Kyuhyun's Tragic Past: Part 2

Destiny In A Bottle Found At Sea

***NOTE***: Angst(?)
And, there are probably a lot of errors here and there because this was typed up hastily ^.^
I'm sorry if there are misplaced words everywhere :)



Yesung was almost asleep after studying past 2 o’clock at night, and was laying peacefully in bed when he suddenly heard the front door burst open and slam shut, causing him to wake up in surprise.
He frowned slightly as he sat back up.
Usually, Kyuhyun would come home quietly, unlike today.
He heard the bathroom door open and close quickly, followed by running water.
His frown only deepened when he felt that something wasn’t right.
No matter how rude, evil, or stupid Kyuhyun is, he would never act this way.

He slid out of bed slowly after a five minute internal battle of checking on the younger or not.

He knocked on the bathroom door softly, hoping to get a reply through the running water.
“Kyuhyun?” he called out loudly. “You alright?”

There was no reply for a moment, just the sound of trickling water, but then the silence was interrupted by a loud sob, causing Yesung to take a step back away from the bathroom door in surprise and shock.

“K-Kyuhyun?” he tried again, knocking a bit louder, worry clearly etched in his husky voice. “Kyuhyun, answer me or I’m coming in!” he yelled.

But of course the only reply he got was another heart wrenching sob.

“I’m coming in!” He said panickly, and opened the door, surprised that it was unlocked. Yet again, the lock has been broken for quite some time now.

Yesung let out a cry of surprise when he saw the bathroom.
It was still the way it was, yes, but the floor was littered with Kyuhyun’s today clothes.
But that wasn’t the surprising thing.
It was the blood on the pants and undergarments.

“K-Kyuhyun? Kyuhyun, what’s wrong?!” Yesung said, stepping over the clothes and flung the shower curtains aside only to suppress a gasp when he saw the boy.

Kyuhyun was sitting on the bottom of the bathtub, , curled up tightly in a ball, the hot water raining down upon his exposed back and head. His light brown hair was a mess, and his lips looked bruised and swollen, as if someone punched him or…..kissed him roughly.
On the boys pale hips, there were bruising finger prints visible on the delicate flesh, and his backside was bleeding.
But the bruises weren’t the only things that covered his pale skin.
 It was the scratches and claw marks.

Kyuhyun was literally tearing at his skin, whimpering inaudible words as he stared off into nowhere.
All Yesung got from the whimpering was: “Them…..go away….wash….dirty…..disgusting…..”

Look at you, you disgusting bastard! Worthless! All you are good for is an appetizer before real ! The voice taunted.

The poor boy was scratching as his flesh trying to ‘clean’ himself, thinking that he’s ‘dirty’ in whichever way.

“Kyuhyun, what’s wrong? Kyuhyun? Look at hyung!” Yesung said, turning the boys face to look at him, but Yesung pulled away in shock again.

The younger’s usually chocolaty brown eyes were glazed over in what seemed to be fear, hate, disgust, and sadness. It was as if he was blinded by those emotions, as if he couldn’t see at all.
 He didn’t want to see anymore. Kyuhyun was scared.

Yesung bit his lips lightly, before stepping into the still running shower, not caring if he got wet, and reached towards the numb boy again.
“Kyuhyun, look at me. Tell me what’s wrong.” He said sternly, trying to his the nervous waver in his voice.

The boy’s eyes searched blindly for the familiar voice, and finally focused on a pair of familiar silver eyes.

Kyuhyun let out another loud sob and lunged towards Yesung in search of comfort.

“Go away! Make them go away, hyung!” the younger cried.


Make me go away, huh? You’ll never get rid of me. I will be here forever, telling why you shouldn’t live upon this earth. How you are ruining this man’s perfect life. And how useless you really are.


“M-Make who go away?” Yesung asked quietly, wrapping his arms around the boys wet torso and his hair softly. “Tell hyung.” He whispered, ignoring how his black T-shirt was starting to stick onto his back from the hot water that was still running.

“Those hands! Those disgusting hands! Dirty! erted hands! The voice! The hideous voice!” KyuHyun screamed, clutching tighter onto Yesung, burying his face against the strong chest.

“H-Hands?” Yesung stammered, completely confused. But he decided that details will come later.
Right now, all he cared about was calming the boy down and tucking him into bed.

“H-Hyung, I’m s-scared. P-please, make th-them go away! M-Make them s-stop!” Kyuhyun sobbed, clamping his hands over his ears.

Yesung winced at the desperation in the boy’s voice as he gently reached for a towel and quickly dried the boy down, before carrying the younger back to the guest room that was now Kyuhyun’s room, surprised at his own strength.

He gently set the boy down on the bed, but KyuHyun still clung tightly onto Yesung.

“Shh……it’s okay Kyuhyun. Nobody’s here but me. Calm down….” Yesung soothed, forcing the boy down so he was lying comfortably on the pillow.
Yesung reached down and pulled the covers up and around the younger , shivering form.
The elder was about to pull away when a tight grip on his wrist stopped him from doing so.

“No! Don’t leave me! Please! They’re still here! I can hear them! Feel them! Smell th-“

“Shhh….please, calm down Kyu.” Yesung said, interrupting the boy.
Yesung has never seen anyone so vulnerable and desperate before, let alone evil Cho Kyuhyun.

“Y-You’ll be fine alone, Kyuhyun.” He said quickly before pulling out of the boy’s tight grasp and literally ran out of the room towards his own.


He left you. Look at yourself. Even he can’t stand you and you thought he actually cared for you. What were you ever good for besides a short round of ? Admit it, you really are that helpless. Nobody can help you. Kill yourself, Cho Kyuhyun. That will solve everything. You can join your mother!


The elder heard the boy call out to him as he slammed his room door shut.
Yesung was afraid to help.
He’s never helped anyone like this before.
He’s never seen anyone so broken down before. Not even in dramas.

Yesung clamped his small hands over his ears as he slid down his closed door to sit heavily upon the wooden floor.
The boy was still screaming for him; screaming for Yesung as if his life depended on the elder.

But Yesung was confused. Lost. Scared.
He didn’t know what to do.
He didn’t know if he could help at all.

The screaming of Yesung’s name was soon accompanied by the sound of stuff flying around the room and glass shattering, which meant the boy was breaking stuff now.

After a few more seconds, the dorm suddenly fell quiet. A long, eerie silence replaced the loud sounds the younger had made.

Yesung opened his clenched eyes and let his hands slide back off hsi8 ears as he listened to the silence.
The dorm was too quiet, even for someone sleeping.

Yesung swallowed nervously as he stood up slowly, listening some more, but the only reply he got was a loud clattering sound that echoed through the dorm that sounded from something hitting the hard wooden floors. Something like…….a knife.

Yesung quickly ran out of his room and flung Kyuhyun’s room door open.
“Kyuhyun!” he gasped when his wild eyes finally settled on the scene in the room.

The room was still dark, but text books, pens, pencils, notebooks, everything, was scattered all around the room.
The lamp that originally sat on the night stand now lay in broken pieces on the floor next to the bed.

“K-Kyuhyun?” the elder stammered, searching for the boy when he didn’t see the younger on the bed. Now he felt guilty for leaving the boy alone in such a vulnerable and weak state.

He heard a soft whimper which quickly drew Yesung’s attention towards the back of the room.
There he saw, Kyuhyun curled up in a corner of the room sitting in what seemed to be a pool of…….…blood.

“Kyu! Oh my god! Kyuhyun, no!” Yesung yelled hysterically, clambering over the queen sized bed and grabbed the boy bleeding wrist.
“Why’d you do that?! Are you crazy?!”

Kyuhyun just looked up at him with a smile, a crazy smile.
“hyung…..they’re gone……they stopped touching me….” The boy said, laughing a little as if he found this amusing.

“Kyuhyun! You’re dying and now you’re laughing!?” Yesung squeaked. “Kyu, look at me, who’s gone? Who are you talking about?” Yesung asked, his voice shaking at the sight of blood.

“You left me hyung….you left me….” Was all Kyuhyun said as his smile and laughter was dropped suddenly.

Yesung’s breath caught in his throat the boys words. He didn’t know the boy actually liked him.
“I know.” He whispered quietly. “I’m sorry.” He whispered again as he quickly took off his shirt and pressed it to the deep, bleeding cut.

“I thought you cared about me….” Kyuhyun whimpered.


Kyuhyun looked up at Yesung with a hurt expression, before wrapping his arms back tightly around the elder’s slim waist, burying his face against Yesung chest, crying. Yesung was his only source of love and comfort. But did Yesung not like him now?

“I thought you cared…….”



Kyuhyun saw Yesung walking the general direction towards him through the crowded halls of their school and he smirked.
Kyuhyun ‘accidentally’ bumped into Yesung who clearly was trying to avoid the younger, and Kyuhyun took the elder’s slightly taken aback state to flick the back of Yesung’s head.

Yesung spun around angrily and flipped KyuHyun the birdie before trying to walk back away again.

Kyuhyun chuckled and grabbed Yesung by the back of his collar, pulled him back, and wrapped his arms around the elder’s upper body from behind, holding him close.

“How’s my little Sungie~?” he asked cheerfully, noogying the top of the elder’s shaggy black hair with his knuckles.

“I was fine until you came along, thank you very much!” Yesung snapped, trying to bat the younger’s hand away from his head.

“Aaaawww……does that mean you’re even better now!?” Kyuhyun grinned teasingly, still holding Yesung in a tight grip around the waist.

“No! Get away! I’m going to be late for class! Just because you don’t care about getting late doesn’t mean I do too!” Yesung snarled, now completely given up on struggling against Kyuhyun and just crossed his arm across his chest instead. “And be more respectful. I’m older than you.”

“yes sir, ajusshi!” Kyuhyun smirked as Yesung spun around to face Kyuhyun with his mouth open in shock at the insult.

Excuse me, you little !?” Yesung squeaked.

“Nothing!” Kyuhyun said quickly. “Ajusshi” he added.

Yesung launched himself at the younger, trying to get his small fingers around the boy’s neck.
“Don’t you care call me that” he yelled.

“Ack! Time! Time!” KyuHyun gasped, surprised at the man’s strength as he pointed stupidly at his watch, trying to signal that the elder was going to be late if he didn’t hurry.
“You’re gonna be late! Time!” he gasped, trying to divert the elder’s attention from trying to choke Kyuhyun to death.

Yesung huffed angrily and pulled away, still glaring at the boy who was gasping for breath all the while grinning like a fool.

“I’m more worried about you getting late! Not me. Not only are you late for almost every class, but you have a C+ only too, except for math which you have an A+ in, oddly enough.” Yesung grumbled, fixing his messed up hair.

Kyuhyun’s smile faltered when the words finally reached his mind.
“You…….you….are worried about……me?” he asked quietly, staring at the man before him.

“Well yeah, duh.” Yesung said nonchalantly, his fingers a little and attempted to flatter his bangs back into place. “Who else would I be worried ab-“he froze mid-sentence when his mind finally registered on what he had just said.
“I-I mean…….you’re uh…..Leeteuk won’t be happy! I mean! Uh…’re reputation….as an idol, you won’t have a good image!” Yesung stammered helplessly, trying to cover up what he had said.

Kyuhyun sort of just stood there as he listened to the elder rant uselessly.
So maybe Yesung had grown used to Kyuhyun’s evilness, and was now taking care of him. Secretly.

“Oooooh… you do care about me!” Kyuhyun smirked proudly.

“What?! N-No! of course not!” Yesung squeaked breathlessly, trying to hide a light blush that now tinged his pale cheeks.

‘Ah! Yes you do!” Kyuhyun sang, reaching up to pinch the adorably pink cheeks.”You just admitted that you were worried about my future idol image!”

The blush only deepened at the sudden action the younger made, before Yesung finally swatted the boys hand away just as the bell rang, signaling they had 2 more minutes until their next class starts.

“Go to class!” Yesung snapped, pulling away from the younger’s tight embrace.

“See?!” Kyuhyun laughed.

Yesung’s bottom lip started to slowly pull out into a small pout unknowingly as he glared at the floor.

“You’re so cute~!” Kyuhyun squeaked, reaching up to the elder’s cheek softly. ‘I can’t believe you’re older than me!”

“Yah! I am older than you, so show some respect!” Yesung said, his pout deepening.

“Kind of hard to believe.” Kyuhyun chuckled, pulling the elder tightly into his arms.

“mmmpphhffffshmerr!!” Came a muffled reply from Yesung who had his face pressed tightly into Kyuhyun’s chest from the bear hug.

“You care about me soooooooo much!” Kyuhyun said happily, swinging their bodies back and forth a little.

Yesung reached back and pinched KyuHyun’s hard, and the younger immediately let go with a loud yelp.

“Go to class!” Yesung snapped again, not bothering to deny it again this time, before quickly running off just as the last bell rang.

Kyuhyun chuckled lightly as he leaned back against some lockers and watched the elder’s retreating figure, not caring if he got late.

Yesung cared about him. That’s sweet.

Even though Yesung may be rude and quite mean and strict towards Kyuhyun, he was only actually caring for the younger, taking care of him the strict way.

Every morning, they would both fight for the bathroom and it always lead to a big argument, but afterwards; Yesung would always give up and let KyuHyun have it first.
But after Kyuhyun’s done showering, Yesung had cooked him breakfast and was either sitting by the dining table waiting for the younger, or left it on the table for the younger to eat while he went out early in the morning to run some errands or went to borrow his friends dorm bathroom.

Yesung would sometimes even wash the younger’s clothes for Kyuhyun when the clothes were piled up sky high in a corner of his room.
The elder would also ‘help’ KyuHyun with his history homework. By ‘helping’, it means screaming at the boy to shut up and stop whining, before literally reading the whole text book to the boy.
Surprisingly, it did help.
Yesung does care about Kyuhyun……right?




Yesung looked down at the crying boy in his arms and pulled him tighter against his chest.
“I do care. I’m sorry I left you. I really do care.” He whispered softly against the boys ears.

“Why’d you leave me then, hyung? Why?” Kyuhyun whimpered, burying his face closer against the elder’s chest since his shirt was used as a make-shift bandage right now.

“I’m sorry.” Was all Yesung could think of what to say as he felt warm tears from the younger trickle down his chest. "I’m sorry.” He repeated.

There was silence for a moment except for the constant loud sob that emitted from the younger’s lips.

But a moment later, Yesung felt the younger’s body tense up completely in his arms, and Kyuhyun’s nails dug painfully into his bare chest.

"Kyu, what’s wrong? Hey, talk to me.” Yesung whispered softly, staring down at the boy worriedly.

"They’re back…..they’re back….” Kyuhyun suddenly panicked.

“Who’s back!? Kyuhyun, please, calm down!” Yesung said, holding the boy even tighter in his arms when the boy started shaking.

“They’re back……they’re back!” Kyuhyun screamed, literally hyperventilating by now.

The next thing Kyuhyun did scared Yesung less.

The boys hand shot out to grab the pocket knife that lay on the floor in the pool of the boy’s blood, and Kyuhyun immediately brought the sharp blade up to his wrist.

“No! Kyuhyun!” Yesung yelled, smacking the blade out of the younger’s grasp, causing the blade to cut across the top of his own hand.

“Hyung! Please! They’re back! Make them go away!” Kyuhyun cried, curling up in a tight ball while his hands gripped his hair tightly.

“Please, Kyuhyun, calm down. There’s no one here. Please, you’re scaring me.” Yesung whispered softly, pulling the boy close again and gently ran his short fingers through the boys hair soothingly, whispering comforting words to the younger.

Kyuhyun curled up tighter against the elder, muttering inaudible things.

“It’s okay Kyu. There’s no one here to hurt you anymore.” Yesung said softly, still running his short fingers through the soft brown locks.

The boy relaxed a little at the promising words, but still stayed in the tight ball he was sitting in against Yesung’s chest.

Yesung held the boy impossibly tight against his chest, still whispering comforting, soothing words to him.

Yesung doesn’t know why Kyuhyun is suddenly acting like this.
But whatever it was that caused him to act that way, must’ve come from a scar or memory back when Kyuhyun was young



Yesung’s eyes snapped open to see that the sun has risen.
He sat up so fast that he nearly knocked the boy’s head off his lap that he didn’t notice until now.
He sighed in relief when he saw that there were not extra cuts on the boys body.

He didn’t remember when he had fallen asleep last night, but he was sure that the younger had fallen asleep before him before he drifted off himself.

Yesung gently the younger’s hair softly, taking in the innocent expression Kyuhyun had when he was peacefully asleep with his hands grasping a fistful Yesung’s sweat pants, not wanting to let go all night.

Yesung gently slid his arms beneath the younger’s skinny body, and lifted him up to set him down on the empty bed softly.

He sat down on the edge of the bed softly, and pulled the cover sup around the boys shoulders, before resuming back to the soft locks.

“Why do I care about you so much?” Yesung asked himself quietly.

The boy stirred slightly in his sleep as if he had heard what Yesung had said, but luckily, he was still deep asleep.

Yesung reached up and the boys cheek softly.
“Sometimes I really wonder if I hate you, or…… you.” He whispered.

He sighed quietly, before gently pushing the boys bangs back, and planted a small kiss to his forehead.
A kiss that Kyuhyun will never know of.



Yay~! The other half of the chapter that's frackin long! *claps happily*

Anyways, i hope you guys are really actually enjoying this story :3

Please leave comments! They are my life source (On Asian FanFic), and they also encourage me to write this story more.
Tell me what you like, don't like, or just frackin rant on this story if you want to. I just want to read what you guys or expect out of this story :)






Song:  Top Girl by G.NA



GIF: (It's Kyuhyun after he flung his shoe off. Watch him fling his shoes off here, and watch Yesung daze off in his own world ---> Click Here )

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 23: Nooooooooooooo this can't happen!!! Why!!!!Why!!!Why!!! This would be one of the most heartrending fics I have read.....It's a crime that this fantastic, marvelous story has not been updated and given closure!! Sad, so very sad!!!!
392 streak #2
Chapter 23: Aaaaaaaand you left me hanging here~ cruel~
392 streak #3
Chapter 5: Oh my gossssh, I hate it when I read kids got T^T
392 streak #4
Chapter 2: this really sounds promising~ but I didn't see completed tag there so... I'm going to have my heart broke again I guess
Chapter 23: Are you going to update this anytime soon?
Please, you're an incredible author.

I'm gonna wait patiently.
Thanks for sharing all this beautiful stories with us.
Chapter 10: I like it when the parts are not explicit but implied. It feels soooo nice cause you can let your imagination run wild. :3

As always, nice job, author. ^•^
Before I start this amazing story I want to ask you a favor.

Please, send me those pictures. *-*
I need them. Look at my babies. They lool just perfect.

Now...let's start reading!!! C: ❤
Chapter 13: Oooops I mean Yebaby, please be safe and sound immediately! And talk to Kyuhyun with a calmer state of mind. Huhu
Chapter 13: Aish. Just... Ugh... Kyu did not know. Yes of course it's really a bummer, Kyu chose to go out with friends last minite when he already promised to stay with Ye. Plus it's his fureakinbirthday!!!! Gosh. He is such a bad boyfriend... I mean, if you just know that part of the story. But that was just a mistake. If JW did not have such a heartbreaking story before, it would not have escalated this much :(

Oh... KyuSung.

Kyu, better be safe and sound. Then just be together and not keep secrets anymore so that there wouldn't be misunderstandings and stuff like this again :(