Subject Proposal

Behind the Scenes

Standing across from Nichkhun I glance at him with a grin on my face, I couldn't stop smiling. If this is what it’s like to let go for a night then I think I could do this every now and then. Nichkhun has the same grin on his face. “Thank-you.” I mumble reaching for his hand, one that he happily grasps mine with.

“Well you know I’ve only been waiting to ask you since the day you snapped all those pictures of us.” Nichkhun confesses. “It wasn’t easy trying to get to know you.”

“Well I apologize for all the ground work you had to do.” I tell him stepping closer. “I’m glad you did.” I whisper quietly.

“When did you figure it out?” Nichkhun asks me the side of my face. “When did you figure out that I wasn’t an actor?” The concern on his face is heartwarming. He remembers what I’d said nearly three months ago. Back when he first started sitting with me.

Smiling at him I reach up and poke his face gently. “When I figured out you wouldn’t just leave.” I mumble sighing contently. “You’ve been by my side for what seems like since I got here.”

“Well I was hoping that’d help out.” He chuckles pulling away. “Come on let’s go.” He says pulling us away from the bridge and us running down a street.

Zipping through people, I’m not sure when it hit me but at some point while Nichkhun and I were sampling the nightlife it dawned on me. I finally figured out what I want to do for my thesis.


Standing outside of Auntie Mae and Uncle Hoon’s apartment I smile at him. “I know what I want to do now.”

“Oh?” Nichkhun asks curiously. “What does it entail exactly Mabel?”

Chuckling I smile at him. “Well firstly submitting my resignation as an intern at Victor’s studio.” I tell him happily, to this Nichkhun gives me a shocked look. “I’m not done yet so calm down.” I tell him chuckling. “Well I suppose that’s the second or third step.”

“What are the first ones?” He asks alarmed. “Leaving?”

“Nope, well as long as the first two work.” I tell him shrugging my shoulders. “I’d have to call my professor and attempt, again, to get my final subject movie approved. Of course I still need to work out the details and everything.”

“Which would be?” He asks, “Mabel I’m dying here.”

Smiling at him I pat his cheek affectionately. “I’d like to ask you and the others if I can show them 2PM behind the scenes. What you guys are like in everyday life, film you guys messing around and the like. To show people the kind side you’ve shown me.” I tell him hopefully. “Of course you all need to agree, and then Jinyoung-sshi would need to, and my professor of course.”

Nichkhun chuckles “If it means you’re following me around all day I think I can be happy with that.”

Shaking my head I glance at my hands intertwined with his, “Though I still need to work out everything before I can even submit it to my professor.” I tell him pouting.

Nichkhun smiles at me; kissing the top of my head he nudges me towards the door. “You better get started; you look like you’re itching to start.” He mumbles.

Before he leaves I grab his hand. “I like spending time with you too.” I tell him breathlessly before I slip into the apartment, 4:06 a.m., not bad. I mean for a college student working on her last year. Lightly knocking on my aunt and uncle’s door I let them I’m home.


As I get into my room I turn on my computer, I need to get to work if I’m going to have this done and set to show all the necessary people. I can’t just say it, I need to actually plan it out, and I’ll have to get more equipment for this though. I wasn’t expecting to find such an intricate subject(s).

“How was your night?” Auntie asks slipping into my room. “Mabel?”

“It was fantastic.” I tell her swirling in my chair to face her. “Nichkhun is so sweet.” I mumble happily. “I even figured out a ­very possible subject for my thesis.”

“Which would be?”

“Life behind the scenes” I tell her simply, “Specifically 2PM if I can get all the correct people to approve of it.” I tell her happily turning back around to write out the plan, what I want to show and so on and so forth.

“What about your internship?” She asks me gently. “I mean it sounds like you’re excited but the other interns think you’re a shoe-in for a spot.”

“I’ll have to withdraw if this falls into place. That’s why I have to get started on my outline right away and send it to Professor Crown.” I say typing away, pausing I turn to look at her. “Is something the matter?”

She smiles at me. “You must be pretty pumped up.” Taking a seat she crosses her legs on the bed. “Will this mean you’ll stay longer?”

“It depends more on how long it’ll take to film, but I could be in Korea a bit longer.” I say turning to face her. “Auntie, do you want to talk about something?”

“It’s just…I’m worried about you Mabel.” Sighing she the bed carefully. “Not about your career, this is something you can only do here I take it.” Nodding my head she presses on. “It’s about Nichkhun.”

“Oh?” I say now unsure. What could she have to say? After all she and Karou were the ones urging me to spend time with Khunnie.

“Nichkhun can be” Pausing she purses her lips a few times before she finally settles on a word. “Whimsical. I don’t want you getting hurt.”

Smiling at her I pat her leg. “I promise to be careful.” I reassure her before I turn back to my computer. “I’ll be sure to keep my head on.”

Hearing her leave the room and my door click close I immerse myself in all the little details I need to have, what exactly I want to show, how, times, outlines everything.


By the time I head into work and see Nichkhun waiting for me with coffee, knowingly, I’m excited to see a reply in my e-mail when I get home. “Sleep at all last night?” He asks me as I take a seat in my usual spot.

“No, I was busy writing and editing my paper for Professor Crown.” I tell him happily. “Thank-you.”

“It’s no problem.” He beams resting in his chair right next to me.

Staying on point while working I glance around the room, when I suddenly feel an ache to leave and just spend another day with Nichkhun doing nothing relating to cameras. Shaking this thought from my head of the thought I finish my portion of the project by the end of the day, well the bulk of it. I’ll need to edit it tomorrow and check from all the usual things.

Nichkhun apparently thinks it’ll be a good idea to go to a café and rest a bit, walking of course to stretch my legs. “So what did you accomplish after I dropped you off?” Nichkhun asks sipping an ice tea.

Shrugging my shoulders I cover my mouth as I yawn. “I got a rough draft in to my professor, I’ll have to check for a reply, and if he approves it I’ll need to edit it so I can show the others and Jinyoung-sshi.” I tell them happily drinking my water.

“Promise to sleep tonight?” Khunnie says leaning forward. “I’m happy you found something you want to share with the world, but I’ll be happier knowing you’re sleeping as well.”

Nodding my head I smile at him. “I’ll crash right after I check my e-mail.” I tell him yawning again. “Maybe even before.” I .

Nichkhun sends me one of his signature smiles, well what I’ve come to call them, those happy smiles, teeth showing, like a laugh dying to get out of him, but he’s being reserved right now so he won’t let it out kind of smile.  “What did the others say about you getting home late?” I ask him curiously.

Frowning, he looks away scratching the back of his head. “Well Hyung scolded me this morning about it; apparently I need to be extra careful since you could be some kind of spy.” He says chuckling. “Taec was pretty upset because he didn’t have anyone to go to dinner with, but that’s not really new.” He says smiling.

“The others that busy?” I ask quietly, I’d hate to add on to them having to compose themselves a bit more than normal.

“It’ll be fine; I think they’ll really want to do this, partly because they whine about me spending so much time with you.” Khun says rolling his eyes. “Besides I think I could get used to having your around.”

Despite what I’d said, I fell asleep as soon as I made it to my bed, my mind wasn’t on film, checking, just on Nichkhun who was worried about my sleeping habits and well me.


I feel like I could burst from joy, I have one third of the approvals I need. I just need to convince Jinyoung-sshi and the boys and I have my thesis! Excited I call Nichkhun, I just wanted to tell someone; honestly he was the only person I was thinking of telling. My parents, friends, my aunt and uncle didn’t even cross my mind.

“Hello?” He sings happily. “Mabel, did the e-mail come?”

Squealing I nod my head, quickly realize he can’t see I decide to use my words. “Yes! Now I just need to ask your boss, Jinyoung-sshi, talk to the other members and it’ll be a done deal!”

“Well then I think you should meet me at JYPE and we can go in and ask.” He says happily. “We should make you an appointment to see Jinyoung-hyung.”

“Sounds good, hey when would be a good time to talk to the others?” I ask him absently twirling my hair with my fingers.

“We’re about to go to dinner, you should come.” Nichkhun says happily, now that I’m brought out of my stupor of being excited I can hear the others talking excitedly, some asking who’s going to meet Jinyoung and what for.

“I don’t know…” I mumble nervously, looking down at my clothes all wrinkled from me sleeping in them, I don’t even have to look in a mirror to know my makeup must be all over my face. “I mean besides I don’t even have a real excuse besides I look like I’ve been sleeping.”

 I tell him honestly.

“Well get dressed. We’ll be there in a ten.” Nichkhun comments happily, “Hey Woo we’re going to go pick up Mabel.”

“Aite.” Wooyoung cheers happily. “I can’t wait to see her!” He says excitedly.

“See, ten be ready.” Khun commands hanging up.

Staring at my phone I try to figure out what just happened, and how Nichkhun was suddenly completely had me at a loss for words. Shaking it off I run to the bathroom and fix my messy hair, wash my face and redo my makeup, quickly running to change into something a bit nicer than the ripped jeans and t-shirt I am currently wearing.

Slipping into an off-white button up shirt paired with a butterfly print skirt with a sort of pink bow, I’m not really sure what color to call it, doing a once over as I leave my room Auntie Mae smiles at me. “Another date?”

“No, just going out to eat with them, too much?” I ask her nervously as I mess with the ends of my hair.

Shaking her head she smiles “Here let me.” He says affectionately, “I’ve always wanted a daughter; I want to dress her up, tell her how beautiful she is, and play with her hair…” She mumbles happily. “Anyways you look lovely.”

“Thank-you.” I mumble as she brushes my hair gently, feeling her braid it and then set it on my shoulder. “Have fun tonight.”

“I will, I’ll be back soon.” I tell her happily, hugging her tightly as the bell rings I smile at her. “Thank-you for everything.” I mumble as I run to the door.

Opening it I see Wooyoung and Chansung with Nichkhun. “They wanted to see you too.” He comments throwing his hand back at them. “You look nice.” He mumbles hugging me.

“Thank-you.” I whisper back, “You don’t look bad yourself.” I say smiling. “AH my dear boys!” I say happily engulfing both in hugs. “How have you guys been?”




I know it's been forever since I updated ;^;
Honestly I got a lot of it typed out ages ago, but I didn't like part of it 
so I just kept tweaking it. I'm terribly sorry, things have just been...difficult but not?
I don't know, but here is a long over due chapter.


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ch3nya #1
Chapter 12: Your writing just amazes me. I just get so attached to the characters and just the way you write it out is so different from the norm its so refreshing to read your stories :)
Chapter 12: This story was simply brilliant. It was such a simple ending, that it deserves a gold star haha. Keep up the good work, I love the way you write.
70V3LY #3
Chapter 12: LOVE IT! Sad it's over but happy I read it :)
OhHai_Channie #4
Chapter 12: Aw, great story but it ended so quickly!
Umm.. For stories, anything by Staticdream
"The thin line between you and him" by one_in_a_million
Everyone else I've read haven't updated in awhile or already have been recommended.
farluvv #5
Chapter 12: Nice story.. I really like it.. it's very rare to find. Nichkhun's story with original character..

About fanfics to read, try S O U L M A T E S by MRSLEE or if we are meant to be together by anneiste. The latter was already completed. But both are so good :)
jr72ok #6
Chapter 11: just started reading and I love your story....that last line really hit me hard
70V3LY #7
Chapter 11: That last line "as much as I hate to admit it, but our goodbye felt more final than either of us are willing to admit" a cord in my heart </3 lol. Good job!
Chapter 11: In enjoying this little fix you have going, now I'm excited on how it's gonna end.
nichlover #9
Chapter 11: You've portrayed Nichkhun very close to what I'm seeing angel with some dark sides (like possessive and stuffs ^^") So good job ^^.
Sad it will end really soon but you promised for the happy ending right? ^^
annech #10
Chapter 10: It's going to end soon? Why so soon? T.T
Anyway, can I hope for a happy ending ?;p