she now confessing her love once again to him! how it's really hard to step over your pride to the same person over and over again? how love is cruel sometime!

Jung su who lost in her words stood helplessly at how she explode with her words…he was touched, and that what made him silent and shushed.

"I…I……..really hate myself whenever I cry over you, because of you! I really can't stand myself when I cry over a guy who ever considered me as a girl! you have no idea how I'm through the day burning from all of these things!" she stopped wiping her tears while tightened her grip around the pole of the umbrella.

"I might not really know your life,  and I don't, for always you pushing me aside…but as far as I can, I know who you're, because the person who I truly care about is you, and only you…the person who is that kind and that faithful…"

She now dared to stare straight into his lost stare… and her next statement took him off guard…

"what is it called when I want to take your pain away, and more, I wish if I could transfer all the pain in you, to me….what do you call it when I stepped over my heart just to see you smile? whenI ask for love like a pathetic person? what do you call it, Jung su?"

the firmness in her eyes told him all what she was hiding to him, her voice melt the ice cube through his whole body! Her voice and tears did melt his parts…he couldn't reply her, he was still lost for words!

"if you don't know…then don't dare to talk on my behalf, because I fairly know what is in my heart….and what is in, won't you know it and feel it no matter how I tried! So, please! don't ever talk about me as you already knew me!" she inhaled achingly, moving a little backward trying to leave the spot for him, to leave him alone…

"I wished always…that I can ignore you like how you always ignore me, then, and only then…I wouldn't be in this position! and from now on…we will be separated, I'd move on…I don't want to suffer ever again because someone who barely cares about me! we will be separated, so you can live your life as well…."

No reply, just as a dead body fell on the ground, hitting every possible water spot beneath him causing a huge splash from the powerful colliding. Jung su couldn't hold his conscious self any longer, he was holding back his ache, his illness, and now…Jessica was giving him a long lecture that ached him even more…he couldn't hear anything after "will be separated"….everything stopped it motion when Jung su fell, even Jessica who was ready to leave at his so pathetic self…couldn't leave him and ran to him frightfully…

You have no choice when you love….yet, you can't ask for love!



I think that I'll end this story with 3 more chapters?! something like that ^_^

until now I finished chapter 22 and as soon when I have time I'll post it....for now, I really hope this chapter will gain your love ^_^ 

because chapter 22 holds more surprsie for you guys....wait a little!

 the story is about to end soon <3 I hope that it will not surpass chapter 25 xDD

your comments are truly appreciated

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Chapter 1: share more please
Yuuki-chan #2
Chapter 26: I just read your story at once, and I love it!! I love so much TeukSica couple! And here they are amazing!!
I just read you story and it was so so great! I loves the interaction sbetween Jess and Jung su! Thi swas amazing thanks for writing this story! :D
coolll.. i spent my day for read your ff. you make me go crazy about teuksica. aish!<br />
COOOLLLL~~~ one of the best fanfic i ever read
I read this in three hours it was so good !!! i luved it *claps hands* YAY <br />
Shira-chan #6
it's okay honey~ as you said, better late than never <33 glad to know you liked the ending despite that Jessica ended up with Jung su ;P I appreciate your words so seriously each word ;D <br />
as always, you raised my hope so high <3 <br />
I'll do my best in my next fiction...because I really don't know how to write a comedy like story, but I'll take it as a challenge ;D I hope I'll see you around soon and to see your support either <3 <br />
you too, thank you so much!
jam_9445 #7
sorry for bein late but better late then never right sooo..CONGRATULATIONS ON COMPLETING UR AWSOME STORY!! ROCK ON! LOVE E STORY! i like how u ended everyting smoothly without making it seemed rush and e way u wrote it made it perfect! very touchin and super! even though it was nt heesica in e end im still very happy wif tis fanfic and loved every moment readin it! im kinda upset tat i'll hav no mre chapters to read and wait for updates..but im glad u were able to complete it successfully! CONGRATS once again and i hope to read future ffs of yours! take care and all the best^^
Shira-chan #8
@snsdyoonaislove: hey sweetie <33 sorry if no more yoonhae disappointed you T_T but glad you read it despite that fact; cause sometime the content of the story what the reader needs to involve himself and to build his own imagination world along with the characters ^_^ and I TRULY LOVE your comment <33 <br />
I will write new one soon and I hope to see you as one of my readers too =D thank you SO MUCH dear =D your words encourage me so much <33<br />
<br />
@4ever9: thank you honey, your supportive words were seriously pushing me to write more ^_^ thank you for your time to read and to comment as well <33 this meant a lot to me...I hope that I'll pass writing that rom-com...can't wait to have your support again <3 thank you =D
4ever9 #9
Oh, I forgot to hug you back kkk. Here *hugs*
4ever9 #10
The last chap is really nice. <br />
Congratulation on finishing this fic ^^<br />
Waiting for your next fic :) (And yay for rom-com ^^)<br />