Forever and Always



I looked up from my book to see Se Hun staring at me. "Yes, Se Hun?”                

“Let’s go shopping!” Se Hun told me enthusiastically, nearly jumping up and down with excitement as he neared me.

“What a girl…” Baekhyun snorted from the couch, almost hidden behind the many cushions.

“You’re one to talk,” I defended Se Hun, staring pointedly at the pink bow on top of Baekhyun’s hair.

Baekhyun blushed deep red, turning to Chanyeol to yell, “YOU SAID IT LOOKED CUTE!”

Chanyeol’s muffled answer from under the pillows was, “You are cute!”

I turned my back on them, focusing on Se Hun again. “Shopping?”

Se Hun nodded. “Come on! We haven’t gone in SOOOOO long!”

I smiled softly. “It’s been two weeks, Hunnie.”

Se Hun looked at me. “EXACTLY.”

I laughed, shaking my head. This kid. “All right, let’s go.”


“Hyung, let’s get that! Ooh no, I want that!” Se Hun pulled me to a dozen shops, each time pointing at hundreds of things and then leaving before he bought anything.

“Hunnie…aren’t you gonna buy anything?” I asked him, watching as he flew from shelf to shelf, examining everything.

“Of course I will…I just don’t know what I want yet.” Se Hun replied, looking at a tiny ornament.

“…you’ve said you wanted everything in this shop.” I reminded him.

“Yeah, but I didn’t REALLY want those.” He told me, rolling his eyes, as if it were obvious.

I shook my head, leaning against a table to observe him. He hadn’t been this excited since before the news…what’s going on? Is he alright? I shrugged off the thought. After all, isn’t it good he’s back to his normal self?

As a couple of college girls came nearer to us, I instinctively pulled down my baseball cap lower to hide my face. Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see Se Hun doing the same thing. Even though we hadn’t made our official debut yet, ever since the showcase, girls had been coming up to us, screaming and shouting. It had been crazy…

As they approached closer and looked like they were going to stop near me, I quickly walked over to a display case. Only after they passed me did I relax. I looked down at the shelf I stopped at.

“Can I have those two?” I immediately asked the saleslady, who looked at me just a second longer than needed. I lowered my gaze, hoping she wouldn’t recognize me.

She handed me the two objects I had asked for and I thanked her before quickly walking away.

“You ready?” A voice came from behind me.

“Oh, Hunnie! You…you’re done?” I asked in surprise, hiding my purchase behind my back.

“Yeah…there’s nothing I want here. I’m tired, let’s go home.” He told me, stepping out of the shop.

“What time is it?” I asked, looking at the dark sky. I hadn’t noticed how late it was.

“10:00” Se Hun answered.

“Hunnie?” I asked softly.

“Yeah, hyung?” He looked at me expectantly.

“…why were you so happy today?” I questioned him, the topic from before slipping through my mouth before I could stop it.

Se Hun looked at me for a second and then sighed. “It’s nothing…I just wanted to…savor the time we had together. Who knows when…”

He trailed off, but I knew what he was going to say. Who knew when we would have to leave? I smiled softly. So that’s the reason. “Here.”

I handed him the objects I had bought earlier. “You bought something?”

“Open it.” I told him, looking at his face for his expression.

As he took out the two key chains and read what was on it, I could see his face soften. “Hyung?”

“Forever and always,” I whispered, staring into his moist eyes.

“Forever and always…” He whispered back, tracing the words that were carved into the beautiful objects.

He handed me one of them, and I immediately put it in my pocket, afraid I would lose it. And I couldn’t lose it. Not this. 

When I looked back up into his face, a bright smile had replaced the bittersweet look that had been on it a second ago. He reached over and took my hand in his. My eyes widened, and I looked at the hundreds of witnesses around us, who could see us.

“Hun…” I whisper, trying to take back my hand.

He looked at me, his eyes soft. “Lu Han…”

It was then that I stopped resisting. He smiled at me, using those strong hands, those perfect hands, to pull me closer to his warm body. He tightened his grip on my hand to the point that it hurt.

Amid the crowd, we held hands without a care in the world, not worrying about anything. Not about what would happen if someone saw us. Not about the hard practices that would greet us tomorrow. Not the debut. Not…not the goodbye.

“Forever and always?” I heard Se Hun whisper.

I looked up at him and smiled. My answer came out confidently and without a doubt. “Forever and always.”

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ this was pretty fluffy. Idk, it doesn't really fit with the story, but I felt bad for all the angsty chapters LOL. So I hope you like this random fluff :) thanks for reading!

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Chapter 9: AWWWWWW~~~~~ This is so so so cute~ >.<
I just can't ~ >.<
By the way I love the ending where they shouted "Neither of you is cute." That is so EXO~ XD
Nice one, author-nim~ ^^
*gives thumb up*
Chapter 9: This was so cute. I liked reading Luhan's point of you and his thoughts on Sehun and his lovely hands :-)
Omo omo omo that is such a cute ending xD
luvkpop #4
Aww such a cute ending
tohtohs #5
Awww this is really sweet!
Wahaha the bonus chapter is sooo fluffy and funny xDD
I love it, and don't mind what the others saying, Sehun&Luhan, both of you are cutie >//<
Whoa! I just loovvveeeeddd this fic! I hope hunhan love will last forever and always ♥ thank you for writing, author-ssi :)
CasShwaolB2uty #8
I didn't read all the story yet..
but, this is so cute..that I want more chapters please xD
whatever, thanks for writing this :3
I loved the story! Please continue this story!
Omoooooooooo i love that stooooory does it really have to end? :( Buuuuut Nevertheless this is an amazing epilogue, it actually made me laugh :3 daaaaaaaw~