Couple figths.

Key's Lullaby.


"Did Key just call you cupcake?" Taemin peeked around the corner of the living room with a huge grin on his face. Jonghyun shook his head but Minho grinned back and nodded.

"Who made cupcakes?!" Jinki's voice sounded from the bathroom. 

"What are all these people doing here?!" Kibum asked in shock. "Is this a joke?"

"Try to relax, Kibum. It's nothing unusual. We live here together, the five of us."

"What? Why?"  That was the question the doctor had warned them for. Why. He told them to avoid it as much as possible, and to try not to answer. The four helpless boys looked at each other

and their clueless friend, trying to think of a good answer. Jinki was about to say something when Jonghyun put his arms around Key and hugged him.

"Does it matter? As long as we're together right?" he whispered. Kibum's eyes doubled in size, and so did the eyes of the other three boys. 



"You are trying to do what?!" Minho half shouted, half hissed. Jonghyun put his finger on Minho's lips to keep him from yelling more. Jinki was showing Kibum around the house, which gave Minho and Taemin the opportunity to ask what Jonghyun was doing.

"Shh!" Jonghyun hissed. "We had to think of something right? He already thinks I'm his boyfriend, and telling him I'm not might hurt his head too much. I don't want his memories to fade even more!"

"So you flirt with him?" Taemin asked frowning. Minho joined him in his confused expression. Jonghyun sighed.

"Look, it's for the best. I'm not comfortable with the idea either, but well… He would've kept asking questions otherwise!" Taemin shook his head and put his hand on Jonghyun's shoulder.

"Good luck with that." He grinned, as he sat down on the couch and the Xbox, making Minho race for the second controller. Jonghyun rolled his eyes at the two and left to go look for Kibum and Jinki.


He wasn't lying when he said that he wasn't comfortable with the idea, not at all. He was scared for what Key would say once his memories had returned. Jonghyun was the only one who knew that his friend was gay before the accident. He knew how shy his friend was about his feelings, so seeing him openly talking about being gay was quite the shock. Having to pretend to be his boyfriend was going to be hard. Having to face Key's revenge when he'd remember everything was going to be even harder.


He found his two friends in the bathroom. Kibum was staring at the amounts of expensive products that were standing everywhere.

"You guys use all this?" He asked shocked. Jinki grinned and grabbed a bottle of shampoo.

"Well actually.. this is mostly yours." He laughed, pointing the label that was on the shampoo bottle.

'I belong to Key. Do not touch!'  Kibum frowned and grabbed the bottle, putting it back in place.

"I didn't let you guys use my shampoo? That's not nice of… me…" Jonghyun could hear the confusion in Kibum's voice while he was saying that last word. He swallowed, looking at the confused yet focused look on Kibum's face as the boy was trying hard to remember, but failed. Again.


"And this is our bedroom." Jinki said. Kibum frowned. 

"Our bedroom?" Jinki had been afraid of that question as soon as he started the house tour, but luckily he already came up with a good answer.

"Well yeah, since there's not that much space, we all sleep in one bedroom." He replied.

"And I am okay with that?" 

"Completely fine."

"It's just so… Weird. Like I know friends are supposed to be close and stuff, but… I can't name one group of boys sleeping in one room except for like… Super Junior. But they're idols, so it's different!" Jinki laughed sheepishly and felt the pressure on his shoulders double as Kibum mentioned the word Idols. He walked towards the beds.

"This is my bed." He said, pointing at the one that was standing in between two bunk beds. "This one's Jonghyun and Taemin's. Taemin sleeps on this one." He tapped the lower bed of the bunk beds on the left left of his own. "This one is Minho's." He continued, tapping the right lower bed. "And you sleep right here." Kibum nodded, still a bit overwhelmed by the fact that he shared his bedroom with four other boys, as he climbed up on his bed. He lied down, hoping the feeling of something that was apparently his bed would help him remember something. It didn't work. The pillow smelled like expensive perfume and the sheets felt cold underneath his bare arms. It didn't feel like home at all. He sat up straight and felt a sudden dizziness take him over when he looked down.


"Are you alright?" Jinki asked worried. 

"I-it's so high!" Kibum squeaked. Jinki frowned, but Jonghyun quickly walked towards the bed, grabbing Kibum's wrists as he held on to the bed, scared to fall down.

"He's scared of heights again…" Jonghyun murmured to himself. He carefully helped Kibum to climb down again. When he was back on the ground, Kibum kept holding on to Jonghyun, who was awkwardly petting his back, trying to comfort him.

"It's alright. We'll help you to win over your fears again." He said.

"Again?" Kibum asked weakly. Jinki nodded and was about to open his mouth when his belly made a protesting sound.

"Dinner time!" He smiled brightly, rubbing his belly in circling motions, quickly walking to the kitchen.



"So it's not cupcake?" Kibum asked. Jonghyun looked up from his bowl of rice and shook his head, not able to answer with his mouth full. Kibum looked down at his bowl, a bit disappointed. 

"I've tried every name I could come up with… And not one of them was right."

"What's wrong?" Taemin asked, looking from Kibum to Jonghyun with a curious look on his face.

"He's trying to guess my pet name." Jonghyun grinned after swallowing the rice. 

"But I can't think of another one, and I've tried like thousands!" Kibum said in a childish nagging voice. Taemin laughed and shook his head. 

"Why don't you just call him Jonghyun?" he asked, poking his rice with his chopsticks. Kibum shook his head.

"That's lame." 

"You're lame!" Jonghyun laughed, pushing Kibum playfully.

"Guys, guys. Safe the couple fights for after dinner, please?" Minho smirked. Kibum's face turned a light shade of red, but it was nothing compared to the redness that appeared on Jonghyun's face.




Sorry for breaking my 'once every two days'  posting rule, but I'm very busy practicing my music at the moment. I'm very sorry! I'll work hard! Please let me know what you think! 





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Everyone, I'm working so hard on all my stories right now but I'm afraid I can't make it before midnight. I am sorry to disappoint you :c


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TeleportingJongnini #1
Chapter 12: OMG! Please update!
Ilonahaku #2
It breaks my heart that this fanfic stayed unfinished. I still remember how excited I was when I discovered this story. It such a pity. T__T
still I hope you are doing fine.
DesdemonaDeLaMort #3
Chapter 12: This is such a good story!!! I can't believe that I only just found it now..... I am dying to read what happens next!
I hope that you will be able to update soon ^^
Thanks for writing so far ^-^
Dalliance #4
Found this story from Hallyucon. It's awesome! Be sure to update whenever you can. (: *thumbs up*
Pleaseeeeeeee update Author-nim! D:
Ilonahaku #6
Chapter 12: I miss this story a lot, I hope you will update soon. T.T
Ilonahaku #7
Hello, how are you?
I hope you dont have any problems or you dont feel too stressed because of life.

I wonder, if you could update, when you have a little bit of time? ^^" I am missing this fanfic...
sama-oppa #8
Chapter 3: oh my dos is so good
i can't stop to laughitng
is so ggod
i realy like kibum 14 years old !!
Chapter 12: ooh.. i love this.
kibum is so cute here..
author-nim.. where r u?
i need an update. hehe. jk.
take ur time dear