I Want To Know You

Funny Thing Called Fate

Kibum and Jinki were sitting on some benches outside the school where they always met in the morning. Kibum was starting to get frustrated with his best friend because he wouldn’t stop laughing.

“You know how I am about my personal space! What would you do if you woke up with someone in your face like that?”Kibum asked as he tried to forget the awkwardness of earlier as Jinki nearly fell over from laughter.

“I wouldn’t have screamed like a little girl” Jinki assured his friend

“I didn’t scream like a little girl! I just squealed really loud…” Key trailed off

“Speaking of girls….”Jinki said looking over at the figures that were walking towards them.

Kibum turned to find Minho and Taemin holding hands.

“So you finally did it” Jinki said with a smile as the boys reached the other two.

“I’m so happy for you!” Kibum yelled hugging both of them. He always knew this would happen it was just a matter of time.

“What I miss?” Changmin asked walking up to his new friends.

“Minho and Taemin are officially a couple!” Kibum announced clapping his hands.

The bell rang and the hallways began to fill with people. The boys grabbed their things and headed to class. Jinki stayed behind and pulled Kibum with him.

“I know what you’re gonna say” Kibum said before Jinki even opened his mouth. “I already told you I’m fine. And I’m not going to ask him why he never came back. If it’s that important he’ll tell me when he’s ready.” Kibum explained hoping Jinki would understand.  

“I hope you know what you’re doing. . . for YOUR sake.”

“Let’s get to class” Kibum said turning around to lock eyes with the one person he had been trying to avoid all morning.

 Kibum gave Jinki a look letting him know he wasn’t wanted. Jinki got the hint and left first.

Neither one said anything making it even more awkward then it then it had been that morning. They just stood there either looking at their shoes or the ceiling. Finally it was Kibum who broke the silence.

“I like your shoes.” He said still looking at the other’s shoes.

Jonghyun let out a small laugh. “Thanks. So umm…” he scratched the back of his head “I was going to the park later and was wondering if you wanted to come?”

“Sure” Kibum said without thinking.

Jonghyun flashed a killer smile that made Kibum ‘s heart skip a beat.

They stared at each other a while longer before running off in opposite direction towards their class.

• History class •

`WHO CARES IT HAPPENED 100 YEARS AGO! THERE’S NOTHING WE CAN DO ABOUT IT NOW!!! WHY DO WE HAVE TO KNOW WHO THESE PEOPLE WERE? THEY‘RE DEAD!` Jinki thought to himself. He was ready to fall asleep when he looked down at his desk and found a note from Changmin.

`Will you go watch a movie with me tonight?` Jinki read to himself.

He turned back to look at Changmin who was happily staring at him.
Jinki simply nodded, wishing he hadn’t because it got attention from the teacher causing her to call on him to answer the question.

• After school •

If seemed like an eternity but both managed to survive. When the last bell rang they quickly shoved their books into Jonghyun’s locker. Jonghyun took Kibum’s hand and lead him towards the main doors to freedom.

• At The Park •

Kibum panted as he laid on the grass and closed his eyes to rest from their game of soccer. They were so into the game and into each other they hadn’t noticed it had started to get dark.

“You’re pretty good” Jonghyun said as he sat on the ball they had stolen from the gym earlier.

“I wish every day could be like this” Kibum said thinking out loud

“Why can’t it be?” Jonghyun questioned

Kibum opened his eyes and sat up. “What?”

“I don’t see why it can’t. Let’s come here everyday! When we’re bored, sad, mad, depressed, hungry.” he said realizing they hadn’t eaten all day. “Let’s just come here!” Jonghyun said standing up and offering Kibum a hand.

“Won’t it get boring?” Kibum asked. He took Jonghyun hand and stood up.

“I don’t think I could ever get bored with you” Jonghyun said with a smile “I want to get to know you.”

Kibum could feel his face grow hot but decided to blame it on the fact that he had been running around all day. “Okay” he agreed.

“Just one condition” Jonghyun said quickly “You can’t come with anyone else but me.”

Kibum liked this idea.

• At the movies •

“Sorry I’m late.” Changmin apologized “I had some things to take care of” he said as he sat in one of the sofas.

“Was that Yunho I saw you talking with? Jinki asked already knowing the answer.

“Yeah I kinda bumped into him” Changmin said taking off his sunglasses.

Jinki would’ve pressed on if it wasn’t for Changmin’s face. “What happened to your face?” Jinki asked. He saw some blood dripping on the side of Changmin’s face and his eye was somewhat swollen.

“Damn I though I got it to stop. Be right back” Changmin quickly headed towards the bathroom. Jinki followed.

“What happened?”


“You’re bleeding and you say it’s nothing?” Jinki asked in bewilderment

“It’s nothing. Can we please just drop it?!?!”

“No” Jinki said sternly and pulled Changmin outside.

There was a convenient store nearby. Jinki quickly purchased a first aid kit and locked Changmin and himself in the bathroom. Both sitting on the floor, Changmin’s back against the wall and Jinki cross legged in front of him, the shorter male began to work.

“I’m still not telling you.” Changmin said as Jinki opened the kit.

“If you won’t tell me then at least let me help you.”

Jinki wet a paper towel and nervously dabbed it over the cut Kibum had over his eyebrow. He began to notice the bruises and cuts all over Changmin’s arms when he took off his jacket. Jinki was too busy with cleaning out the wounds and wrapping them in bandages that he didn’t notice Changmin staring at him. Coming back to the cut above the eyebrow Jinki put a band aid over it and pulled away to admire his work.

He stood up to throw the wrapper away and came back to sit next to Changmin.

They sat in silence when suddenly Changmin leaned in and placed a soft kiss on Jinki’s lips. After what seemed like forever Changmin pulled away.

“Let’s stay like this for awhile.” Changmin said as he closed his eyes and let his head rest on Jinki’s shoulder.

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congrats :)
lovelyme23 #3
I love konghyu
congrats :3
Korean_Mafia #6
ayyy lmaoo
Congrats congrats
Chapter 11: once again~
i'm speechless
goshh i love all of your stories♥♥
This too.
wow i really loved this fic!! <br />
the characters' stories were really great and it was entertaining as well ^^ the circus idea was totally random but fun lol<br />
it would have been better with the end being more developed but oh well, i guess the reader has to imagine it? XD<br />
i loved the story of each couple ^^ and the teasing parts were fun hehe