You will Always be Our Son

Dragon's Love


"Boys?" their mom repeated, "Where are you?"

", , ." Wu Fan hissed, stressed. "We'll be right out mom." he then gathered his courage and spoke up.

Her foot steps were getting closer to the room, "You're both in Wu Fan's room?"

"Y-yeah, mom." Wu Fan moved Tao from the door and leaned on it, signing Tao to clean up, and so he did - grabbing couple of tissues and changing into one of Wu Fan's big-sized shirts.

"Come down fast, your father and I need to talk to you."

"We'll be down in five."

And with that, her footsteps sounded walking away.

Wu Fan quickly Put a shirt on himself and pushed Tao out of his room so he can change his under clothing.

"Gege!" Tao yanked Wu Fan's hand gently.


"Don't forget what happened now."

Wu Fan blushed lightly, "go down."

"I mean it," Tao was getting redder by the second because of the words he was about to say, "this is not a game. And we need to talk about it in expansion so things won't break down completey bwtween us."

Wu Fan smiled a little at the younger's shy gaze, "okay, now go."


When Wu Fan got down he saw Tao sitting with his parents in front of the table in the dining room. They were all quiet and Tao was obviously a little nervous because of the cause their parents went away to their aunt.

"Wu Fan, have a sit." his father's smile was unusually a little nervous.

Wu Fan sat and his mother sighed a little, frowning worrily.

"There is something we must tell Wu Fan, but we came to a conclusion both of you should know it." their father started, "We didn't plan on telling you this... at least not now. But I'm afraid you'll find about it in a worse way, from your grandmother."

Wu Fan was now very aware of what their parents wanted to tell them, and so was Tao.

"First, you should know we love you, no matter what." His mother smiled and he could see her tears coming soon, "You are our son. You always were and you'll always will be."

Wu Fan smiled.

His father exhaled deeply and then dropped the bomb, not wanting to draw it any longer, "You're adopted."

Even though Wu Fan already knew it, his heart shrank inside his chest hearing those words and he could hear his mom's whimper.

Both he and Tao stayed silent, face expressions unreadable.

"Wu Fan...?" his father asked carefully.

Wu Fan looked up and smiled, deciding to be honest, "I know."

Both his parents gasped, his mother covering with her trembling hands.


Wu Fan glanced at Tao. He was silently crying.

"I- no, we, overheard your conversation with grandmother." he smiled bitterly.

"Oh no..." his mother started sobbing, followed by Tao.

"Wu Fan, son, like your mother said - you will always be our son, always."

"I know." Wu Fan inhaled deeply, looking into his father's honest gaze, trying to hold himself together and not break in front of everyone, "Is it really only because of grandmother that you decided to tell me? Not because you wanted me to know?" he added hopefully.

His mother's sobs became a little louder, gaining his father's hand on her shoulder.

"No." his father simply replied.

"Then...?" Wu Fan frowned.

"T-there is..." his father gulped audibly, "your moth- no, your biological mother."

Wu Fan shivered by the sound of those words.

"She... she contacted grandmother. And that's why she wanted to take Zi Tao away, so he won't be part of the... mess." his father whispered the last word.

Wu Fan breathed slowly, trying to understand the meaning of every word, "But... I'm gonna turn 18 soon. It doesn't matter why or when she left me, it's too late to go to court-"

"She doesn't want to go to court," his father simply said bitterly, "she only wants to come here and claim you as her son."



"W-Wu Fan," his mother's eyes were red and she looked terrible, "you are our son. No matter what will you choose to do, you'll always have a place. Remember this."

This was his desicion now.




A/N: Pic is not mine.

Short update, I know, but my computer is not back yet.

I'll try harder next chap ~

Thank you for the lovely coments <3 :3

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Chapter 12: Wow this was just amazing. I was hooked while reading this.
I want this story to continue ?
Dekiyang #3
author nim please don't forget this story please please please complete this story ....don't leave us hanging.........I check every day in hope of u completing the story....please please complete it.....earnest it a small chapter it will be okey ....
yini_666 #4
Chapter 12: God dammit. I really wanted to see the ending ;-;
Leetaemin2233 #5
Chapter 5: I thought Tao was gonna get kidnapped
_kritter126 #6
Chapter 12: Oh wait I just realized this hasn't been updated since 2013
_kritter126 #7
Chapter 12: Btw that one ty scene was hOT thank you
_kritter126 #8
Chapter 12: Ok so... Now the plan is for Kris and Tao to move to China with grandma to avoid Kris' real mom? But I mean Meilin already lives in China near the grandma so wouldn't it be easier for her to take Kris back there? And also? What happened to Kris??? I mean yeah there was an explosion of sorts but did the bus crash or what?

Even though I'm a bit confused with some things (it's probably just because I'm dumb) this story is SO good and I pray you won't abandon it
_kritter126 #9
Chapter 12: There's 3 more chapters? But I thought the story was marked as complete? Ahh dang... I'll have to wait then. :( I dont want to wait, it's so good!