Never Give Up --- The Future Will Come


A few days later, it was time for the camping trip. Everyone in the dorms would go camping for a night.
HyeRin and KyungRin were busy packing for the trip in their room. 
“Hey, Kyung! You got snacks for the road?” HyeRin double checked.
KyungRin chuckled and nodded.
“Of course, Rin! I wouldn’t let you starve on the road would I?” KyungRin joked, earning a playful slap from HyeRin.
Finishing their packing, the two headed to the buses.
It took a two hour drive to the mountains. When everyone got off, they gasped as they saw where they were.
It was a peaceful forest with cabins lined up at one part. It was windy and the air was fresh, not like the city.
HyeRin giddily jumped up and down in excited.
“GOSH! IT’S GONNA BE SO MUCH FUN!!!” she squealed as KyungRin laughed in agreement.
The teachers then divided everyone to their rooms to let them rest then meet up again for dinner…
Later that night after dinner, everyone was ordered to meet up at the cabins’ entrance for a small activity.
“Okay everyone! Listen!!!” the teacher shouted, getting everyone’s attention. “We’re going to walk down this dark path down the road to go firefly watching, got it?!”
The students nodded, some excited, some bored.
“Cool~ Firefly watching!!!” KyungRin said, excited. She looked over to HyeRin who looked excited but a bit terrified.
“Hey, you okay, Rin?” KyungRin asked worriedly.
“Yeah! But… A dark path…? No lights or anything…?!” HyeRin panicked.
“Oh crap…” KyungRin mumbled. HyeRin and her had a bit of fear of walking in the darkness.
“OKAY! LET’S GO!” the teacher barked and started walking forward, everyone following her behind. 



Haha! Yeah, so most of this is true~
The fireflies thing is true~ :3
Teehee~ <3
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Chapter 8: i agree with hugmasochi. it's really such a cute story, especially when most of this is true. i thought that such cute moments like this only happen in story. i'm really envy of that girl~
Wow it's such a cute story ^^
knowing it's based on true story ;)
they're lucky mutual feelings~~