Chapter 12

A Love To Die For (Real Love)


Ji-Young's POV 


"That's right! You're uncle is a heart surgeon right? He probably has a house big enough for all us!" Dong Woo says excitedly, glad to know that we wont be a homeless idol group. Before I dial the last number, a thunderous pounding on the door makes me jump. "Must be Baro and Rin." Gong Chan grins happily as he goes to let them in. "Oh my god! What happened to Baro!" Gong Chan yells, making the rest of us run towards the hall in curiosity. 


Unable to keep the laughter to ourselves, everyone except Rin and Baro were cracking up with tears in our eyes. Baro, the poor miserable idol, was drenched in his own sweat with disheveled hair and holes all over his clothes. "The fans got to him." Rin sighs, holding him up. "He ran twenty blocks and barely managed to get into the car." Feeling slightly guilty, I push it away immediately. "Well, now he knows not to give away our address in the future." I say sternly. Opening one eye, he whimpers unable to speak. "Let's put you under the shower." Dong Woo says sympathetically, helping Rin drag Baro's lifeless body in the apartment. 


Sitting back on the couch, surrounded by the rest of the members, I ignore the pained groans and moans from the bathroom and redial my uncle's number. "Do you think he'll agree?" Gong Chan whispers to Sandeul before I put a finger to my lips. Ringing six times, I am about to put the phone down when I hear Kang Sang's voice. "Well, well…This is the first time you call me." He laughs. "Hey Uncle." I say awkwardly. "Spit it out, Im still working." He says lightly, understanding that I'm not the kind to just call without a reason. "We lost the apartment…so now we don't have a place to stay." Fumbling with  the phone wire, I wait tensely for his reaction. "Sure, Jin-Young. There is plenty of room here for you and the members." Thanking him, I give the thumbs up to Sandeul and Gong Chan who both begin to holler in joy.


As I hang up the phone, the refreshed and wet Baro enters happily towards the living room. "Did we find somewhere to live?" He asks hopefully. Nodding, I frown. "No thanks to you.." I say coldly. Frowning, he runs towards me and hugs me with his warm moist body. "Ew get off!" Trying to shake him off, he holds on tighter. "Common! Im sorry Hyung. I wont mess this up again." Looking at him skeptically, I sigh and roll my eyes. "At least we get to live in a mansion now." Dong Woo smiles excitedly while the rest of the members clap and yell in excitement. "We hit the jackpot!" Gong Woo exclaims. "No more sharing rooms!" Crossing my arms, I shake my head. "Things are just about to get interesting." 




Ji-Eun's point of view


Fidgeting with my hands, I remain silent in my bed. Unable to sleep, I have been up all night because of the noisy sounds of footsteps and voices in the lobby. Now that the eastern tower was gone, all the patients including myself was roomless. Because of the all the chaos and craziness, everyone including doctors and nurses have been up treating those that have been injured. Luckily, there has been no fatal injuries to anyone but it still didn't change the fact that we were in a serious predicament. 


Suddenly, the curtain opens to wide eyed, panic-stricken Yuri and Jinwoo. Sitting up, I am captured into Yuri's tight grip, crying on my shoulder. "There, there." I say clammy, patting her head. "I'm fine. See?" I say, smiling convincingly. "We say it on the news. The entire Eastern Ward is gone." Jinwoo says, his lips a tight line. There was fright and worry in his eyes. "I was so scared when I saw it on TV." Yuri continues. "I thought for sure that you…" Unable to continue, she just continues to cry. 


For a long moment, we are silent, unable to say anything when Dr. Noh and Dr. Yoon appear behind Ji-Woo. "Is she alright?" Yuri asks in a rush. Nodding, Dr, Yoon smiles. "All the results came back normal. After a good sleep, Ji-Eun will be fine." She says assuringly. "Unlike her room…" Dr. Yoon's gaze shifts towards me apologetically. "Im sorry. All of your belongings were…" Sighly lightly, I shrug. Clearing my throat, I smile. "It's fine. I didn't have much anyways, Im just glad that I was able to save the one important thing to me." Nodding, she compliments me on my optimism. "Well, she can just stay with me." Yuri suggests. Shaking his head, Dr. Noh refuses. "Ji-Eun still needs to be under the care of a doctor." 


"That's not a problem. My dad can just hire a personal doctor for her." She answers simply when I place a hand on her arm. "No…I don't want to bother you with something like that." Frowning, she stares at me disapprovingly. "You are my best friend. Why the hell would making sure you are safe be a bother to me?" Before I can respond, Dr. Yoon pats her back, calming her down. "Both me and Dr. Noh believe its best to have a doctor that is familiar with Ji-Eun." 


"So you are going to live with me." Dr. Noh says, his eyes unwavering. "Until the Eastern Ward is restored, I will take care of you in my home." 


After an hour or so, visiting hours are over so i said goodbye to Jin-Woo and Yuri, thanking her for the large suitcases filled with clothes that she ordered a servant to bring. "I really cant accept this." I tried to refuse them but it was either the clothes or it was her house. Even though, I knew she is only trying to help, there is no way I can live with her in her house and show her the truth to my condition. Whenever we are together, it is always on a good day and I try my hardest to make sure she sees that I'm perfectly fine, but to show her when I am crying or vomiting from the pain…I just can't put her through something like that. 


Once they left with Dr. Yoon, it is just Dr, Noh and me in silence. Never in my life would I have expected to be living in his house. The idea seems so strange and weird. Seeing him outside of a white lab coat? I can't even picture it. "Are you okay with this?" He asks with his arms cross gently against his chest. After a brief moment, I nod. " I'd be lying if I said it isn't weird, but…I think you are right. I don't want Yuri or Jin-Woo to see me when I'm weak." Nodding, he smiles understandingly. "But I have to tell you…" He adds, an expression of worry on his face. Eye wide, I wait curiously. 


"My nephew and his friends will be living with us." 

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Real Love Chp. 8-9


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uaenaland #1
Chapter 14: please update :(
uaenaland #2
Chapter 14: When will you update?? I really love your story
Chapter 14: Waaaa your so good plz update sooon hwaiting
Annellise25 #4
Chapter 14: waaahh!! really interesting story.. hope you update soon!! :)
oh my gosh i can't believe i haven't read this story till now ;-; i noticed this hasn't been updated for a while.. if you're still willing to update please do so~ i really like it c:
Jinyoung, you pabo!
update soon >.<
your story is A-W-E-SO-M-E~~~!
TheGermCafe #8
Please update soon I love this story!!!
LadyAthena #9
Omg they are going to live together now?!?!!!! *o*
I hope you update soon. I can't wait to see what happens! :)
stayuptonight #10
Yaay there they meet again! :D