He’s acting so weird

My Boss hired me as his fake girlfriend

 Because I was busy thinking of what just happened to my boss I tripped on a lose tile on the flooring. I merely lost my balance but I hastily back it to normal but I didn’t save my bag and detached it from my hand, then fell it to the floor. “Wow that was closed” I muttered in relief. I bended slightly to flogmy bag and when I up I saw my boss looking at me intriguingly then kept going trough the elevator.

“Geezzz, thank you boss for being so concern” I mumbled in frustration. “Ouch” I groaned as I took my first step. He entered the elevator as soon as it opened without glancing me. I had to run and endure the pain I feel before the elevator close and lucky for me; I made it before it closed and there he is standing stiffly. I look at him remorsefully before entering. I placed myself at the corner right behind him, groaning silently.

Silence filled a couple of minutes or so. “You okay?” He asked, broking the silence. My brows draw automatically. As He turned around his eyes directly goes down to my foot. “Ahh nothing to worry sir” I replied consciously. He nodded and back to his coldness again.

I think I’m going crazy. What was actually happening right now is extremely unbelievable and it terrified me inside. When did he start to care for someone? Seriously, Will it be the end of the world or he will be die tomorrow that’s why he acts like a good man. The signal of the elevator stops me from thinking.          

He rode the car as soon as we reached it. “Get in” He said and starts it to engine. A very manly scent assaulted me. As I looked around I noticed everything is well organized and placed in order. I couldn’t imagine that soon I will be here riding his car together with him and that’s what exactly happening right now. I’d do admit I dream to ride his luxury car. I put the seatbelt into mine and look outside to ease the awkwardness filling the car and start to think again.


Seriously, this chapter made me sick.

I don’t know how to start and execute it in a very good one but I do hope I satisfied you guys.

I promised I’ll do better next time. *Forgive me*

Please do let me know your thoughts and please don’t be a silent reader because you guys are precious to me. *puppy eyes*

*Sorry for the wrong grammar or spelling*

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Chapter 12: Someone is jealous... :D
He was worried because of her!! owwwnnn cuuuteeee!! :D
Hope you update soon!! xDD
Did I detect some jealousy eric :)?
Again, Team Jaejoong tayo mga kapatid
Chapter 11: Team Eric!! :D
I really love this chapter!! Hope u update soon!! xDD
Chapter 11: Team Eric!! Akin na lang si Jaejoong. XDDDD
Chapter 11: and your back :)
haha jaejoong tayo mga kapatid :D
You're welcome (。◕‿◕。)
Love love love:))
Loving the twist, already :))
Keep it up ^__^