
Key's Lullaby.


When Kibum woke up, he shivered, searching the bed with his eyes closes for the person that had kept him safe and warm over the night. When he noticed that Jonghyun was no longer by his side, he sat op straight, throwing his legs over the edge of the bed and bumping them painfully against the wood of the bed. Rubbing his skin with a frown on his face, he hissed a curse word. He had to get used to having long legs if he wanted to stop hurting himself like that. After he got up and walked towards the room which he remembered from the house tour as the bathroom, Kibum opened the door and smiled when he found out that he was right. He stopped to look at his reflection in the mirror and combed his fingers through his hair. The blond hair had to go, and fast. Not bothering to change first, he walked to the living room, but there was no one sitting there. The kitchen was also empty and everything was just how he'd left it the night before, except for the little note that was on the kitchen table. 


Dear Kibum, 

We had to go to the office to fix a couple things. Please stay inside until we return, we don't want you to get lost in the city, since you probably don't remember the way around anymore. We left you breakfast but Onew made it, so you might want to order something. I hope you remember how to cook soon, I'm going to starve if Onew keeps cooking.


Take care,





Kibum smiled when he finished Jonghyun's note and he opened the microwave to find something that was probably meant for breakfast. He closed the fridge again and sighed. Jonghyun left him some money with the note, probably to order something. He counted the money and his eyes widened. This was to much for just a one person's breakfast! Were they rich? But if they were, why didn't they live in a bigger house? He scratched his head and suddenly an Idea popped into his head. He could eat a small meal and buy some hair coloring from the leftover money! How hard could it be to color your own hair?


He walked towards the walk in closet which he also seemed to share with the four boys. Looking around a little, he opened one of the closets. This one had a uniform in it. He grabbed the jacket and read the name that was on it. Lee Taemin. Was he still in school? Or did he still have his uniform? At least he now knew that the closet with the big poster of a rubber duck wasn't his. He went on to the next closet, which was full of bright colors, mostly pink. With a frown on his face he closed the door again. He sure had some weird friends. 


Satisfied with his final choice he walked to the bathroom and took a shower, grabbing the bottle that said. "I belong to Key. Do not touch." He removed the sticker and wrote a mental note to himself that he would sticker it with a new text. After his shower he dressed in a pair of jeans and a red polo shirt with bright Yellow letters saying "GO" on the back. It had some gold accents to it, but it was acceptable. All the closets seemed to be filled with bright colors and shiny stuff. He mate another mental note to himself to look for his wallet when he returned, for now he had to deal with slightly odd clothes. 


He grabbed the only jacket that was left by the door, a leather one. Was it his? It had to be, but it looked so… Weird? He wore it anyway, it was pretty cold outside and he didn't want to get himself sick. Jonghyun probably wouldn't want to share his bed again when he was coughing. A smile appeared on his face when he thought of the boy who had slept next to him, wondering if he would mind to share a bed again. He wouldn't mind, would he? He shouldn't… They were in a relationship. But for how long had it been that way? How long were they together already? When was their anniversary? Asking himself hundreds of questions, Kibum grabbed a key that had,- once again, a tag with that stupid nickname on it, putting it in the pocket of his jacket before leaving the place he was supposed to call home, his hands in his pockets, his fingers wrapped tightly around Jonghyun's money. 


Key walked out of the building with his hands still in his pockets, and he looked around. This street had lots of high buildings, it shouldn't be to hard to walk back here. The thing was, he had no idea where to go. It seemed to be his lucky day; a taxi drove by and he was able to stop it. 

"To the center of the city, please." Kibum asked politely. The chauffeur's eyes widened in size and he nodded nervously before driving to the center of the city. 


"This is as close as I can get, sir." The chauffeur said. Kibum looked out of the window and smiled when he saw the streets of the city, full of stores and little restaurants. 

"It's perfect! Thank you very much. How much is it?" Kibum reached for the money that was in his pocket.

"F-for you? It's alright sir. You don't have to pay. Thank you for choosing my taxi, please have a nice day." The chauffeur stumbled. Kibum frowned and raised his shoulders. 

"Oh, well.. Thank you very much good sir. You have a nice day, too." he smiled, and he got out of the car. That was odd… When did taxi rides turn into free ones? 


After a short walk, he found a decent not to expensive looking place to eat breakfast. He smiled politely and bowed to the girl that would bring him to his table. The girl ran off and told him to wait just a second, and that was really all the time she took. She was back in no time and lead him to what seemed to be the best table they got. Kibum thanked her and bowed.


"Oppa?" Kibum looked up from his bowl of rice. "C-can you sign this please?" A girl presented him a notebook and a pen.

"S-sure… Is it for the bill?" Kibum frowned and took the pen from her, quickly writing his name down. He didn't remember having an autograph, so his name would have to do for now. The girl giggled and quickly walked away towards her friends, who were also giggling. Kibum shook his head confused and continued eating his meal. When he was finished, he asked for the bill. 


"This was your first time eating here, right?" The girl asked. Kibum nodded. "You don't have to pay, sir. Please, tell your friends that our food is very delicious. Bring them next time!" Kibum smiled brightly and held her hands, bowing.

"Thank you so much! I will most definitely bring them here sometime!" The girl blushed and stared at their hands. Kibum quickly let her go and bowed again, before leaving. Geez, people were really being nice to him. Was it really that easy to get things for free nowadays? 


"Omo! Key Oppa is getting a haircut!" Teenage girls were gathering in front of the hair salon, trying to get a peek of Kibum sitting in the hairdresser's seat, waiting for his hair to be fixed. "Look at his clothes! Aigo so cute! Jongkey is real!" Another girl squealed. Kibum himself didn't even realize what was going on outside of the hair salon. He was staring at his blond hair being cut and colored with fascinated eyes. He had no idea of the group of fangirls that were staring at him from outside, taking pictures, uploading them on the internet. 


"Key! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" A man hissed. Kibum looked up in horror, watching the man with the long coat, the hat and the sunglasses. 

"Who are you?" Kibum asked.

"It's me!" The man removed his glasses a little bit and Kibum saw two familiar brown eyes. They didn't look as friendly as they had looked before, but they definitely belonged to Minho. 

"What are you doing here?" Kibum asked. "And why are you wearing that?"

"I was going to ask you the exact same thing! Why are you wearing Jonghyun's clothes? And didn't he tell you to stay inside?" Minho didn't look friendly at all. In fact, he looked furious. When he saw Kibum's terrified face, his eyes softened a bit.

"Look I'm sorry Key… I know how confusing this must be for you, but… You really have to listen to us or else you'll get yourself in messy situations like the one we're in now. Please follow me and put these on." Minho presented him a pair of headphones. Kibum frowned.

"I have to pay first!" he said.

"I already payed. Let's go!" Minho put the headphones on Kibum's head and played some loud music. Kibum wanted to complain, but he was pulled out of his chair. Minho sighed and walked outside, loud screams filling his ears. He pushed their way through the crowd that didn't seem to move out of the way and quickly walked to were his car was illegally parked. As soon as he had placed Kibum in the passenger's seat he took his own seat behind the steering wheel and drove right back home.


"Kibum, what you did today was very dangerous." Minho spoke when Kibum took his headphones off with a painful look on his face. "You can't ever do something like that again. Ever. We are trying very hard not to make your case worse.. You can't go out on the streets like that again. We are trying to protect you…" Kibum stared at his fingers, twisting and untwisting with each other.

"I…I'm sorry Minho…" The last bit of anger disappeared when he saw the tears appearing in Kibum's eyes. 

"T-that's alright pal… Don't.. Don't cry, alright?" He had never liked to see people cry. "I… I like your hair." He muttered. Kibum looked up. 

"You do?" Minho nodded, a smile appearing on his face. Kibum smiled widely and ran his fingers through his new haircut, checking it out in the side mirror of the car with a satisfied look on his face.





Hair cliffhanger! What do you want Key's hair to look like? 


I am so very sorry for not updating sooner, but I've been very busy with performing and rehearsals and ugh. I'm sorry. I'll try to write more tonight!





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Everyone, I'm working so hard on all my stories right now but I'm afraid I can't make it before midnight. I am sorry to disappoint you :c


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TeleportingJongnini #1
Chapter 12: OMG! Please update!
Ilonahaku #2
It breaks my heart that this fanfic stayed unfinished. I still remember how excited I was when I discovered this story. It such a pity. T__T
still I hope you are doing fine.
DesdemonaDeLaMort #3
Chapter 12: This is such a good story!!! I can't believe that I only just found it now..... I am dying to read what happens next!
I hope that you will be able to update soon ^^
Thanks for writing so far ^-^
Dalliance #4
Found this story from Hallyucon. It's awesome! Be sure to update whenever you can. (: *thumbs up*
Pleaseeeeeeee update Author-nim! D:
Ilonahaku #6
Chapter 12: I miss this story a lot, I hope you will update soon. T.T
Ilonahaku #7
Hello, how are you?
I hope you dont have any problems or you dont feel too stressed because of life.

I wonder, if you could update, when you have a little bit of time? ^^" I am missing this fanfic...
sama-oppa #8
Chapter 3: oh my dos is so good
i can't stop to laughitng
is so ggod
i realy like kibum 14 years old !!
Chapter 12: ooh.. i love this.
kibum is so cute here..
author-nim.. where r u?
i need an update. hehe. jk.
take ur time dear