1st Teaser

Only One | Starship Entertainment Apply Story | Closed

I deleted all the update chapters to make the story a bit cleaner and easier to access. Hopefully everyone likes it. Anyway here's the first teaser~



All the trainees in Starship Entertainment headed towards their training like they would every day, but on this particular day a strange man was standing outside the practice room. Well the fact someone was standing there wasn’t strange, since quite often people from the company would come to see how the trainees were doing, but something about this man seemed a bit off. He was staring at each of the trainees as they entered the room and was always mumbling to himself about something.


Most of the trainees in turn avoided said man, but some decided to have a bit of fun with him. They would try to start conversations with him, they stared right back at him and some of the trainees even threw things at him. None of this seemed to bother him in the least and he just continued to stare at all the trainees as they entered the practice room.


After almost an hour of standing there the trainees were thinking about calling the police on the suspicious man outside their practice room that hadn’t moved once. But just as they were about to call one more trainee went to enter the room. Upon seeing the man outside the door he bowed quickly and was about to enter when the man grabbed his arm and started to drag him away from the practice room.


The trainee that had been taken by the man was completely stunned for a moment, but he soon began speaking to the man, “Sir? I’m sorry for whatever I’ve done to you, but I really have to get to practice. If I want to debut I have to be there.”


The man dragging him down the hallway seemed to have no intentions of stopping though and just continued to drag the boy.


“Sir? Really I have to go to training. I’m not sure what I’ve done to you but if you wait until I’m done we can discuss it then,” the boy continued to try to talk the man out of whatever he currently was trying to accomplish.


It seemed to have worked too since right after he finished speaking the man stopped and looked at the boy and released his hold on him. Instead of moving out of the way to let him get back to practice though he pointed at a door and spoke, “Go in there.”


By now the boy seemed to have more or less given up and just entered the room without complaint. After the boy was inside, the man followed him and closed the door behind him.


“Sir, I have no idea what you want to discuss with me. I’m pretty sure I’ve never met you as well, so can we quickly finish this so I can get back to practice?” the boy asked. As much as he wanted to resolve whatever problem there was between him and this man, he did have to get to practice or he could be kicked out of the company and that was a bit more important.


“It won’t be necessary for you to go to practice anymore,” the man said simply as he stared at the boy before him.


“What?” was the only word the boy could manage to get out.


“I’m actually an employee at Starship Entertainment. I figured telling you this would be better by yourself and not in front of the other trainees. It is no longer required for you to attend practice,” the man responded.


“I’m kicked out of the company?” the boy asked.


The man stared at the boy as if he was insane, “No, quite the opposite. You’ve been chosen to debut. You’re officially the first member of Starship Entertainment’s new boy group.”


At those words the boy immediately perked up, “Really?”


The man nodded, “Yes. Your other group members will be chosen over the next few days and then you all will prepare for your debut. For now you should move into the dorm and wait until the other members arrive. “ After he had spoken he handed a piece of paper to the boy in front of him.


The boy looked down at the paper to see an address written on it, which he assumed was the location of the dorm. After seeing the boy’s reaction the man turned to leave, but he stopped and looked at the boy. He then proceeded to put his hand out. The boy was confused but he shook the man’s hand anyway.


“I almost forgot. Congratulations on your debut, Kim Junhi,” with that being said the man turned and left.



The teaser isn’t too awkward right? xD I was worried about how to make it interesting, but I’m worried it’s too strange now. Let me know what you think about it, okay?


Congratulations to TheKme for being chosen. Hopefully his personality doesn’t seem too strange.


This is a bit earlier than I intended it to be, but I had an idea and decided to go with it. Plus I’ll be busy for most of the day, so strange early morning update it is. xD


The second member will still be introduced on the 30th, or maybe later on the 29th. Depends on when I have time to write.


Also I made a banner-y thing for the group. I’ll update it every time I introduce a new member and then after they are all introduced it will be at the top of every new chapter. 

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kuronee #1
please please update!!! i love the charecters ^^ update fast please!!
Haha, so awkward! I love it! Coming along nicely and yay they talk a bit more.
lol I love that all the characters are awkward. At least they talked more lol. Junhi sounded kind of cute when he asked Younghun what he wanted. ^-^
MBioana #4
They're so awkward~ It's cute though, can't wait for the show >:D
The chapter is okay! ^^
Even though it's kind of awkward, it's a good awkward so don't worry about it too much, after all the members are still getting to know each other so, it would be awkward.
Thanx for choosing me!!! ^-^ lol I just found out.
Congrats keyroo!!!!
lol Only One on camera??? lol I'd like to see that train wreck lol jkjk
morninginmarch #7
Woah Kicked out of the company if they can't get along? Woah... Harsh! Looking forward to the vacation to see how they get to know each other :)