
Key's Lullaby.



"It's a pretty serious cause of Amnesia. It's a very rare case, too." 

"So now what? What's going to happen?" 

"The doctor said we have to slowly try to bring back his memories. But we can't overdo it because that could make it worse. So, telling him we're friends would be fine. Telling him we're world-famous would shock him too much."

"So, how old does he think he is again?"

"When the doctors asked him about the time of the year, he said that he wasn't sure about the month and day but that he knew that it's 2005."

"2005?!" Jinki held his phone a bit farther from his ear as Minho began to yell. "But, we debuted in 2008! So he doesn't even know we exist?!"

"That's what I've been trying to tell you!" Jinki said. Minho sighed through the phone.

"Alright. Jonghyun's already on his way, and I'll be there in about 20 minutes."


"I.. lost my memories? What do you mean? Of course I didn't! My name is Kim Kibum, I'm 14 years old, I live with my grandmother in Daegu." 

"Key… I understand that you're confused, but.. Please, believe me."

"Yah! Stop calling me Key! I told you, my name is Kibum. Sir, I'm sorry, but I think you're mistaking me for somebody else." Taemin frowned. It was weird hearing his Hyung calling him sir.

"You really don't recognize me, do you?" he sighed. Key shook his head.

"How am I supposed to recognize someone I've never seen before?" Taemin turned away from the bed, trying to think of a way to convince his 21 year old friend that he wasn't a 14 year old any more. Then he thought of something. He grabbed his bag and started to search it. When he found what he was looking for, he smiled hopefully. 

"Key, I want you to look at yourself." Taemin said, handing his friend a little mirror.


Jinki ran back to the room as soon as he heard someone, who sounded an awful lot like Key, yelling. "My hair! What the hell did you do to my hair?! Is this some kind of sick joke? Ah, doctor, you're back." Kibum looked at Jinki with begging eyes. "Please, please take this man away from my room. He's trying to convince me that I'm a completely different person!"

"Yah Taemin, why aren't you listening to what the doctors said!" said Jinki.

"I did listen! I never told him anything about shinee! I just tried to explain that he's actually 21!" Taemin defended himself. "But when he wouldn't listen I gave him a mirror so he could see for himself."


"So… What you're telling me is true? I'm 21 years old? What happened to me, then?"

"You were involved in a car accident, a truck hit your car and-"

"I own a car? Awesome!" Jinki frowned.

"Well, you did. But not anymore. It's completely broken." Taemin murmured. Kibum's excited look faded and he faced Jinki again.

"Anyway… The truck hit your car and you broke two ribs. You were in coma for six days, and now you're awake again we learned that the impact made you lose your memories of the past years."

"So… I no longer live with my grandmother?" Kibum asked. Jinki shook his head. "Nope."

"And… What about my friends?" 

"We're your friends." Taemin replied. Kibum frowned.

"You guys? Why would I hang out which such old..- Oh.. Right. 21. I forgot, sorry." Kibum looked down to his hands, this was all way to confusing.

"You should rest." Jinki stood straight and pulled Taemin out of his chair. Kibum nodded thankfully, he liked the one with the blouse, what was his name again? Jinki. That's right.

"Yah, Onew! Let me go, I can walk by myself." Kibum blinked. Who's Onew?


As soon as Jonghyun arrived at the hospital, he ran towards his two friends who were sitting in the wanting room. Jinki stood up and gave him a friendly hug. As soon as Taemin had hugged him, Jonghyun started to fire them with questions.

"-…Yes, he really lost his memory. No, he doesn't know who we are. No, he doesn't know of SHINee's existence." Jinki sighed when he finished answering all of Jonghyun's questions.

"I want to see him." Jonghyun said determined. 

"He might get confused again…" Jinki warned him.

"I don't care, I want to see him. Maybe he'll remember something? It's worth a try, right?"


"Oh, hello Jinki.. Or, Onew. Or whatever your name is." 

"Hey.. Kibum." Jinki smiled a little, it was weird for him to call his friend Kibum after calling him Key for years. "I respond to both, so you pick which one you like best."

"Jinki it is." Kibum smiled. "So… Who's the handsome one?" Jinki blinked in surprise. 

"Wh- what?" he stuttered. 

"The handsome one, standing right behind you!"

"See, I told you he doesn't remember anything." Jinki whispered. Jonghyun raised his shoulders.

"Psh. He just knows a handsome man when he sees one."

"Yeah! The handsome one is right!" Kibum agreed. "So… where have you been all my life?" 

"Erm.. Right by your side, for a big part of it." Jonghyun replied, frowning.

"He's my boyfriend? Jackpot!" Jonghyun's eyes doubled in size and Taemin's laughter filled the room. Kibum raised an eyebrow. "What's so funny?" Taemin's face immediately turned back to being serious again as he shook his head.

"Nothing, nothing. It's just that… I never knew that you're… Gay?"

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be? Being surrounded by a bunch of handsome guys like you fine people…" Taemin blinked and stared at his shoes, which suddenly became extremely interesting. 

"I guess he never told us because of the training and stuff…" Jinki whispered. Taemin nodded and turned around when he felt a big hand on his shoulder.

"Hey guys," Minho said with a serious look on his face. "How is he doing?"

"Well… He doesn't remember a single thing about what has happened from 2005 till now. His ribs are still healing, and we just found out that he's gay." 




Thanks so much for the comments, keep on letting me know what you think please! Also, let me know what you would like to happen to them! What do you think/hope will happen? 



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Everyone, I'm working so hard on all my stories right now but I'm afraid I can't make it before midnight. I am sorry to disappoint you :c


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TeleportingJongnini #1
Chapter 12: OMG! Please update!
Ilonahaku #2
It breaks my heart that this fanfic stayed unfinished. I still remember how excited I was when I discovered this story. It such a pity. T__T
still I hope you are doing fine.
DesdemonaDeLaMort #3
Chapter 12: This is such a good story!!! I can't believe that I only just found it now..... I am dying to read what happens next!
I hope that you will be able to update soon ^^
Thanks for writing so far ^-^
Dalliance #4
Found this story from Hallyucon. It's awesome! Be sure to update whenever you can. (: *thumbs up*
Pleaseeeeeeee update Author-nim! D:
Ilonahaku #6
Chapter 12: I miss this story a lot, I hope you will update soon. T.T
Ilonahaku #7
Hello, how are you?
I hope you dont have any problems or you dont feel too stressed because of life.

I wonder, if you could update, when you have a little bit of time? ^^" I am missing this fanfic...
sama-oppa #8
Chapter 3: oh my dos is so good
i can't stop to laughitng
is so ggod
i realy like kibum 14 years old !!
Chapter 12: ooh.. i love this.
kibum is so cute here..
author-nim.. where r u?
i need an update. hehe. jk.
take ur time dear