
Funny Thing Called Fate

After coming to a halt Jinki looked up a the huge mansion and a car parked in the drive way.When he heard footsteps he jumped behind a bush. “Where is he?” he heard the voices conversing. He grabbed his 4 friends and pulled them down next to him.

“SSSSHHHH” he quickly said looking back at the house making sure no one saw them.

“What are we doing here?” Kibum asked

“Someone took Changmin and we’re here to rescue him.” Jinki explained

“How romantic . . .” Taemin teased his cousin

“I mean here in the bushes. These are my new shoes!” Kibum complained

“We can’t go through the front door” Minho said seeing 2 men standing on the porch.

“I know a way we can get in.” Jonghyun said suddenly

The 4 other boys looked at him with curiosity.

“But it’s not gonna be easy.”


After successfully making a human ladder and with the help of some rocks from the garden the 5 boys climbed in through the second floor window. Once in side they quietly made sure the coast was clear before searching room by room down the hallway.

“Does something seem off to you?” Taemin asked

“What do you mean?” Minho replied

“There’s no one here.”

He was right the whole place was deserted.  

They made their way downstairs and again no one was in sight. Jinki began to get worried.

They all looked at each other. "5 bucks to the team that finds them first" whispered Jonghyun

So they all took off in every direction. Jonghyun searched the living room, Kibum the wreck room, Jinki the kitchen, Taemin checked the bedrooms and Minho kept a look out.

Until they all came to the last door at the end of the hallway. They all exchanged looks before running towards the door.

They were about to storm in when they heard movement on the side of the door. The door was slightly left open so they piled on top of each other to see through the crack.

The room was filled 3 other men. Changmin had just received another slap to the face followed by a punch making him fall to the ground.

“Why son? Why are you doing this?” his father questioned. He was facing away from his son with his hands behind his back.

“Because I love him!  I won’t do anything more to hurt him!”

“What’s so great about this Lee Jinki anyway?” he asked finally looking at Changmin.

Changmin smiled at the sound of Jinki’s name and simply replied “Everything.”

“You leave me no choice.” Mr. Shim motioned to his men. They picked up Changmin and headed towards the door.

The five boys quickly ran to the kitchen looking for a place to hide.

Taemin and Minho hid in the pantry.

Jonghyun and Key hid in the closet close to the kitchen entrance.

Jinki was left standing in the middle of the huge kitchen not knowing what to do.

When he saw someone coming he jumped behind the counter. He was never good at playing hide n go seek.

He Changmin being pulled by another black suited man. He opened the basement door and threw Changmin in. The man locked the door before walking away.

The friends waited for the coast to be clear before they all came out of their hiding spots.

“How are suppose to get him out of there?”They all looked at each other stumped.

“I have an idea!” Taemin chimed


Mr. Shim was about to go back to his study when he heard a knock at the door. He opened the door and to his surprise he saw Taemin.

“Hello sir!” Taemin said in a loud voice with a bow. He had already captured the attention of the 2 men that were on the porch and the other 2 that had been in the house.  

“I’m Popping Machine Taemin!” he pointed to the boy at his right “This is Jonghyun the Magnificent!” and then to the boy at his left “His Royal Divaness Kibum!” then he turned to the tall boy that was in the back. “. . .and Minho.”  

“Yay!” Cheered a voice in the background.

“We’re with the circus and have come for your entertainment pleasure!”  


With everyone occupied on the porch Jinki managed to pick the lock and ran down the stairs where he saw Changmin lying at the bottom of the stairs.  Changmin slowly opened his eyes and was almost as happy as he was surprised when he saw Jinki. Kneeling beside him Jinki leaned over to hug the bloody boy.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” Changmin managed to whisper through the pain.

”No” Jinki said wiping his tears “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t let you explain.”

“What are you doing here?” Changmin moaned

“We don’t have much time. Let’s go.” He got Changmin to his feet and pulled him upstairs.


While Taemin was dancing, Minho casually looked over just in time to see Jinki and Changmin run into the bushes. Jinki stuck his hand out with a thumbs up.

“Time flies when you’re having fun!” Minho said turning the attention on him. He quickly took off in a sprint. Jonghyun was in the middle of a magic trick he still couldn’t manage to get right. Kibum had just finished up his 3rd make over. The looked at each other then followed.

“Thank you and good night!” Taemin said  before being pulled by Minho who had come back for him.

Mr. Shim and his thugs were left confused expressions on their faces.


“Before anything else happens there’s something I need to tell you.”

Jinki pulled Changmin in for a kiss. Changmin was surprised, he didn’t see that coming.

“I love you too” Jinki smiled

Changmin let out a small laugh realizing Jinki must’ve heard the conversation he had with his father.

When the four boys reached the park they found their friends sitting on a bench looking out at the river.

“Everything is gonna be okay. You’ll see.” They heard Jinki say

No one said anything but the silence felt nice.

Changmin looked at his friends.

Taemin leaning against the bench, Minho hugging him from behind, resting his head on Taemin’s shoulder

Jonghyun, who had his arms around Kibum’s waist and Kibum, who had his arms around Jonghyun’s neck.

At his new boyfriend who was leaning on his shoulder then back at the beautiful scenery.

`Yes` he thought to himself `Everything is going to be okay.`


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congrats :)
lovelyme23 #3
I love konghyu
congrats :3
Korean_Mafia #6
ayyy lmaoo
Congrats congrats
Chapter 11: once again~
i'm speechless
goshh i love all of your stories♥♥
This too.
wow i really loved this fic!! <br />
the characters' stories were really great and it was entertaining as well ^^ the circus idea was totally random but fun lol<br />
it would have been better with the end being more developed but oh well, i guess the reader has to imagine it? XD<br />
i loved the story of each couple ^^ and the teasing parts were fun hehe