
Destiny In A Bottle Found At Sea



Kyuhyun closed his eyes and let out a small sigh as he reclined back in his seat. He was feeling so anxious at the moment, so stressed, and what was definitely not helping, was how high up in the sky he currently was. He fidgeted in his seat uncomfortably for a moment, trying to find a comfortable position in his seat, but no matter how he twisted and turned, he just couldn’t get comfortable.

Don’t get him wrong! The seat was actually quite comfortable and spacious, considering that he is flying in first class currently, but it’s what’s in his mind that is making him uncomfortable.

Kyuhyun hasn’t been to Korean for over five years now, and he definitely was not looking forward to it. Kyuhyun had wanted to stay where he was in China after he debuted there, but his manager, ZhouMi, had insisted that he would go. The only reason why Kyuhyun had begrudgingly agreed to return to Seoul for a few days was because Leeteuk was holding a massive party to celebrate his thirtieth birthday. Kyuhyun has received other invitations from his previous manager before, but he had simply written a letter back saying that he is unable to attend it because of his busy schedule. But for some unknown reason, ZhouMi had managed to drag Kyuhyun off his sorry-lazy-gaming- , and made him attend the birthday that turned out to be a masquerade ball.
Great. Seems like Leeteuk has a good taste for social events.

Kyuhyun’s eyes immediately fluttered open again when something soft, but sort of itchy collided with his face. His eyes narrowed when he caught sight of his manager standing before him with his hands on his hips.

“Use a pillow if you’re gonna sleep. You’re gonna hurt your neck.” ZhouMi says, his face twisting in irritation. “I don’t need my idol getting injured while he’s away on vacation.”

“I’m not sleeping. I’m resting.” Kyuhyun corrects. “There’s a difference there.”

“whatever.” ZhouMi says, brushing the other off with a wave of his hand.

“We’re landing in Seoul soon, so get your together.”

“I do have my together!” Kyuhyun snaps back, sitting up stiffly. “Don’t just assume and make an ‘’ out of ‘U’ and ‘me’. “

“Ah shut up and go back to sleep.” ZhouMi sighs with a roll of his eyes, finally taking a seat next to the younger.

Kyuhyun scowls at the taller before turning over on his seat stubbornly so he was facing away from his manager, closing his eyes. He was definitely not in the mood to bicker with the elder, so he’d rather just sleep in his uncomfortable seat for the rest of the way.

“Kyuhyun! Oh my goodness! You’ve actually made it today!” A man greets happily from beside the large, open doorway.

Kyuhyun gives an awkward smile as he couldn’t exactly tell who had just greeted him, until the other finally took off his mask.

“It’s me, Kyuhyun.” Leeteuk says, giving the other a look for not recognizing him in mask.

“Oh!” Kyuhyun exclaims, blushing deeply for his stupidity. “Sorry ‘bout that. Happy Birthday hyung! I can’t believe it’s been five years now!” He says as his ex-manager pulls him in for a friendly hug after putting his mask back on again.

“I know right? How have you been?” LeeTeuk asks, giving the younger his famous dimpled smile. The elder had noticed some great changes to the boy before him. Kyuhyun had grown taller, and had actually grown into his lanky form, now holding himself in a more elegant and strong way, not the awkward boy he used to be. His facial features were more defined now, losing what little baby-fat he used to have, accentuating his high cheek bones and smooth jaw line.

“Alright I guess.” Kyuhyun shrugs. “Hectic and tiring at times, but this is what I chose, so I shouldn’t complain.” He glances around to see that there were more people showing up by then, and some were lingering about from a distance, wanting to say there on greetings to Leeteuk who currently had his attention on the Korean-Chinese idol before him. “Well I’m going to take my leave for now so you could greet your other guests. Don’t wanna be holding up a line behind me for the birthday boy now, should I?” Kyuhyun grins.

“Ah, right. Thanks for coming Kyuhyun. I’ll see you later when the party officially starts, alright?” LeeTeuk smiles, patting the others back in a friendly manner. “By the way, you look dashing.”

Kyuhyun smiles his thanks and bows at the other before making his way inside the grand mansion. For this event, Kyuhyun had chosen to wear a suit of fine silk, its color a forest green but glinted gold with each movement he made, and a white dress shirt beneath it. Upon his face was a white mask that covered the right half of his face, decorated with intricate designs of golden vines on it. His hair, for once, was not a tousled mess, and instead, was in small golden-brown curls, complimenting his formal wear. Not to boast, but Kyuhyun thought that he looked quite dashing tonight.  

A waiter walked up to him and offered him a glass of champagne in which the younger gladly accepted, being the reckless social drinker he is. He glances about the large mansion, taking in the interior of it all as he leans back casually against a marble pillar. Kyuhyun had to admit that it was a beautiful sight n there. Everything was made of white marble, making it glow even more because of the large golden chandelier that hung above the dance floor. There were stairs that lead up to a second level that only extends to several balconies where some were lingering about, socializing.

Kyuhyun gave a charming, almost sly smile towards a group of girls that were giggling and glancing at him once in awhile, causing them to break out into another fit of giggles. If he was at a party, might as well have some fun with other people he thought to himself as he tried not to gag from the way the girls acted from just a simple smile. He gave them a casual wave that sent them swooning, before tipping his glass of champagne in a cheers, watching as they let out squeals of delight that would’ve deafened if it weren’t that they were all the way across the dance floor.

But something else caught Kyuhyun’s attention away from toying with the girls when it swept by. He had a small stature, shorter than Kyuhyun by a few inches, with white-blonde that lay atop his head in a light wave. His skin was pale like the full moon that shone brightly in the night, and flawless like porcelain with only the faintest blush on his cheeks. He was slender but still toned with a lean body, and walked with such elegance that could put any girl to shame. He wore a white and gold suit that was also made of fine silk, beneath it a white button down. He reminded Kyuhyun vaguely of an angel, especially with that white mask he had on that covered up the upper half of his face, the mask decorated simply with a golden crescent moon by the forehead.

Kyuhyun finds himself stepping closer towards the other male who was currently talking to someone else, his smile simply breathtaking as he conversed, the younger completely forgetting about the group of girls he was originally trifling about with. But the angel of a man disappeared within a blink of an eye as someone walked across Kyuhyun’s line of vision, covering the other up momentarily before Kyuhyun quickly shoved the other way hastily, only to see his eye-candy gone already. He frowns in disappointment, as he glances about the large and crowded ball room, trying to locate the other. He immediately perked up when he caught sight of a flash of white that weaved through the crowd with ease. Kyuhyun quickly shoved the people away shamelessly as he followed his target, wanting to meet the other.

But after a moment, Kyuhyun slot sight of the other when he emerged out of the crowd into a more isolated part of the ball room, a frown visibly making its way across his handsome face. He lets out a sharp breath of frustration as he scratches his head in slight confusion. He was sure he ahd saw the other come through here.

But his problems were immediately solved when the other emerged out of the shadows from behind a marble pillar, a mysterious smile dancing across the strangers beautiful lips, surprising Kyuhyun a little.

“Good evening,” The man greeted casually but still held onto that formal tone. His voice was low, husky but yet smooth and silky at the same time.“I’ve noticed that you’ve been following me for quite awhile now, sir.” He says.

Kyuhyun chokes on his own spit when he realized that he’s been found out, a dark blush rising up to his face. He splutters a little, trying to form a coherent sentence to keep his dignity intact.

“Is there a reason as to why you’re following me?” The stranger asks, an amused smile making its way across his face as he listened to Kyuhyun make a fool of himself.

Kyuhyun quickly pulls on a poker face as he tries to regain himself, straightening up stiffly with one arm behind his back, and the other by his front, slightly bent. “Indeed this evening is marvelous,” he starts before bowing slowly, his gaze not once ever leaving the others. “And I was hoping you could make this wonderful night a dream come true, if you’d take this dance.”Kyuhyun says, offering one hand up, still bent in a bow as a signature mysterious smile made its way across his lips.

A look of mirth is visible on the strangers face as he analyzes the taller man before him, before reaching up and lightly rests his fingers atop of the offered hand. “If it pleases you, sir.”

“I only do what pleases others, and not for my own pleasures.” Kyuhyun smirks, straightening back up as he gently closes his hands around the other’s, taking note of his small and delicate the fingers were, stirring a faint memory in the back of his mind.

“Are you implying that you thought I wanted to dance with you?” The smaller asks, his voice more surprised rather than curious.

“No,” Kyuhyun says, before turning to look down at the other. “I knew it.”

A bubble of laughter escapes the smaller’s pretty lips as Kyuhyun guides them towards the dance floor. He turns and faces the blonde just as the delicate male reached up with his free hand and rests it lightly on top of Kyuhyun’s shoulder, Kyuhyun’s own free hand coming to the small curve of the other’s waist, the both of them falling into the sway of the waltz that was currently being played by a hired orchestra.

“You must think very highly of yourself.” The smaller says with a smile, gazing into the taller’s golden-brown eyes, hidden behind a white mask like his own.

“Of course,” Kyuhyun grins, unconsciously pulling the other closer to him by wrapping his arm around the stranger’s waist. “It’s my own way of attracting people to me.”

“Usually, the results should be the opposite of what you expect, but I guess, since it’s you, it’s working quite well.” The stranger grins, before sliding his hands up higher from Kyuhyun’s shoulder, gliding up his neck almost seductively and tangles in Kyuhyun’s caramel curls. He pulls Kyuhyun’s face closer to his, their nose and lips nearly brushing, causing Kyuhyun’s heart rate to pick up rapidly. “Too bad it’s not working on me yet,” He whispers quietly and pulls away before Kyuhyun could even regain himself, hypnotized by the way the other smelled and the way he looked at him.

Kyuhyun quickly takes chase after the other once again, weaving through dancing couples, breaking some of them apart too. It was obvious the blonde was now playing with him, but Kyuhyun didn’t mind. He found it quite amusing actually. Everything was a blur as he made his way through the maze of people, his eyes never once leaving the pale figure that seemed to find its way through it all with ease, while Kyuhyun bumped into almost every waiter there.

Kyuhyun soon finds himself out on a balcony, not realizing that he had actually ran up the marble stairs until now, the other also there before him with his back towards the taller. It was obvious by now that Kyuhyun wasn’t merely just interested in the other, he was lusting after the other.

“It’s beautiful.”  The smaller breathes in, inhaling deeply as he closes his eyes a little, letting the cool night air surround him.

“Indeed he is,” Kyuhyun whispers, his arms making its way tightly around the strangers waist, pulling the other’s back flush against his chest as he pressed his face to the pale column of the man’s neck, inhaling his exotically alluring scent of vanilla and amber. 

“I was talking about the moon,” The smaller deadpans, but one of his hands reach up to caress the side of Kyuhyun’s face as Kyuhyun gently nuzzles the others neck, pressing feather light kisses up the beautiful skin, wanting to mark it.

This was all too familiar for Kyuhyun, something just tugging at the back of his mind, but he didn’t want to take the time to care about it now. His mind is clouded in a haze of lust, and all he wanted was to have his way with the beautiful creature in his arms.

“Well I was talking about you.” Kyuhyun states as he pressed more kisses along his neck, slowly making his way up higher towards his jaw.

“Changing the subject now, are we?” The stranger chuckles but he still responds to the eager boy, turning his head slightly as their lips met in a blazing kiss of passion, lips moving roughly against each others as their tongues danced together sinfully.

Kyuhyun lets out a shaky breath he hadn’t realized he’s been holding when they pulled apart for air, but Kyuhyun didn’t allow much breathing time as he pressed his tongue back to the others smooth neck and his way up to the others tempting lips again, leaving a wet trail up the smaller’s neck as he shivered in anticipation, a low moan escaping the beautiful boy.

Kyuhyun couldn’t exactly remember the last time he had ever been so , but it was definitely too long for him to want to waste any brain energy on thinking about , considering that his blood was refusing to rush towards the right places and traveled south only.

His long fingers slipped beneath the other’s shirt, feeling the soft, flawless skin of the other’s toned stomach beneath his lightly calloused fingers, before pulling apart just to turn the other around so they were fully facing each other, and brought him in again for another passionate kiss.

Low seductive moans filled the air as their hands dances across each other’s bodies, their lips locked together stubbornly, not letting anything come between, not even the air they breathe.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, thank very much for attending my 30th birthday party tonight.” Leeteuk’s voice rang out through the speakers.

The two of them pull apart fast, gasping for breath. Their hands were still on each, gently gliding over different parts of their bodies as they tried to regain their normal heart rate.

“You’re a good kisser,” Kyuhyun whispers by the other’s ear, ignoring Leeteuk’s voice who was still currently talking about the evening.

“When I get compliments, I’d usually say Practice makes better. But in this situation, I don’t think it’ll work.” The blonde smiles, leaning forward and pressed a lingering kiss to the taller males lips.

“Show me your face.” Kyuhyun says, bringing his hand up into the other’s hair and plays with the ribbon that held the blonde’s mask to his face.

“You’ll regret it.” The smaller whispers, the smile that was originally on his face, dropping.

“Why do you say that, pretty one?” Kyuhyun asks with a smile, gently caressing the side of the blonde’s pale face with the back of his hand. “I’d like to see who you are, and hopefully get a name. You would fulfill my night with joy if you do”

The blonde shakes his head and pushes the younger’s hands away. “I don’t think you understand, Kyuhyun.” He says, taking a step back. “I shouldn’t have lead you on like this either.”

“What could possibly go wrong?” Kyuhyun questions, shocked that the other actually knew his name. “I’d just like a name with a face. Please, just take off your mask.”

The other stands there for a moment, his eyes blazing through the white mask as he stared at Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun could see that the stranger was obviously having a mental battle as they held each other’s gaze.

Kyuhyun took in a sharp breath when he saw the other reach up towards the back of his head where the ribbon was tied. He held his breath in anticipation as the ribbon seemed to loosen in slow motion as a small hand pulled on one end of it, unraveling the bow from the back of his head.

A gasp fell from Kyuhyun’s lips when the mask was finally taken off, his hands coming up to his mouth in shock.







A/N: Omg, i've updated, please, omg, i praise to lord.In three days, it would've been exactly one year since I've updated.
I know, I should be ashamed of myself for not updating. I'm that author that everyone hates. I just lsot track of my schedule, and also of how to continue this story on. But I guess I have a vague enough idea on how to finish it. So bash on me, love me, hate me, snuggle with me, glomp me, I don't care. I'll accept any type of feels.
I sincerely apologize for not updating this. I feel so bad.

But I'm not sure if you guys have ntoiced or not, but my writing has changed. I wouldn't say i've improved, but I didn't get worse or anything. The type of writing that I prefer has changed now. i like things more in depth, rather than short, brief and to the point.




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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 23: Nooooooooooooo this can't happen!!! Why!!!!Why!!!Why!!! This would be one of the most heartrending fics I have read.....It's a crime that this fantastic, marvelous story has not been updated and given closure!! Sad, so very sad!!!!
392 streak #2
Chapter 23: Aaaaaaaand you left me hanging here~ cruel~
392 streak #3
Chapter 5: Oh my gossssh, I hate it when I read kids got T^T
392 streak #4
Chapter 2: this really sounds promising~ but I didn't see completed tag there so... I'm going to have my heart broke again I guess
Chapter 23: Are you going to update this anytime soon?
Please, you're an incredible author.

I'm gonna wait patiently.
Thanks for sharing all this beautiful stories with us.
Chapter 10: I like it when the parts are not explicit but implied. It feels soooo nice cause you can let your imagination run wild. :3

As always, nice job, author. ^•^
Before I start this amazing story I want to ask you a favor.

Please, send me those pictures. *-*
I need them. Look at my babies. They lool just perfect.

Now...let's start reading!!! C: ❤
Chapter 13: Oooops I mean Yebaby, please be safe and sound immediately! And talk to Kyuhyun with a calmer state of mind. Huhu
Chapter 13: Aish. Just... Ugh... Kyu did not know. Yes of course it's really a bummer, Kyu chose to go out with friends last minite when he already promised to stay with Ye. Plus it's his fureakinbirthday!!!! Gosh. He is such a bad boyfriend... I mean, if you just know that part of the story. But that was just a mistake. If JW did not have such a heartbreaking story before, it would not have escalated this much :(

Oh... KyuSung.

Kyu, better be safe and sound. Then just be together and not keep secrets anymore so that there wouldn't be misunderstandings and stuff like this again :(