Personal Message

Live life to it's fullest. 'kay?

About Me

Name: Dalliance

Nickname: Dally


How to describe Dutch people (from my view as a Dutchie):

We are:

♦ easy going, honest and polite to other people especially towards elderly,

♦ direct and for some plain rude, frugal and ignorant,

♦ tall for some people,


♦ helpful; please feel free to ask anything and we will try to help you as much as we can,

♦ gezellig; there isn't a party, feist or just a meeting somewhere where the word 'gezellig' hasn't been said by someone. It's always entertaining, fun and we all have a good time. (and though there has been said that we think it's all 'boring' - and yes, that we are boring too)

♦ curious and interested in other cultures,

♦ speaking just as much English as Dutch; if you come to us and you try to speak/practice our language, we can hear that you're trying (and we like that) but we still want to make it easier for you. With that, we automatically speak English back - even when it's uninvited and you just want to speak Dutch to us- to make it easier for the other. Others find it offensive, others find it useful.

And so on and so on.


You don't need an About Me anymore because the things above describes me well enough. Yes. Now, back to my cookies.