Chapter ..11..

Different Worlds Live Under One Roof..!

2 days later…

Jessica and Yoona had their launch together, but apparently, each one was spacing out thinking about their own problems! The mood between them wasn't good at all, since the morning they didn't spell a word to each other, just greeting and smiling stupidly! No one had stepped first to put an end to this mess until yoona finally figured out that she was hanging around with her best friend!

"Jessi?" yoona exclaimed beneath her lips. She put her juice on the table and stared at her blank friend's face.

Jessica whom was in her own dreaming land tilted her head to where her friend was absent mindedly. She put down her hands and gave a blank stare to Yoona.

"what’s wrong? you haven't talked to me lately, and now, your mind is flying faraway! Did something happen to you?" yoona opened her eyes widely to check on her friend then slapped jokingly Jessica's arm to wake her up from her dreams!

"nothing happened! hmmm…Well…I don’t know whether I should talk about it or not either…" Jessica pouted and lowered her head.

After hearing these words yoona got panic for some reason, she was deadly worried about Jessica!

"what? so there's something happened to you! You shouldn't hide anything from me!" yoona got hyper and almost scolding the one beside her to let her in dark!

"calm down! I won't hide anything from you, but it's just a matter of time! I'm still not believing it!" Jessica clarified herself and cleared then drank her juice.

"I will wait you, but you better be honest!" yoona gave her a glare then completed her drink the latter.

Jessica couldn't smile after thinking about what had happened to her, it was like a dream…or even like a nightmare! She wasn't sure if being happy would settle things down or being sad over her stupidity! She was totally in mess! Thinking about the matter over and over again made her heart beating faster.

She finished her drink then again placed her eyes on Yoona for a moment.

Yoona felt Jessica's gaze which made her look at her friend too in a confused manner!

"BO?" yoona questioned while the straw in .

"Yoona?! I don't see you with siwon anymore?! I don't know if it's only me who feel this way, but is there something wrong?" Jessica asked with her kiddy voice and innocent look.

Yoona got choked in her drink then looked again at Jessica stunningly. She swallowed her saliva and decided to answer her friend's question.

"ah…yeah…about that, yeah…" yoona got confused and didn't know how to say her words properly! Jessica opened her eyes widely couldn't hide her anxious at all. She jumped to conclusion before even let yoona completed her sentence.

"don't tell me!! that's can't be! What am thinking about…isn't true, right?" Jessica said fearfully.

"NO NO! why are you only looking at the dark side?!" yoona pouted .

"OMG! I almost had a heart attack! Then, what happened?!" Jessica asked curiously and came closer to yoona's side.

Yoona heaved a sigh then completed her words.

-well, we had a fight…


-omg! don't act childishly! We HAD a fight, but we are fine now…Jessi…?


-I told him about my past, about your brother….it took me so much courage to open my mouth, but I told him and settle things down.

-you…WHAT? you're kidding me! how was his reaction?

-he was expecting it! I knew he would feel it! but since everything was in the past, he totally ignored it and told me to move on!

-thanks GOD! He thinks before he speaks! You're lucky!

-I know~ no need to mention that every time~ but you know, it's all because of heechul-sshi….thanks to his illness!

Yoona said then chuckled at her own words. Jessica's face changed upside down after hearing the word 'illness', the depression was something very obvious on her face.

"what now? I said we are fine, but we need some time to be as we were before…you know" Yoona asked.

"hmmm…heechul-sshi…he is sick?" Jessica asked separately.

"no, he should be fine by now! siwon took good care of him!" Yoona replied to her with a satisfy voice.

"why everything happened all at once?! It's strange…" Jessica mumbled.

"Jessica…there's something I really couldn't understand until now…" yoona said as the distress and muddy mood covered her up all up sudden. After mentioning heechul, that feeling exist her again which made her confused!

Jessica could read the stress on yoona's face which led her to pat her friend's back in wonder and warmly.

"finally! You'll say what you're thinking off without my bugging! Tell me, I may help you if I can!" Jessica said with a warm smile. yoona flashed to her friend a smile either and took some time to spell her words.

"I saw heechul-sshi faints in front of me!" yoona said as her mind flashed to her the horrible moments.

"so?" Jessica asked confusedly.

"I cried out loud! I can't understand why, but my tears refused to stop!" Yoona stopped when she felt that her talking was somehow silly! "never mind!" she closed the conversation and looked to the other side.

"yah, yoona! you've to tell me whatever you feel! So, you're telling me that you are bothered by your tears?" Jessica tend her head to see her friend's expression.

"it's not like I'm bothered! But…when he was lying on his bed…I…my heart…I…no…"she stopped again "I said never mind! It's a useless thought"

Jessica stared at yoona for awhile to understand her words a bit. She herself felt bothered by yoona's words!

"yoona! are you aware of your talking? You're not drunk, right?" Jessica said and changed her sight to the people passing beside them then again placed it at yoona

"you're telling me that you're holding feelings toward that guy? While siwon is your boyfriend?! Is that make sense?"

"NO! not exactly what I meant…when my heart was beating that night, I was sure it wasn't love …it was something else! And that's what I couldn't understand! I swear" Yoona said quickly and clarified herself with a hard breath. She didn't want Jessica to take a wrong idea about her!

"what kind of feeling then you're talking about?" Jessica still investigating her in so serious manner.

"I don't know! That's why am telling you…to find a way out of this mess!"

"but if things turned upside down…and you betrayed siwon I won't forgive you…keep that in your mind!" Jessica pouted, but immediately draw a smile on her face.

"I won't forgive myself either! Don’t worry, I won't hurt anyone anymore…" she remembered a person after hearing her own words, she was about to nostalgic the days again…but she erased him right away and put her thoughts on the right person, Siwon.

"yoona, please…I want the best for you…don't harm yourself again, I don't want to see you breaking down!" Jessica said with a warm tone holding yoona's hand with a smile.

Yoona felt her friend's warm and nodded to her in silence.

"can we leave?" Jessica said. "we spent too much time here!"

They took their books and wore their jackets and headed out the coffee shop in their campus. But as soon as they went out, Jessica asked Yoona something related to siwon.

"ah! I forgot to ask you about siwon-sshi! When the competition will start? I want badly to cheer for him!" she asked while walking toward the garden.

"YAH! Don't ever dream to take my spot!" Yoona sent a glare to Jessica joyfully. Jessica slapped Yoona's arm playfully for her joke.

"green monster won't change…ever!"

"don't call me that! Anyway, blondy~ the competition will take its place by next week…I guess!" yoona said as she rolling her eyes trying to remember the actual date, but her mind betrayed her.

"next week? It's really close! By the way, is Jung su one of the team members?" Jessica asked with a mischievous smile and gaze.

"omg!" yoona stopped for a bit after seeing jung su in their view "why when we always mentioning him, he appears from nowhere!! Gosh, is he a ghost?!" she completed as they made their way to sit on one of the benches. Jessica couldn't take her eyes over him. the envious was written all over her face. seeing him hanging with Taeyeon with a wide smile, made her wish one thing…one thing…."what if I was her? would that make him satisfy?"

Yoona pushed Jessica with her elbow as she was able to feel the aura that covered Jessica suddenly.

"don't you feel tired? Just forget him! he's arrogant and ignorant! I don't see anything good in him! the question is why…."

"yoona…please, you don't have to badmouth him to make me feel better!" Jessica interrupted her and completed "it's my fault after all! I was the one who chose to fall in love with him!" Jessica said and bowed her head and felt distressed at her words.

"it's not you, Jessi. It's your heart! And I know this feeling very well! It's…you have to overcome it, you should buried it and move on!" Yoona counseled her.

"I don't think I can…things getting really complicated!" Jessica said.

"Jessica!" yoona, who knows nothing about the deal between Jessica's family and jung su's yet, felt that her friend was talking about the matter like usual, but the truth is different! she couldn't do anything to help.

"yah! You have to cheer up for our team! Pull your spirit high! Araso?" yoona said wanted to change the topic that they always end up with…almost daily!!

Suddenly, Jessica's phone rang so she picked it up quickly without seeing the caller ID.

"Jessica?" the voice from the other line wanted to make sure that the one who picked up the phone was actually Jessica herself.

"yes…" she shut when she identified the caller's voice. She gazed Yoona for a bit then bowed her head. Yoona didn’t know the meaning behind Jessica's look but she preferred to be silent until her friend finished the call.

"you want to see me, again? why?" Jessica asked in strict tone.

"can't I hang out with my sister a little bit?!" donghae said.

"please, my dad will take me home, I'll see you tomorrow if you're insisting!" Jessica immediately hanged up the call.

"who was that? Why you seem so pissed off?" Yoona asked with a curiosity.

"ah! Don't mind! anyway, what we were talking about?" Jessica changed the topic, didn't want to talk more about it.

"well, nothing serious, just from here and there! Hey…let's go to see siwon! He probably is practicing now!" Yoona stood and clapped her hands satisfied of her idea!

"yeah, it would be awesome!" Jessica agreed.

When they walked toward the club, they heard the sounds of knocking and it was obviously the team were practicing really hard. They opened the door slowly and witness the practice session with an amazed expression from their eyes till their mouths!

The sound of the sneakers and the ball knocking the ground several times, were enough to them to clap their hands!! Especially yoona who was really proud of siwon and his flexible body and his ability to control the whole team and to lead them too!

"close your mouth, green monster!" Jessica said jokingly with a chuckle. Yoona pushed her with her elbow joyfully.

They walked silently to sit in the audience chairs and witness the practice as ease as they want.

"siwon-hyung, you're lucky, your girlfriend is here to cheer up for you!" one of the team members said to siwon and attract his attention.

When siwon placed his eyes on the both girls, yoona waved her hand right away to him. she was really glad to see him putting all his effort and doing his best for the team! He waved to her with a smile, somehow, her presence made him wanting to show her how good he is! Her presence was like energy for him and he wasn't asking for more.

"you should have told me before coming here all up sudden!" Siwon shouted from afar.

"it's okay! I don't want to disturb you! I'm here to cheer for you!" yoona shouted back happily.

"woah~ and you said you want some time to act as you were before! Pfff!" Jessica mocked yoona and imitated her. but again, a strike was a gift for Jessica for her continuous mocking!

"…it seems jung su isn't one of the team!" Jessica mumbled gloomily.

"I want to know…really, why are you insisting that jung su is one of the team?! I told you he CAN'T CARRY A BALL ALL WHAT HE HAS HIS TONGUE!" Yoona lost her temper and almost shouting!

"YAH! I TOLD YOU, YOU MISUNDERSTOOD HIM! I SWEAR HE CAN PLAY BASKETBALL LIKE A PROFESSIONAL!! WHY ARE YOU LIKE THAT? STOP TEASING ME" Jessica stood and shouted which made all the hall stopped it moves and the silence covered it. all the eyes placed at the hyper girl who was waving her hand to her friend!

When the both girls felt that they were observed by the others in the hall. They exchanged their gazes and put a weird smiles on their faces!

The team completed their practice and ignored them while Jessica still her face was bright red from the embarrassment!

"why did you shout like a madman?! Was that necessary?!" Yoona said beneath her teeth!

"I'm sorry! But…. you pissed me off! You're always teasing me, If you know nothing then don't even open your mouth!" Jessica defend herself trying to act innocently.

"araso! I won't say anything about that stup…I mean…that guy! At the end, he isn't one of the team" Yoona said then whispered to herself "thanks GOD he isn't"

"I hear you!" Jessica said but then chuckled at her friend.

They continued watching the practice with full enthusiasm and whenever the boys shot a goal they squealed and shouted like if they watched a real match!

"why my heart is beating so fast?" yoona said as she put her hand on her chest trying to stop the overbeating heart. Jessica just shot a leer to her friend but when she wanted to mock, her phone rang which made her stop and picked it up.

"I totally forgot about going home, it's your fault Yoona!" after hanging up the phone call, Jessica realized that her father was waiting her for almost 15 minutes.

Yoona couldn't reply her friend at all as she saw her hot on her heels and disappeared from her sight! "this girl! will never change!" yoona thought.

As Jessica was moving faster toward the gate, she stopped when she saw the person who always conquers her mind and so her heart. He was hugging Taeyeon tightly as if he wouldn't see her again! she froze from the scene and her heart betrayed her and knocking badly in her chest. She couldn't move her eyes from them at all. The scene made her glued to the ground and couldn't move any further more!

She heaved a sigh and almost lose control of herself. She squished the books and tight her arms around them. The moment that Jessica really hate was happening in her sight…she widened her eyes and almost dropped her tears when she noticed how jung su was near Taeyeon and almost kissed her on her lips.

It was like a hard strike on her heart, it was like a cold breeze smashing her face. she used to see them hugging but not as much as this one, moreover, she never used to see them kissing…in public!

"Do you know the feeling of floating then you suddenly lost balance cause you realize man can’t float nor fly and you fall to the ground so hard? that’s what it feels like when I saw them…thanks… you just made me cry again…"

She bowed her head and walked faster, she was like running toward the gate, it took her forever to reach it, her legs were shaking and her whole body couldn't cooperate with her mind! It was so confusion to her! when she reached the car her dad went off it. She got surprise when her father did that, because usually he wouldn’t bother himself to even scroll down the window!

He waved his hand to the person who was few meters behind her which made her turning herself to see who attract her father's attention. It was no other than jung su himself! But for her surprise, Taeyeon wasn't with him, he was by himself making his way toward Jessica's father!

"hi son, I thought I would see you with my daughter, or even fetch her home!" Tae san, Jessica's father said warmly patting Jung su's arm.

"I was actually planning to fetch her, but since you're here, I don't think the idea is suitable now!" Jung su said with his calm manner and his so clear voice. Jessica widened her eyes in shock of Jung su's words. It was so obvious to her that it was a LIE!

"am I interrupting your plans? I don't mind if you want to spend time with her, son" Tae san replied with a chuckled.

"I'm ok, Appa. I think…let's make it for another time!" Jessica said trying to avoid eye contact with jung su, putting all her focus on her father instead.

"what?" Tae san said gritted his teeth as his daughter ruined his planning and his acting!

"I think it's ok then, I'll fetch her home, don't worry" jung su pretended as he didn't hear Jessica's comment. Both jung su and Tae san were acting to each other successfully. They knew that they both were wearing a mask to hide their actual intentions!

Tae san patted jung su's arm then rode his car and left Jessica with the one who broke her heart few minutes ago!

Jessica couldn't do anything at all just watching the car as it was disappearing gradually. She was standing blankly, wasn't really happy for the situation that her father put her on! It was her first time that she hated to be with jung su, seriously, her first time.

Jung su didn't say nor move, he was scanning Jessica's expression and studied it. he felt somehow that the person with him wasn't happy for his "fake" step!

"are you planning to stand here all day?" Jung su commented sarcastically at her. she ignored his talking for a moment but then she raised her head and looked at him with a serious face.

"let's go!"

Yoona witness the cold Jessica as she disappeared with Jung su on her side, she was literally shocked and couldn't believe her eyes as it went wide open. She pouted as if she felt like her friend was hiding something from her. somehow, despite that fact, Yoona felt that her friend wasn't good but she preferred to go on her way with Siwon who finished his practicing earlier than usual.

"finally, it seems that Jessica-sshi is trying to build her friendship with that guy…that's great! She's really impressive!" siwon commented.

Yoona didn't like how he sounded. She sensed the mocking in his words which she disliked the most.

"who said they're friends? Please, don't act like how others do, there must be a misunderstanding" yoona said as they both made their way to their homes. Siwon stared at her and didn't want to involve himself in another "misunderstanding" conversation.


They were walking silently, few inches away from each other. No one ever opened his mouth. The gloomy mood was obviously covering Jessica up. She couldn't look at the one beside her for even seconds which that odd…for some reason. In fact, Jung su was the one who peeked on her whenever the chance in his hands.

Jessica wasn't feeling her legs but she was walking really far bit by bit from Jung su. The thoughts made her blank and prevent her senses to feel what was really going on! He was watching her walking away from his view which made him confused and stopping his moves to see how far she was planning to be!

The smirk drown on his face once again as he saw the blank girl who lost controlling of herself and her thoughts.

Suddenly, there was a noisy sound coming behind the girl who lost her senses, and it was getting bigger for each time.

The horn was really sharp and the lights were on and off to let the person in the middle of the road considering the appeal! When she felt that she was in danger zone, she stopped her moves and turned her head to see where the sound coming from.

Jung su for a moment froze! Remembering something he shouldn't remember at that moment! He tried not to remember or not even to bother himself of that day…he just threw that incident in the back corner of his brain!

But he broke his silence and ran as fast as he could to catch up with the girl before the car could get over her.

"is this the end? why? I want to be happy before dying…I…I…want to die……" Jessica let her tears running wildly and fall on her cheeks. She closed her eyes forcefully. All what had happened in her life, flashed through her mind quickly. She thought this was her end, her life would stop at this moment…but as soon as she felt someone's hand surrounding her waist and pulling her powerfully to his side, the images stopped flashing.

Jung su caught her waist and pulled her closer to him strongly. they were almost falling to the ground, but Jung su's grab was strong enough to prevent the fall.

Jessica's face buried in Jung su's chest for the first time in her life. His hand was on her head and his arm around her waist. It was a mixed feeling to her. should she be frightened over the incident or shocked over the fact that her body was closer to Jung su's?

What she knew that her heart was bounding because of both reasons and her tears were like a river on her cheeks.

The man who was riding his car crazily stopped the car far from them. He scrolled down his window and stared back at them and shouted.

"YAH! Are you blind? Can't you see the car from afar? DAMN YOU! I was almost killing you and got to jail! DAMN!"

Jung su pushed Jessica gently and couldn't handle how rude and reckless the man was. He was almost killing a life and what he was thinking off was for his own good!

"And do you think you can drive as if this road is yours? You almost hit her, can't you clear yourself by apologizing, you bastard!" Jung su said and the flame of anger was all over his face, especially his eyes.

"HUH! Teenagers!" The man turn on his engine and left them behind without even an apology.

Jung su was almost following him, but the mumbling beside him and the sound of sobbing made him realized he was still with Jessica…the one who almost lost everything.

"I wish if I was blind" Jessica mumbled as her tears again fell down her cheeks, couldn't stop it at all.

Jung su gazed her like he didn't get what she said or even what she was thinking off. Even though he heard her clearly, but he ignored all of that and pouted at her.

He pulled her after him by grabbing her hand to be in safety place which made her stunned.

She tried to erase her tears by the other hand, however, there were some clinging in her eyes. She couldn't help but the whole matter made her heart skip it beats and knocking badly in her chest. She was trembling like mad.

"are you crazy?" Jung su said gritted his teeth after getting in a safety spot between the hallways.

Jessica's shock was obvious on her widen eyes and her drought throat.

"what were you thinking off when you walked like an idiot there? Did you lose your mind?" he almost scolding her.

She bowed her head couldn't reply him. she couldn't tell him that she was upset of what she saw, she couldn't tell him that she was deadly jealous of Taeyeon, she kept it to herself to prevent the latter's mocking!

"I'm….sorry….." this word was the only thing she could spell.

"I told you. Don't apologize to me! cause you'll bring your troubles to me in the near future! It's useless!" he said sarcastically and the smirk went on his face.

She bit her lips angrily and refused to cry. Being with him was making her less composed and the pressure in her increased.

"Thanks" Jessica said dryly to him. he felt that it wasn't sincere from her and there was something seriously bothering her since the beginning.

"my home isn't far from here, I can go by myself" Jessica said trying to compose herself one more time. She looked at him for a bit and felt that his expression changed which made her speechless.


"yeah you can…. You can space out in the middle of the road, so that another car would hit you!" he said to her in seriousness.

Somehow, she felt that his words were sincere and what she could do was staring at him…

Jung su's calm amd gentle expression suddenly covered him up. He came closer to her which made her backed her steps. She wasn't sure what suddenly happened to him!!

He raised his hand and touched Jessica's face. his sudden move made her froze till her toes. She was stunned yet scared.

"what is he thinking off?" she thought.

He touched her cheeks and pressed it gently…

"what's wrong?" he asked with a cheesy voice.

It was a normal question, however, it was more than normal for her…something inside her wanted to spell all what she feels. She felt that her blood rushed to her and even burned it! she couldn't believe how that feeling was strong to even prevent her from taking a defensive action.

They were staring at each others' eyes like forever…

Again, she regained her strength and got back to reality so she avoided the eye contact by tending her head to the other side.

"move your hand away" she said affirming her own words.

"why? Don't you like it?"

"Can't you hear her? MOVE YOUR HAND!" other voice interrupted their conversation with a serious expression…


sorry for my late update T_T

I hope it's a good chapter~ please leave your comments here 


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Chapter 1: share more please
Yuuki-chan #2
Chapter 26: I just read your story at once, and I love it!! I love so much TeukSica couple! And here they are amazing!!
I just read you story and it was so so great! I loves the interaction sbetween Jess and Jung su! Thi swas amazing thanks for writing this story! :D
coolll.. i spent my day for read your ff. you make me go crazy about teuksica. aish!<br />
COOOLLLL~~~ one of the best fanfic i ever read
I read this in three hours it was so good !!! i luved it *claps hands* YAY <br />
Shira-chan #6
it's okay honey~ as you said, better late than never <33 glad to know you liked the ending despite that Jessica ended up with Jung su ;P I appreciate your words so seriously each word ;D <br />
as always, you raised my hope so high <3 <br />
I'll do my best in my next fiction...because I really don't know how to write a comedy like story, but I'll take it as a challenge ;D I hope I'll see you around soon and to see your support either <3 <br />
you too, thank you so much!
jam_9445 #7
sorry for bein late but better late then never right sooo..CONGRATULATIONS ON COMPLETING UR AWSOME STORY!! ROCK ON! LOVE E STORY! i like how u ended everyting smoothly without making it seemed rush and e way u wrote it made it perfect! very touchin and super! even though it was nt heesica in e end im still very happy wif tis fanfic and loved every moment readin it! im kinda upset tat i'll hav no mre chapters to read and wait for updates..but im glad u were able to complete it successfully! CONGRATS once again and i hope to read future ffs of yours! take care and all the best^^
Shira-chan #8
@snsdyoonaislove: hey sweetie <33 sorry if no more yoonhae disappointed you T_T but glad you read it despite that fact; cause sometime the content of the story what the reader needs to involve himself and to build his own imagination world along with the characters ^_^ and I TRULY LOVE your comment <33 <br />
I will write new one soon and I hope to see you as one of my readers too =D thank you SO MUCH dear =D your words encourage me so much <33<br />
<br />
@4ever9: thank you honey, your supportive words were seriously pushing me to write more ^_^ thank you for your time to read and to comment as well <33 this meant a lot to me...I hope that I'll pass writing that rom-com...can't wait to have your support again <3 thank you =D
4ever9 #9
Oh, I forgot to hug you back kkk. Here *hugs*
4ever9 #10
The last chap is really nice. <br />
Congratulation on finishing this fic ^^<br />
Waiting for your next fic :) (And yay for rom-com ^^)<br />