Never Give Up --- The Future Will Come


Later that night, KyungRin walked around the back garden in the dorms, thinking about whether or not she should help ChunJi or not
‘If I help ChunJi, sure enough HyeRin’s gonna kill me… But then again…’ 
KyungRin kept thinking long and hard, not noticing someone approaching her.
“Kyungie-ah!” KyungRin looked up in shock. She sighed in relief when she saw it was just SungGyu, a brother figure to her and one of ChunJi’s best friends. 
“What are you doing here alone?” he asked as he pinched her cheek.
“Yah! No pinching!” she told him as shy pried his hands away.
SungGyu chuckled and took a seat on the bench near her.
“Hey oppa… So… ChunJi told me who he likes…” KyungRin told him as she sat beside him.
SungGyu’s eyes widened in shock. He never expected ChunJi to tell KyungRin since they weren’t close. Then realization hit him. The reason why he told her.
“Why do you think he told me, oppa? It’s not like we’re close… And plus, it’s HyeRin. Isn’t he afraid I’d tell her?” KyungRin mumbled.
SungGyu ginned and patted her head.
“You know, little sister, there’s a reason why.” He started. KyungRin looked at him, waiting for him to spill. “Well… It’s HyeRin, right? And you’re HyeRin’s closes friend… I’m guessing he wants you to…”
“OMG. YOU MEAN HE WANTS ME TO HELP HIM DOESN'T HE?!” KyungRin continued and jumped up.
“Yeah! He chose you to help him.” SungGyu told her.
“But… SungGyu! You know that HyeRin doesn’t like him, right?” KyungRin looked at him.
SungGyu just smiled and stood up.
“Hey, what can we do?” he gave one more pat on the head before leaving.
“Aigoo, these people… So complicated…” KyungRin mumbled to herself.


(A/N:) Hello~

Haha! So yeah, most of you can probably guess KyungRin is me. 

Most might be in my point of view for now since this is really how the story went... So yeah~


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Chapter 8: i agree with hugmasochi. it's really such a cute story, especially when most of this is true. i thought that such cute moments like this only happen in story. i'm really envy of that girl~
Wow it's such a cute story ^^
knowing it's based on true story ;)
they're lucky mutual feelings~~