Never Give Up --- The Future Will Come

A few days later, things were the same except it seems like ChunJi was finally trying to make a move, but HyeRin was unaware of it.

He’d treat her to ice cream sometimes, he’d talk with her in class, and he’d be with her whenever she was alone.

But one awful night, something happened to the guy…

“Excuse me!!!”
“Make way!”
“Will he be alright?!”

The teachers and ChunJi’s roommates were rushing through the halls going to ChunJi’s room. Students near-by poked their head in curiosity, wondering what was all the ruckus about.

Barging into her room, KyungRin spotted HyeRin infront of her Mac reading fanfics.

“HYERIN!!!” KyungRin shouted, walking over to her. A worried face plastered on.

HyeRin jumped in shock.

“Kyung! What’s wrong?!” HyeRin asked. KyungRin rarely looked worried. She wondered what happened.

“CHUNJI! HE…….!”

HyeRin gasped in shock and rushed out of the room.



HyeRin sat on her bed, worried. She didn’t know why she was so worried. It’s normal to be worried but not THAT worried.

“Rin? You okay?” KyungRin asked as she sat beside her on the bed.

HyeRin nodded but a blank look was on her face.

“Hey. You are so not okay. Tell me! What’s up?” KyungRin asked again.

“It’s just that Chunji, he…!” HyeRin took a deep breath before continuing. “Actually, I don’t know! I feel really weird right now!” she admitted.

“Aigoo, pabo~ You fell for him didn’t you? You probably just don’t know it…”

“You think so?!” HyeRin’s eyes widened.

“Well, that’s my theory anyway~” KyungRin smiled. “Well, you know, we still have a week left before this ends… You have by then to clear up your thoughts, right?

HyeRin nodded.

“So there! Don’t be too stressed about it!” KyungRin advised. “You’re just gonna get wrinkles. Anyway, knowing him, I’m sure he’s gonna be just fine! Don’t worry~”

HyeRin hugged KyungRin and she hugged her back. It was nice it have someone to talk to and give advice.

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Chapter 8: i agree with hugmasochi. it's really such a cute story, especially when most of this is true. i thought that such cute moments like this only happen in story. i'm really envy of that girl~
Wow it's such a cute story ^^
knowing it's based on true story ;)
they're lucky mutual feelings~~