
Key's Lullaby.

Hello everyone! Sorry it took me so long, but I have been very busy with rehearsing and playing gigs. I promise to work hard to be able to update more often. All your comments make this story worth writing, thank you so much for your opinions, your sweetness and your advice!




"So," Kibum started, trying to end the awkward silence. "What do I do for living? Since I'm all grown up and stuff. I probably have  a job, right? Did I finish my school well?" Jinki smiled at him, nodding.

"You did great in school, Kibum."

"So what about my job?"

"We all work together for a big company." Minho answered. "But they know about your amnesia, so you don't have to work for a while."

"What kind of company is it? What's my position? Am I your boss?" Kibum's eyes sparkled at the thought of being the boss of something. Even commanding these four boys around would be satisfying. Jonghyun shook his head.

"No, you're not. But you like to pretend that you are." he winked and took another sip of his drink. The other boys laughed and nodded in agreement. 

"Now, stop asking us questions, you know that we're not allowed to answer them." Jonghyun said, suddenly very serious. Kibum blinked and did a little aegyo.

"You're not allowed to answer them… Me asking questions has nothing to do with that. You could always just ignore me…" Jonghyun rolled his eyes at the sound of Kibum's fake-childish voice.

"You want me to ignore you then? Alright."

"No! No that's not what I meant. Sweetie? Teddybear? Boo? Please…" Kibum begged. Minho tried hard not to laugh, but the longer Jonghyun ignored Kibum, the creepier his pet names got. It was 'Sugar Ducky' that did it for Minho. Tears appeared in his eyes and he bursted out in laughter, followed by Taemin. Jinki quickly stood up, trying to hide the fact that he was also laughing. 

"Yah! Stop laughing! It's no fun when your boyfriend is ignoring you." Kibum half yelled, half pouted, which caused Minho to laugh even harder.

"Stop ignoring me, please? Jonghyun?" Jonghyun grinned and started to pet Kibum's head. 

"Good job!" he praised. Kibum frowned.


"You got the name right!" Jonghyun smiled, and he stood up. Kibum rolled his eyes and yawned, stretching his arms up in the air. Taemin smiled and put his hand on Kibum's shoulder.

"You should get some sleep." Kibum nodded.

"I'm not sleeping in the scary bed, though. There's no way I'll climb on there again." he said.

"Yes!" Taemin jumped up and did a short victory dance. "I'm finally getting the top bed!"


Kibum rolled to his other side. He was tired, but sleeping was out of the question for a couple of reason. One of those was that he had a hard time relaxing sharing a room with four boys. The fact that Jinki was snoring like a motorboat didn't really help either. Kibum sighed. He kicked the sheets off of his body and raised his legs, placing his feet underneath Jonghyun's mattress, that was thanks to the bed switch with Taemin above his own. He pushed the mattress up a bit, and then quickly pulled back his feet, causing the mattress to fall back into it's place. Jonghyun moaned in his sleep, but he didn't wake up. Kibum continued poking the mattress with his feet.

"Jonghyun…" He whispered. "Wake up!" Jonghyun muttered something in his sleep.

"Yah! Jonghyun!" Kibum hissed. As soon as he heard Jonghyun waking up his voice turned into a sweet whisper again. 

"Are you awake?" he asked.

"Considering you just woke me… Pretty much. What's wrong?" Jonghyun replied in a sleepy voice.

"Jinki is snoring…" Kibum said, sounding like a nagging child. 

"You woke me up to tell me that? You should've been waking him for that!" 

"No…" Kibum whispered. "It's not just that."

"Well… What's wrong, then?" 

"I can't sleep… Sleeping in one room with four guys… It's uncomfortable for me."

"Hm… I see." Jonghyun muttered. "But… We don't have another place you could sleep… Unless you want to sleep on the couch?" Kibum felt his cheeks turn red when he thought of what he was going to say. He cleared his throat, sounding a lot more manly than he'd expected, which scared him a bit. 

"I was thinking maybe… You could comfort me?" He asked shyly. Jonghyun's head was now hanging up side down from the side of the bed as he looked at his friend with big questioning eyes.

"What do you mean?" Kibum slightly moved to one side of his bed, not looking Jonghyun in the eyes as he patted the empty half of the bed next to him. When Kibum looked back up, Jonghyun wasn't hanging from the bed anymore. He bit his lower lip. Was Jonghyun rejecting him? Did he say something wrong? He was about to ask him when two feet suddenly dangled from the side of the bed. Jonghyun slowly let himself slip off his bed. Kibum quickly grabbed the sheets and folded one side open so Jonghyun could lay down next to him. When he did, Kibum moved a bit closer, resting his head on Jonghyun's chest, breathing in his natural scent. Jonghyun reached his arm to the side were Jinki's bed stood and he gave his hyung a soft push, causing Jinki to move in his sleep. He rolled over to his other side, muttered something and started breathing normally again. Kibum sighed. The room was now silent, apart from all of the boys' breathing and the sound of Jonghyun's heartbeat. Suddenly, he felt the urge to hear him sing.

"Jonghyun?" Jonghyun hummed to let him know that he was listening. "Would you… sing for me?" Jonghyun frowned, but his confused expression made room for a sweet smile as he nodded. Kibum smiled and closed his eyes, feeling safe with Jonghyun's arm around him, protecting him from all the confusion and the fears haunting him. The last bit of fear disappeared as soon as Jonghyun started to sing in a soft, sweet voice. Kibum blinked, looking at Jonghyun's face. Said boy had his eyes closed and a smile on his face as he sang the words, forming a lullaby. Kibum closed his eyes and listened to the sweet voice that was slowly hypnotizing him, putting him to sleep. He wanted to compliment Jonghyun's singing voice, but he didn't want to interrupt the lullaby. Smiling at the thought of this being his first memorable moment after his memory loss, he decided that if this was the way he'd live his life from now on, he should consider himself lucky.




Am I the only one crying when Onew embraces the child in the lullaby video? Gosh... Such a pretty song. So... What do you guys think of the first Jongkey fluff? Should I write more of this? For the comedy fans, don't worry, Kibum will freak out again soon enough. Speaking of which, what do you think would cause a problem for Kibum? Again, if I use your idea, I will put your username right here. As for this scene, this one goes to all the Jongkey-fluff fans reading my story. :)





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Everyone, I'm working so hard on all my stories right now but I'm afraid I can't make it before midnight. I am sorry to disappoint you :c


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TeleportingJongnini #1
Chapter 12: OMG! Please update!
Ilonahaku #2
It breaks my heart that this fanfic stayed unfinished. I still remember how excited I was when I discovered this story. It such a pity. T__T
still I hope you are doing fine.
DesdemonaDeLaMort #3
Chapter 12: This is such a good story!!! I can't believe that I only just found it now..... I am dying to read what happens next!
I hope that you will be able to update soon ^^
Thanks for writing so far ^-^
Dalliance #4
Found this story from Hallyucon. It's awesome! Be sure to update whenever you can. (: *thumbs up*
Pleaseeeeeeee update Author-nim! D:
Ilonahaku #6
Chapter 12: I miss this story a lot, I hope you will update soon. T.T
Ilonahaku #7
Hello, how are you?
I hope you dont have any problems or you dont feel too stressed because of life.

I wonder, if you could update, when you have a little bit of time? ^^" I am missing this fanfic...
sama-oppa #8
Chapter 3: oh my dos is so good
i can't stop to laughitng
is so ggod
i realy like kibum 14 years old !!
Chapter 12: ooh.. i love this.
kibum is so cute here..
author-nim.. where r u?
i need an update. hehe. jk.
take ur time dear