A Love To Die For (Real Love)

Jin-Young’s point of view

“I heard you screwed it up with your fiancée yesterday.” Uncle Kang Sung says, amused. Sipping on the hot coffee, I place it back down on the mahogany table. “I don’t want to talk about it.” I say, wishing this whole thing would just blow over. “Your father made quite a scene, screaming at you like that earlier.” Smiling, I lean closer. “You heard that?” Nodding, he laughs while commenting on how short his brother’s fuse is. “It wasn’t even my fault, it-” I begin but stop, knowing that Uncle Kang Sung would run to dad with the news. “Anyways, I just hope that Choi Byeul Yee hates me enough to forget this whole marriage thing.”

“Poor thing, that girl…” Uncle Kang Sung clicks his tongue in pity. “As if…” I mutter under my breath. “How’s the apartment?” He changes the topic, sipping his coffee again.  “It’s small but it’d have to do since it was the only place we could afford.” Shifting his posture, he raises an eyebrow. “Why don’t you just ask your father for some money? It must be terrible to live in that tiny apartment with all five of you guys.” Scoffing, I lean my head back. “No way. I have nothing to do with him.”

“He still is your father, and a rich one at that. You should be taking advantage of that.” He suggests. Shaking my head, I glare at him. “I don’t want anything to do with him. Besides, he wouldn’t help. I left in the first place because he threatened to freeze my credit cards if I went to the WG auditions.”

“Guess it can’t be helped.” Standing up, he checks his watch. “I have to attend a lecture now but come over sometime for dinner.” Grabbing my shoulder, he looks at me with concern. “Don’t get yourself in trouble Jin-Young. If you need anything, you know you can call me.” Parting way, I wave goodbye as he vanishes down the stairs. “I wonder if he is that nice to his patients.”


Ji-eun’s point of view

Recognizing Yuri’s long brown hair, I sneak behind her cautiously. Grabbing at her waist, she yelps in fright as she spins around. “Ji-eun!” She holds her chest, eye wide. Laughing, we hug when she backs up and glares.  “I can’t believe you missed my party!” She pouts. Putting my hands together, I apologize earnestly. “I know! I’m so sorry! I really wanted to go, I swear.” After a long second, the icy glare disappears and her usual warm smile returns. “I heard what happened, figures you’d do something like that.” Sticking my tongue out at her playfully, I scratch my head in embarrassment.

Placing her hands on her hips, she smirks with a devilish smile. “What?” I question, wondering what she is planning. “Since you didn’t come to my birthday, you own me favor. Come with me to music bank!”


“Here.” Handing her the strawberry tea, I sit down in front of her at the hospital’s café.  “You have to come! 2AM is going to perform and Jinwoo is doing a solo.” Eye widening, I put down my mango smoothie. “Jinwoo?” Nodding, she continues. “Mhm, he asked for us to come. You haven’t seen him in a while, right? This is the perfect time to catch up on lost time.” My mind drifting, the memories of us three when we were in children begins to appear.  Jinwoo, a friend of mine since childhood, has always shared my dream of becoming a singer.  “Wow… a solo, huh?” I say, amazed. “So will you go?” She asks with pleading eyes. Hesitating, I bite my lip. “I’m not sure. I’d have to get permission from Dr. Noh.” Smiling, she claps her hands together. “Don’t worry about that. I took care of it already! Dr. Shin made him agree.” Giggling, I smile. “You always manage to get your way.” Laughing, she winks. “Of course, I’m Kwon Yuri.”


“Ow!” Rubbing the spot where Yuri plucked, it was sensitive and painful. Sitting in Yuri’s bathroom, I fidget under her fingers. “Hold still!” She commands as she plunks more of my eyebrows. “OUCH!” Forcing myself to not run away, I breathe out deeply. “Why do we have to do this anyway?” I protest. Staring at me, she gives me the “you’re kidding me” look. “This is music bank, Ji-eun! The top music show where tons of idols perform!” Sighing, I pout. “It still doesn’t explain why I have to pluck my eyebrows.” Raising an eyebrow, she crosses her arms. “How are you going to get a boyfriend if you don’t take care of yourself?” Gasping, she places her hand to . “Sorry, Ji-eun. I didn’t meet it like that.”

“I know. I don’t mind really. I have my guitar at least.” Sighing, she clicks her tongue. “If only you weren’t sick… you could have been on stage just like Jinwoo. Your voice is incredible.” Bashful, I smile sheepishly as I consider what my life would be like if I wasn’t sick. “Well, there’s no point sulking about it now.” I shrug. “We should hurry up or we’ll be late.”


Jin-Young’s point of view

“Ten minutes til’ show time!” The stage manager shouts. Chaotic and hectic, the staff members and idols do last minute preparations. “Where’s Gong Chan?” Dong Woo asks, tying his hair in a high ponytail. “He’s getting dressed.” Baro shouts over the racket. “B1A4; you’re on after 2AM.”

In the distance, I could hear Jo Kwon’s loud and quick voice as I sit in the makeup booth. Standing beside Jo Kwon, I recognize Jinwoo, the maknae of the group. Even though he is the same age as me, he has a charismatic presence that makes him manly. “Good luck.” Brown Eyed Girl’s Gain smiles with her squinted eyes. “Noona, your makeup make you looks like a raccoon.” Baro laughs. “You wanna die?!” She punches him in the arm. “Ah! How are you so strong?” He asks in disbelief, unable to believe that someone as petite as he could punch so hard. “It’s the years of experience, Baro. It has made me tough.” Brushing back her hair, she raises her nose in the air with pride. “Eh? That just makes you old.” Yelping, he dodges her violent attempt of attack. “This is why you can’t get a girlfriend.” Sandeul shakes his head in pity.

“Stop fooling around.” I command when Jinwoo suddenly comes towards us. Gain’s eyes shine to see the manly maknae next to her. “Oho! Jinwoo, I heard you’re singing your solo tonight!” Interrupted by the whistle of the stage manager, we all turn to face the large backstage tv screen. “Welcome to Music Bank everyone!” Miss A’s Suzy and Teep Top’s L. Joe wave to the camera. “Thank you everyone for tuning into another exciting show. In today’s show, we will be featuring the lovely ladies; Secret and Brown Eyed Girls, then the charmingly charismatic Teep Top.” Suzy exclaims. “But that’s not all. Manly Ballad group 2AM will be singing with a bonus solo sung by Jinwoo, and then afterwards as tonight’s highlighted performance, B1A4’s Beautiful!”


Ji-Eun’s point of view

“Common, Ji-Eun! It’s already starting!” Pulling my hand, we push through the crowd, reaching the main entrance. Flashing our passes, the security unlocks the gate and allows us in, fighting back the other girls trying to get in. “This way!” Running towards the sound of cheering, the walls vibrate of applause as we enter the huge studio. “We missed the introduction but they haven’t started yet.” Yuri says thankfully.

Showing our VIP passes to one of the staff members, we are escorted to the front row, perfectly visible of the stage. “This way, Jinwoo can see us.” She says, taking out her camera. Looking towards the stand on the left, I see Miss A’s Suzy facing a large blinking camera. “And now, Secret!” Roaring applause shakes the ground as I feel dizzy in being such an unruly and strange environment. As crazy as it feels, it is exciting!


After more than an hour, it was finally what we were waiting for; it was 2AM’s turn to appear on stage. Clutching onto my pamphlet, I bite my lip, wondering what Jinwoo looked like after three years. Recognizing the members, I watch in amazement when Jinwoo comes onto the stage last. Taking a place besides Jo Kwon, he scans the audience when he stops at us. Wide eyes, expression of shock and bewilderment cover his face. Shouting and cheering, Yuri snaps photos of Jinwoo as he smiles. “So cool!” She yells in excitement as I grin towards him, mouthing the words “good luck.”


“Now, Jinwoo’s solo!” L. Joe announces.

As the other members exit the stage, the lights dim down as Jinwoo remains by himself. Staring at me, his eyes are unwavering and intense. “This song, I wrote a couple years back before I became an idol. It was for someone that I really cared about but never got to tell her.” Aweing, the audience approves as he continues. “Today, she is here in the crowd. This is why this performance is so important to me. I will finally be able to sing my feelings to her.” Blushing, my skin feels hot against the hold metallic chair beneath me. “Oh my god…” Yuri’s mouth opens, gawking at me. “I think he’s talking about you.”

As the music begins, his gaze becomes soft and gentle, eyes that were no longer of boy but of a man…

“Even though I’m young, the pain is the same” The sweetness of his voice sends shivers down my spine. “Just because I don’t know the world very well, doesn’t mean that I don’t know pain.”


Why do you lie, saying it’ll be okay?

 How will my heart, that hurts this much

 Be healed so easily?

 How will I live without you?

 That’s why I can’t let you go, even if I die

 How am I supposed to let you go?

 Whether you go or leave, fix my heart

 If you can’t fix it, so that I won’t be in pain

 So that I can at least live

 I wouldn’t be able to live anyway

 I can’t let you go, even if I die

 No matter how much you push me away

 I’ll hold onto you until the end

 So that you won’t be able to go anywhere

 If you’re really going to leave, then lie

 That we should meet again tomorrow

 That we should meet as we smile

 If breaking up wasn’t a joke, then I

 Can’t let you go, even if I die

 How am I suppose to let you go?

 Whether you go or leave, fix my heart

 If you can’t fix it, so that I won’t be in pain

 So that I can at least live

 I wouldn’t be able to live anyway

 I can’t let you go, even if I die

 We went through so much time together

 How are you telling me to live by myself now?

 I can’t do that, I can’t

 I can’t let you go, even if I die

 I really can’t let you go

 How am I supposed to let you go?

 I can’t let you go

 Whether you go or leave, fix my heart

 If you can’t fix it, so that I won’t be in pain

 So that I can at least live

 I wouldn’t be able to live anyway

 I can’t let you go, even if I die

As the song ends, my mind is numb from shock. “What is going on?” My head tries to fit the puzzle of questions together, but fails miserably. “Jinwoo likes me?”

“What a romantic turn of events!” Suzy declares excitedly. Nodding, L.Joe compliments Jinwoo’s capability to melt hearts. “Now! To cool this hot and fiery atmosphere, here is B1A4’s top track Beautiful!”

Snapping back to reality, my eyes grow wide. “B1A4?” Recalling the day before, back in the hotel, I remember the jerk saying something about them. “What was it again?” Distracted, Yuri taps me to pay attention to the stage. Suddenly, blasts of sparklers shoot from the sides of the stage, creating a thick blanket of fog. Squinting, five shadows appear in the darkness, concealed by the white smoke. Then as all the stage lights turn on, I drop my pamphlet on the ground, jumping to my feet.


Jin-Young’s point of view

“B1A4! Sparklers are on!” Rushing to the stage, we quickly make our way to our positions in the dark. Hearing the thunderous screaming, I smirk, ready to capture all the hearts of the girls in the studio. The music blasting, we each turn around to face the chaotic crowd when I freeze in place.  Standing in front of me is….    Ji-Eun.



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Real Love Chp. 8-9


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uaenaland #1
Chapter 14: please update :(
uaenaland #2
Chapter 14: When will you update?? I really love your story
Chapter 14: Waaaa your so good plz update sooon hwaiting
Annellise25 #4
Chapter 14: waaahh!! really interesting story.. hope you update soon!! :)
oh my gosh i can't believe i haven't read this story till now ;-; i noticed this hasn't been updated for a while.. if you're still willing to update please do so~ i really like it c:
Jinyoung, you pabo!
update soon >.<
your story is A-W-E-SO-M-E~~~!
TheGermCafe #8
Please update soon I love this story!!!
LadyAthena #9
Omg they are going to live together now?!?!!!! *o*
I hope you update soon. I can't wait to see what happens! :)
stayuptonight #10
Yaay there they meet again! :D