1st Chapter - Introductions

Only One | Starship Entertainment Apply Story | Closed


The day after the final member had moved into the dorm, the manager decided that it was time to check up on them and inform them of their schedule before their debut. He was hoping that everything was fine, but he couldn’t shake off the bad feeling that he had.


Unfortunately that bad feeling came to be true as he opened the door and looked inside the dorm. Thankfully the dorm wasn’t dirty or partially destroyed but he could only see one member of the group. Normally that wouldn’t be alarming, but for a group that was about to debut usually they were really excited and spent a lot of time with the other members in an attempt to get to know each other. Most didn’t read books quietly on their own.


The manager quickly closed the door and looked around, trying to see at least one other member, but none were to be seen anywhere. “Everyone come out here!” he shouted out.


After hearing someone yell six people slowly came out from various rooms and the boy that had been sitting there before placed his book down and stared at the man before him. Upon seeing all 7 members gathered the manager spoke up again, “All of you sit down, we have something to talk about.”


The 7 people sat down, most quite confused as to what this man was doing in their dorm. “First off it’s nice to officially meet you. I’m Nam Seung Hwan and I’m your manager. That’s not what’s important though, what exactly have the 7 of you been doing while staying here?”


All of the members just stared up at the manager, none of them willing to answer. “Okay fine. Junhi you were the first one to move in so you should know best. What has gone on during this past week?”


Junhi looked surprised to be called upon but he soon spoke up, “In the past week each new member moved in. Mostly when they moved in they just looked for the bedrooms, put their things away and then we didn’t really talk to one another after that. We’d say a few words to each other every so often but we mostly did our own thing the whole time.”


The manager sighed at the answer, “So you don’t know one another at all? I realize most of you are quiet and seem to not get along with others, but you made no attempt to get to know one another at all?”


This time Junhi spoke up without being told, “I tried to get to know everyone, but since they all don’t talk much the conversations don’t last long and it became awkward. Jae Ho and I get along though.”


“Great. We have two members out of 7 that get along and that’s it. You guys at least know all the members names right?” The manager asked.


At the question the room became completely silent. The manager just stared at the 7 people before him before speaking up, “You don’t know each other’s names?”


This time he got a reaction, the 7 people before him nodding slowly. “Did you guys not introduce yourselves?” the manager asked.


Again he was met with 7 nodding heads. “Why didn’t you introduce yourselves? You guys will be working together and debuting together. Shouldn’t you at least know the names of the other members? Think about it after you debut you’ll have interviews and go on shows where you will at probably have to talk about the other members, but what can you say when you don’t even know their name?”


“Okay we will do this. I am going to find a solution to this problem and the 7 of you will take the time while I am gone to introduce yourselves and get to know one another. I expect you to at least know each other’s names by the time I’m back, okay?” the manager asked.


After all of the members nodded he left the room, leaving the 7 members on their own. None of them were really willing to speak up first, so for a while they just sat there in silence, staring at one another awkwardly.


10 minutes passed by without anyone saying a word, but finally Younghun spoke up, “As the leader I guess I should start this off. Someone should really introduce themselves.”


“We have a leader?” Jae Ho asked as he stared at the older male.


“So you want to start. Good. Introduce yourself. Then we’ll go around in a circle, okay?” the leader said. None of the others really cared to argue with their supposed leader so they just nodded.


Jae Ho sighed before he spoke up, “My name is Yong Jae Ho. Uh… my birthday is October 24th. I was born in 1994. That’s about it really. If there’s anything else you’d like to know feel free to ask me.”


Of course none of the other members had any questions though and they all just stayed silent. “Next!” the leader said happily as he pointed to the person sitting beside Jae Ho.


“I’m Park Sungjae. I was born November 14th, 1993. It’s nice to meet you,” the boy said quietly, feeling slightly uncomfortable with all the people staring at him.


This time after the introduction had finished the next member didn’t need to be told to start. “My name is Kim Junhi. I was also born in 1993, but my birthday is August 17th. I hope that we all can become close to each other.”


The leader nodded at the introduction and then realized that it was his own turn to introduce himself. “Jung Younghun is my name. I will be your leader so you all must listen to me. I should be the oldest as I was born on January 8th in 1992.”


“It’s nice to meet you all. I’m Bae Enlai. I think I should be the second oldest then since I was born March 7th in 1992,” the boy next to the leader said.


“I’m Jung Tae Jun, born on October 12th in 1995. Hopefully we can all get along,” was the introduction from the next member.


All eyes to the final member as they waited for his introduction. “Youngjae Delacour. September 18th, 1996,” was the only thing that the boy said though.


After the introductions were over, all of the members fell back into silence, none of them knowing what they were supposed to be doing. So they all sat there quietly, most of them looking around the room since it was too awkward to look at each other.


Thankfully none of them had to find something to do though since just then the manager walked in. He stared at all the members before speaking up, “I hope you all actually introduced yourselves to one another and not sat here awkwardly. Younghun as the leader you obviously know everyone’s names by now, right?”


“Of course I know. What order should I say them in?” the leader asked as he stared at the manager.


“Any order is fine so long as you say their names,” the manager responded.


“Alright. Youngjae, Tae Jun, Enlai, Junhi, Sungjae and Jae Ho,” the leader said, pointing to each member as he said their name.


The manager was actually shocked at the response. “Good job. Now then the one I’m most worried about, Youngjae. Do you know everyone’s names?”


“Jae Ho, Sungjae, Junhi, Younghun, Enlai, Tae Jun,” the boy answered.


“Good, now I’ll assume that the rest of you know one another’s names too. I have some good and bad news for all of you though,” the manager said.


All the boys stared at their manager, wondering what exactly he was going to tell them now. “I’ll start with the good news, okay? The CEO has decided that you all get to go on a vacation for 2 weeks in an attempt to get closer to one another,” he said happily.


With the mention of a trip most of the members smiled, at least slightly. The reaction seemed to satisfy the manager since he then carried on, “The bad news though is that if even after the 2 week vacation is over you all still don’t get closer to one another your debut will automatically be cancelled and you will also have to leave the company.”


This time there wasn’t a positive reaction as all the members stared with a blank expression, none of them quite sure how to react to this news. “We’ll be kicked out of the company?” Sungjae asked.


“Yes. The CEO feels that if you 7 can’t get along with each other now there is no chance of you getting along with any other trainees. So instead of having trainees that he can’t debut because of bad behaviour it would be best to just have you leave the company,” the manager explained.


The members nodded, but really all of them were quite worried now. Being kicked out of the company was a big deal, especially when it was one where you had been for multiple years.


“One last thing; your group was supposed to have a show before your debut to introduce yourselves to the public. That will still be going on. The show will follow you as you try to get closer and then hopefully follow you up to your debut. Just so you all are prepared,” the manager said.


Shock was the one thing showing on all the members’ faces, even the ones with poker faces most of the time. It was hard enough that they had to get to know one another, but now they even had to do it in front of cameras.


“That’s all I have to say. You leave on your vacation tomorrow and filming will also begin that day. It’s best if you pack tonight since we’ll be leaving in the morning. Good luck,” the manager said. He then quickly opened the door and left the dorm.


After the manager had left, the members sat there in silence, none of them willing to say anything. No one had anticipated a situation like this one.




First chapter~ Hopefully it’s okay.


I actually wrote this before I finished the final two teasers. xD An interesting fact I thought I’d share.


I don’t have much to say, so just enjoy and let me know what you thought of the chapter.

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kuronee #1
please please update!!! i love the charecters ^^ update fast please!!
Haha, so awkward! I love it! Coming along nicely and yay they talk a bit more.
lol I love that all the characters are awkward. At least they talked more lol. Junhi sounded kind of cute when he asked Younghun what he wanted. ^-^
MBioana #4
They're so awkward~ It's cute though, can't wait for the show >:D
The chapter is okay! ^^
Even though it's kind of awkward, it's a good awkward so don't worry about it too much, after all the members are still getting to know each other so, it would be awkward.
Thanx for choosing me!!! ^-^ lol I just found out.
Congrats keyroo!!!!
lol Only One on camera??? lol I'd like to see that train wreck lol jkjk
morninginmarch #7
Woah Kicked out of the company if they can't get along? Woah... Harsh! Looking forward to the vacation to see how they get to know each other :)