2nd Chapter - Supermarket Adventure

Only One | Starship Entertainment Apply Story | Closed


The next morning when the manager went to visit the group, the first thing he noticed was 7 bags placed neatly in the living room. He sighed with relief, since he has assumed at least one person would have left and not wanted to take part in the vacation. Sure he didn’t see any of the group members around, but they were probably off in different rooms.


“Everyone, come here! There’s a few things to discuss before you leave,” the manager yelled out.


Within a minute 7 people came out from various rooms around the dorm and much like the day before they all sat down and stared at their manager.


“It’s nice to see you all are willing to go on the vacation. I’d like you all to not worry about it too much. So long as you all try at least a bit I’m sure you’ll get a lot closer and be able to debut. Just enjoy your vacation okay? Though there are a few things I have to tell you before you go. First off, I won’t be going on the vacation with you,” the manager began to explain.


Upon hearing that the manager wasn’t coming all 7 members stared at him in shock. Sure they all didn’t really know the manager, but he at least spoke a bit and didn’t let things get too awkward.


“It’s a vacation for you to get close, not me get close to you. You can get close to me once you come back, okay? Also where you’re staying only has one bedroom, so you will all have to sleep in the same room. Here there are too many rooms and you can all be in different ones, so with fewer rooms you’ll be forced to at least interact with each other,” the manager continued on.


“Finally, you will all be in charge of cooking your own meals. Before you leave you’ll all stop at a supermarket to get all the food you’ll need over your vacation. If you need anything there are places to shop at where you’re going, but it’s better for you to buy them now if you can. Any questions?” the manager asked.


All 7 of the members shook their heads. “Good. Now grab your bag and we’ll go outside. The filming crew is waiting for you all and will be transporting you to and from the location. Basically as soon as you leave the dorm you’ll be filmed. Just try and be yourselves, okay?” the manager said before he left the dorm.


After grabbing their bag all the members followed the manager until they were outside. What they saw once they were out surprised all of them; there was a large filming crew waiting for them and probably more cameras than was necessary.


While all the members stood there in shock the manager called someone to come over. “This is the PD who will be with you on your vacation. If there’s anything you need to know or need help with go to him, okay? I’ll see you all in two weeks,” with that done the manager waved to all the members before walking away.


The PD looked at each of the members before speaking up, “Just leave your bags outside the bus and we’ll pack them for you. We have to finish packing our own stuff so you can all wait inside the bus. We won’t be filming anything right now; after we leave we’ll begin filming. There’s no script or anything so you’ll just have to be yourselves.  Ah and before we leave Seoul we’ll stop so you can buy food. If you need to know anything else, I’ll be over there. If you’re good just go wait on the bus until we finish up.”


The members nodded and then made their way over to the bus. They placed their bags among the many others that were waiting to be packed and then went inside. None of them really knew what to do so they all made their way to the back of the bus slowly and then all sat down, leaving at least one seat of space between each other.


During the time that the staff was packing up the members didn’t say anything to one another, instead they would stare at the other members awkwardly or watch the staff as they worked.


The packing didn’t take nearly as long as the members would have liked though and soon enough they were ready to leave, and being filmed. With the various cameras on them none of the members knew what to do and ended up sitting there in silence.


After a couple minutes of silence the PD sighed before speaking up, “If you don’t intend to talk at least introduce yourselves to the camera, okay?”


Once they heard what the PD said all the members looked towards the leader, intending for him to go first instead of them. “Nice to meet you, I’m the leader Jung Younghun. My stage name is Jhun and I’m a rapper,” the leader said, since he figured he couldn’t get out of introducing himself.


After the leader had introduced himself, most of the members had the same idea and looked towards the person sitting next to him. “I’m Park Sungjae. I don’t have a stage name, but I’m a dancer of the group and a vocalist,” was the introduction that was given next.


Without wasting time the person next to Sungjae spoke up, “I’m Kim Junhi. I also don’t have a stage name and I’m a vocalist in the group. It’s nice to meet you all.”


Now most of them had caught on to the introduction order and the next person started as well, “Jung Tae Jun. I do have a stage name which is Tae and I’m also a dancer and vocalist.”


“My name is Bae Enlai. I’m a vocalist and my stage name is N-Lai,” the next person said as they waved slightly at the camera.


“I’m Yong Jae Ho; my stage name would be Jae Roo. I’m a rapper, but I can also sing,” the boy said happily.


Now for the member they were concerned about. All eyes fell upon the final person to introduce himself, “Youngjae Delacour. Stage name is A. I’m a dancer and vocalist.”

With that the introductions were over and the members fell into silence, none of them knowing what exactly they were supposed to be talking about with one another. Thankfully the PD spoke up right afterwards, “We’ll be arriving at the supermarket in about 10 minutes. You should all think about what kind of food you want to eat on your vacation, okay?”


Even with the suggestion to talk the members stayed silent until Junhi spoke up, “Does anyone know how to cook?”


After hearing the question all the members began looking at one another, wondering if there really was someone that could cook among them. “I can cook a bit. It’s not the best though,” Sungjae said eventually, seeing how no one else seemed to have any intention of speaking.


Once the boy had spoken up all 6 of the members stared at him. “You can cook?” Enlai asked suddenly.

Sungjae just nodded, now wondering if it had been a good idea to mention that he was able to cook. There wasn’t any more time for him to think about it though since the bus suddenly stopped. All the members were confused, but upon looking out they saw that they had stopped at the supermarket.


The 7 members slowly got off the bus and headed towards the supermarket, none of them knowing what exactly they were going to be getting.


It seemed like the group would never get to know what they were going to eat either because as soon as they entered quite a few of the members started to wander off by themselves, probably to get whatever they personally liked.


“Everyone!” the leader said suddenly, stopping them all from walking away. “We have to stay together. None of us know what each other eat so we have to stay together to pick food,” he explained.


After the members nodded, the leader smiled and then began to lead them towards some part in the supermarket. No one knew where they were going, but they decided to trust in the leader for that moment.


Soon enough they found what the leader had been looking for; ramen. “Pick what you like,” the leader said. After saying that the members went down and began their personal selection from the various ramen types available, but the PD was a bit confused.


“You plan to eat ramen for two weeks?” he asked as he stared at the leader.


“Not two full weeks. We’ll cook at least some things, but it sounds like none of us can really cook, so ramen it is,” the leader explained as he went to pick out some ramen for himself as well.


After 5 minutes the cart they had grabbed for their food was now about half full of just ramen. Now they had another problem though, they had no idea what else they should be buying and none of them were really contributing ideas as well.


So the 7 of them ended up walking around the supermarket aimlessly, just staring at all the items. None of them contributed any ideas on what to buy or even what they should make on their vacation.


“Should we just buy a lot of general ingredients and then decide what to make there? Our manager did say that we can buy more wherever we’re going, so if we miss anything we can get it there. At least if we have something then we can make at least some things,” Junhi suddenly said.


“That’s a good idea actually. Let’s just get whatever,” Younghun agreed, before heading down a random aisle. Upon seeing it having nothing that they needed though he slowly backed out and started to look around the store.


“What if we all split up to find the different items?” Jae Ho asked.


“That’s also a good idea. Everyone should get different things,” the leader started to say before turning to look at the person closest to him, “Enlai you go get meat. Tae Jun get vegetables.”


“I don’t like vegetables though,” the boy said as he stared at the leader.


“You don’t have to eat them. Just grab them, okay? Junhi go with Tae Jun to help and also grab various fruits. Jae Ho go and get side dishes. Sungjae, since you are the only one with cooking experience, get whatever you feel we need. I’ll take Youngjae to get spices and eggs. We’ll meet up in the spice aisle. Done, go,” the leader directed.


After the leader was done the members left to go grab the items they had been put in charge of grabbing.


Enlai’s was probably the easiest since they happened to be quite close to the meat section. The only hard part was that he didn’t know exactly what to grab, or how much of anything since he had never really been around the members when they had eaten. So in the end he got anything he could think of with at least a couple extra servings in case anyone ate a lot.


Tae Jun and Junhi headed in the same direction, but the two didn’t really talk at all on the way there. Even after getting to the fruit and vegetable section they went off on their own and didn’t bother one another. After a couple minutes though Tae Jun tapped Junhi on the shoulder, “What kind of vegetables do we need?”


“Do you want to look together? I’m not too sure either but if the two of us work together I’m sure we can get everything we’ll need,” Junhi said as he smiled at the boy. Thus the two ended up working together while grabbing everything and actually managed to talk a bit. Sure they mostly discussed fruits and vegetables but it was the most conversation they had ever had with one another.


Jae Ho made his way over towards the various side dishes. Since he hadn’t been given any instructions on what exactly he was supposed to buy he grabbed mostly just whatever he liked. Just as he was about to leave though he looked back and decided to grab a few that he didn’t like just in case someone else wanted them.


The hardest job of the day belonged to Sungjae, who had absolutely no idea what he was supposed to be grabbing. They had covered all the basic ingredients, so he wasn’t left with much to grab. “Wherever we’re going has cooking utensils, right?” he asked as he looked at the cameraman who was following him.


“I don’t think so,” the cameraman replied. Sungjae nodded and left to go look for things to cook with. He grabbed whatever seemed useful and grabbed dishes to eat with as well. As he headed towards the meeting area he also remembered to grab a few things that he thought would be useful.


While the others were all grabbing their items, Younghun and Youngjae slowly walked back to grab the eggs. Neither of them said a word to each other, Younghun not speaking since he felt he had said more than enough that day already and Youngjae not speaking simply because he didn’t really want to.


Even after grabbing the eggs and going into the spice aisle the two hadn’t spoken a single word to one another. “What do you think would be good?” Younghun asked as he glanced over at the youngest member in the group. He received no response, just Youngjae looking away, disinterested in the whole situation.


Just as Younghun was putting the various spices he had grabbed into the cart the other members began to slowly show up and do the same. Once everyone had put their items in, the cart was almost overflowing. “That’s everything we’ll need, right?”


The members all stopped and stared at everything they had grabbed. It certainly looked like enough food for two weeks, but they had no idea what they were going to make during their vacation. “What about something to drink?” Enlai asked.


After hearing that the members looked at what they had grabbed and sure enough they hadn’t thought to grab a single thing to drink. “We need those don’t we?” the leader asked as he headed towards a random area in the store.


Upon reaching their destination everyone, even Younghun himself, was surprised to see drinks. “Everyone just grab what you like,” he announced.


 Within a minute any extra space in the cart was taken up by a variety of drinks, including various flavours of milk, soda, water and a couple extra things. “That’s it then? Now we need nothing else?” the leader asked as he stared at all the members.


All of them took a glance in the cart and nodded, none of them having anything else that they could think of. With all of them in agreement they headed towards the checkout.


Just as they were about to reach their destination Tae Jun spoke up, “What about snacks?”


Jae Ho nodded in agreement, “I think we should grab some as well.”


The leader nodded, “Alright. You all go grab some. I’ll save us a spot in line.”


Younghun watched all the younger members go off before he went into a line for checkout. As he assumed all the members had left he was surprised to feel someone poke him in the back. He turned around to see Junhi standing there, “What do you need?”


“What kind of snacks do you like?” Junhi asked as he looked up at the leader.


The leader smiled at the boy, “I like anything really. Something sweet would be good though.”


Junhi nodded before leaving the line and going to catch up with the other members.


As it became Younghun’s turn at the checkout, the other members appeared, their arms full of snacks they had picked out. Without letting the leader have a chance to put anything on the counter, they all placed their snacks on right away.


Soon enough all the items had been rung in and now the only thing left was to pay for all of them. The members all turned to stare at the PD, waiting for him to pay for everything. With a sigh the PD handed over the money.


Once everything was paid for the members grabbed the bags and quickly left the store, heading back out towards the bus.   




I hope the chapter isn't incredibly awkward. I tried to rewrite it a couple times but it didn't really help so I decided to update and hope for the best.


Just in case anyone wondered, I'll try to update every 2-3 days. 



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kuronee #1
please please update!!! i love the charecters ^^ update fast please!!
Haha, so awkward! I love it! Coming along nicely and yay they talk a bit more.
lol I love that all the characters are awkward. At least they talked more lol. Junhi sounded kind of cute when he asked Younghun what he wanted. ^-^
MBioana #4
They're so awkward~ It's cute though, can't wait for the show >:D
The chapter is okay! ^^
Even though it's kind of awkward, it's a good awkward so don't worry about it too much, after all the members are still getting to know each other so, it would be awkward.
Thanx for choosing me!!! ^-^ lol I just found out.
Congrats keyroo!!!!
lol Only One on camera??? lol I'd like to see that train wreck lol jkjk
morninginmarch #7
Woah Kicked out of the company if they can't get along? Woah... Harsh! Looking forward to the vacation to see how they get to know each other :)