
Key's Lullaby.

Hey guys! Sorry it took me so long to update! I have so many ideas, for this story, for other stories, for new stories... But I can't get myself to actually sit down and write it! I'm trying very hard to squeeze some chapters out of my fingertips, and I apologize if it's not what you guys hoped for, but I tried, and I'll continue trying to improve myself. I hope you'll like this slight plot twist, that'll put Key's little world into a rollercoaster ride!




After their first treatment the happy couple took a nice warm shower, making no haste in washing each other again carefully before wrapping themselves in their bathrobes. They headed back for the pool, but came across a small lunch location along the way.


"Jjongie, let's eat something yummy!" Kibum smiled, softly pulling Jonghyun's pink sleeve. Jonghyun could only nod obediently and follow his boyfriend to a table where he sat down. Kibum went to take a look at the menu, that was written on large boards above the counter, and Jonghyun stayed to 'guard' their table. He absentmindedly looked into some magazines. His eyes widened when he saw the headliner of one of the magazines. 'SHINee takes a break!', together with a front page picture of the five friends. Another one said 'SHINee Key spotted in public hairdresser'. He grabbed the magazines and quickly sat on them, just in time. Kibum turned around with a bright smile on his face and he walked back to the table. 


"Anything good on the menu?" Jonghyun asked with a perfect pokerface. Kibum nodded and he held up two cupcakes. The older male grinned and shook his head.


"That's not going to fit into our diet you know."


"Diet? Kim Jonghyun! Are you calling me fat?!" Kibum glared at Jonghyun in a way only he could, and Jonghyun quickly shook his head in denial. 


"No, no! I was joking. Eat as much as you want, even if you were fat you'd loo-" Jonghyun stopped talking because Kibum was still glaring at him. 


"You eat one too." he demanded, handing Jonghyun a chocolate cupcake. Jonghyun pouted and looked at it. All his hard work at the gym… He looked up at Kibum and quickly changed his mind. Kibum was more scary than his trainer for sure, and besides, one cupcake couldn't hurt, right? 



"Ahh… My stomach…" Kibum groaned, frowning in discomfort. "It hurts Jjongie…" Jonghyun fought back an 'I told you so' and he put his arm around his boyfriend to comfort him a little. 


"I know it does, baby. Let's go sit down for a bit, hm?" the older male said, taking Kibum's hand and helping him stand up before they slowly walked back to their comfortable chairs. Jonghyun helped Kibum sit down again like a real gentle man and he sat down on the edge, looking at Kibum with worried eyes. 


"How long till our next treatment?" Kibum asked weakly. 


"About twenty minutes." Jonghyun answered. Kibum groaned again.


"I'm ruining our day." he muttered. Jonghyun shook his head and he softly took Kibum's hand.


"You've already made my day, Kibum-ah. Just by being with me. And of course… The clay rubbing was kinda hot." he teased. Kibum's romantic, touched smile faded when Jonghyun finished his sentence and he hid his face behind his hands. 


"Stop rubbing it in! Embarrassing!"


"That's not what you said back then.." Jonghyun laughed, leaning closer and kissing the back of Kibum's hands, making him show his face again. "I'm sorry love, I'll stop now." Jonghyun slowly leaned closer, almost closing the distance between their lips when suddenly…




A bright flashlight appeared in the corner of their eyes. It was gone again, and Jonghyun felt his heart skipping a beat when he realized what it had been. Kibum let out a surprised squeak when he too noticed the big paparazzi camera as the owner ran away, holding it. 


"Stop him!" Jonghyun yelled, jumping up from the seat and running after him. 


"Jonghyun!" Kibum's voice sounded from behind him. For a split second, he wanted to turn around, but he stayed focused on the man with the camera. He needed to delete that picture. Without a picture, the guy had no story. No proof. But rumors were bad… The management would kill him! But the picture would make things worse. The singer kept sprinting until he was finally close enough to the man to grab his collar.


"What do you think you're doing, sir?" he asked, trying to control his anger and his panic. 


"I just got myself a picture that'll get me promoted to the highest position in the magazine photography world!" The man laughed. "What are you going to do about it?" he asked, grinning. Jonghyun grinned back, lifting the man by his color and he could hear the fabric of the shirt ripping as he pushed the man into the pool. When the man reached the surface of the water again, Jonghyun kneeled down so their heads were close.


"Contact me for a new camera. I believe this one might not be functioning like before. You can buy yourself a new shirt. I'm not paying for that, since you were rude. If you write a story on this, I promise you that I will ruin your career. Do you understand?"


"Very well, mister Kim." the camera man said. Jonghyun stood straight again, and he watched from a distance while security lead the man out of the spa. A worried frown formed on his face when he saw the man's dirty smirk, and he knew that the man was not taking his threat seriously. He sighed, and turned around to walk back to Kibum. He quickly put on his bathrobe, helping Kibum into his without saying a word. Kibum had forgotten about the pain in his stomach in all the shock and he looked at Jonghyun with big eyes when he started to drag him out of the pool area, back to the dressing rooms. 


"Jonghyun, what's going on?"


"I can't tell you."


"What do you mean, you can't tell me?"


"I just can't."




"Listen to me, Kibum! Dry yourself off, get dressed, and wait for me to get ready as well before you get out of the dressing room."




"Kibum, this is not the right time to act childish."


"You're the one acting childish! So that man was a ert and he took our picture. So what?!"


"Kibum, let's not argue about this."


"I'm not arguing!"


Jonghyun rolled his eyes and he pushed Kibum into a dressing room, taking off his bathrobe and drying him off with a towel. Kibum struggled, but somehow Jonghyun managed to get him dressed properly. He quickly put on his clothes over his still wet swimming pants and he grabbed his dry towel, putting it over Key's hair and pulling it forward so it was covering his face. 


"Jonghyun what the hell are you doing?!"


Jonghyun didn't answer. He pulled his boyfriend out of the dressing room and they walked back to the counter. He swallowed when he saw the big doors, and the paparazzi and fans that had gathered outside. Why? Why did they have to find out? Why did they have to ruin his special day with Key? His Key. The girl behind the counter looked at him apologetically before bowing her head. 


'It was her.' Jonghyun thought bitterly. 'The unprofessional brat had leaked out their being here.' He wanted to yell, but it was too late for that. He felt Kibum trying to pull off the towel and he quickly stopped him from doing so.


"Listen to me, Kibum. We're going to go home now, and… I will explain everything to you."


At those words, Kibum stopped struggling and he allowed Jonghyun to walk with him to the doors, passing through them and into the crowd of screaming girls and flashing paparazzi cameras. 




Anna, 誕生日おめでとう ~! <3 \(•^o^•)/

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Everyone, I'm working so hard on all my stories right now but I'm afraid I can't make it before midnight. I am sorry to disappoint you :c


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TeleportingJongnini #1
Chapter 12: OMG! Please update!
Ilonahaku #2
It breaks my heart that this fanfic stayed unfinished. I still remember how excited I was when I discovered this story. It such a pity. T__T
still I hope you are doing fine.
DesdemonaDeLaMort #3
Chapter 12: This is such a good story!!! I can't believe that I only just found it now..... I am dying to read what happens next!
I hope that you will be able to update soon ^^
Thanks for writing so far ^-^
Dalliance #4
Found this story from Hallyucon. It's awesome! Be sure to update whenever you can. (: *thumbs up*
Pleaseeeeeeee update Author-nim! D:
Ilonahaku #6
Chapter 12: I miss this story a lot, I hope you will update soon. T.T
Ilonahaku #7
Hello, how are you?
I hope you dont have any problems or you dont feel too stressed because of life.

I wonder, if you could update, when you have a little bit of time? ^^" I am missing this fanfic...
sama-oppa #8
Chapter 3: oh my dos is so good
i can't stop to laughitng
is so ggod
i realy like kibum 14 years old !!
Chapter 12: ooh.. i love this.
kibum is so cute here..
author-nim.. where r u?
i need an update. hehe. jk.
take ur time dear