A Love To Die For (Real Love)

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Jin Young's point of view


Seeing the car parked on the round-about, I swing the car door open. Chocking on corn chips,  Rin jumps from his comfortably reclined seat with crumbs all over his suit. " You're already done?" He panics as he lowers the volume of the radio and brushes the bits of chips of his top. "Aigoo…you sure were relaxed." I mutter, taking a seat as I slam the door shut. Replacing the chair back to it's original place, Rin avoids eye contact as I glare at him in the rear-view mirror. 


There was a long pause as Rin drove off my father's estates before he cleared his throat. " How…how did it go?" He hesitates. Looking outside the window, I rest my fist below my chin. "It was whatever. There wasn't much to talk about." Taking a second, my fists uncoil and laid flat on my lap. " He just wanted to make sure I was alive." Smiling, Rin turned a left. "Eh, I'm sure your father just wanted to see your face after so long. He must have missed you." Scoffing, I roll my eyes. "Right."




Reaching Yeonhee-dong apartments, Rin punches the pass code and the black gates open to the complex. Already dark outside, the pathway into the apartment is lit up by several yards of lanterns and light posts. Climbing out of the car, I suddenly halt as I remember to tell Rin of tomorrow.


"Make sure to cancel any late afternoon schedules. I have to be somewhere at five." Raising an eyebrow, Rin looks at me but decides not to ask any questions. 


Walking into the building and entering the elevator, I push the glowing button to the eleventh's floor.  As the silver doors reopen, my phone vibrates as I see Gong Chan's name on the screen. 


"Hyung, where are you?" Yelling, he raised his voice against the sound of blasting music. Moving the phone away from my ear, I perfectly hear 2PM's Again and Again playing in the background. "I'm here already." Hanging up, my hands shuffle around in my pockets, looking for the keys. 


Sliding the key into the lock, the door clicks open as a whiff of cooking ramen bombards my face and my stomach growls. Jumbling voices and the sound of the radio rings in my ears as the volume of both continue to rise. 


The first one I spot sitting on the couch is Shin Dong Woo (CNU), a friend since highschool. "Yo! Your back!" He says over the noice. Bobbing my chin at him, I slap his hand as a greeting and proceed to the kitchen. As I enter the kitchen, the scent of ramen concentrates, torturing my hungry stomach. At the stove, stirring a packet of seasoning into the pot, Gong Chan waves as he nibbles on a piece of noodle, seeing if it is ready. 


Nodding, he places the testing bowl on the side and yells at the top of his lungs. " FOOD'S READY." Suddenly, the sound of rapid footsteps swamp the kitchen as the rest of the members take their seat in the small dinning table. "Oh! Hyung, you came?" Baro exclaims, his hair a complete mess because of his nap. " When Gong Chan places the stemming pot onto the center of the table, everyone reaches for it when I command them to stop. " Because I had to go along to work, I get first pick." 


Sighing, they held their tongue, unable to protest. Grabbing my bowl, I rack out two huge serving of noodles and three dumplings as I laugh evilly. " What! NO WAY!" Jung Hwan complained but remained still as I shot a deadly glare. As I munch away my hunger, the other members start a game of rock-paper-scissors to decide who'd get to eat the remaining noodles, which was just barely enough for one serving. Blowing on my last dumpling, I open my mouth to bite it when the doorbell rings.


Pausing, I wait for a moment. This time someone was knocking. "Coming, coming!" I grumble. " Who is-" My words stop short as my father's butler stands outside the hall. " I was told to give this to you." Handing a white bag to me, I look inside of it and find a slender rectangular black box. 


Once he leaves, I come back in the apartment, the members crowding around the entry. " What's that?" Baro asks, still holding his bowl of ramen in one hand and his chopsticks in another. Shrugging, I flip open the cover and pull back the thin white sheet of paper, revealing a handsome black suit with a silver lined tie. " Whoa…" Dong Woo whistles while raising an eyebrow. " Where are you going?"  Rolling my eyes, I close the box and shove it back in it's bag. 


"You want it?" I offer it to Dong Woo, when Jung Hwan points to something on the floor. " There's a letter." I follow his eyes to my feet, noticing a small envelope. Picking it up, Dong Woo lifted the gold seal and pulled out a creamy beige letter. " Wear this for tomorrow. I'm sure your fiancee will love it. P.S: She will be wearing a purple colored dress tomorrow." It took a minute for the members to process it before shouting in unison. 




Covering my eyes, I wait for the screaming to stop. " Hyung! You're getting married?" Gong Chan continues to yell. " No-" I try to say when Baro interrupts. " Did you knock some girl up?? Did she force you to marry her?" He concluded. "What the hell are you talkin-" Once again, I am interrupted by Jung Hwan's (Sandeul) sobbing. " Oh my god! Our leader got a girl pregnant!" 


"SHUT UP!" I scream, panting with frustration. " I did not get a girl pregnant." Dong Woo, who was laughing away before was now calm. " So what IS going on?" He asks. Sighing, I head to the living room and plop down tiredly on the couch. " It's my dad. The crazy man was talking about me getting married and he set up a blind date for us to meet tomorrow." Mouth open, Baro's eyes begin to glitter with envy, " You rich people are amazing…" 


"Fiancee?" Dong Woo says as if he is recalling something from somewhere. Suddenly, he gasps and snaps his finger. "Choi Byeol Yee!" Raising my head, I look at him in confusion. " Who?" 


"No way… THE Choi Byeol Yee!" Baro exclaims, his hands besides his cheeks. " Who's that?" I ask again. " You don't know?" Dong Woo raises his right eyebrow, taken aback. " Should i?" Searching through my brain, I try to recall if I ever heard the name before. "She's one of korea's top ranking models. But besides that, she's known as the Idol Killer. " Nodding, Sandeul crosses his arms. " Super Junior's Lee Eunhyuk. 2PM's Taecyeon, CN Blue Jung Younghwa, and even Big Bang's G-Dragon had fallen for her. After starring in their music videos, they all ended up becoming victims of her five second kiss." 


"Five second kiss?" Placing a finger against my temple, the conversation began to become interesting. "But how do you know it's her" I question. "A couple days ago I saw it on the net that there was rumors of her getting engaged." Dong Woo replies." You better be careful Ji Young Hyung." Baro places a hand on my shoulder. " She will... corrupt you." He whispers with a look of regret and slight jealousy. Chuckling, I tap the wooden surface of the table with my fingertips "Hm…we'll see about that." 



Lee Ji-Eun's point of view


Unable to sleep, I kick back the covers and slide my feet into the cool teal slippers. Opening the door, I slip out silently. Sometimes the nurses would patrol the halls so I quickly make my way to the lobby, using the ninja skills I learned from the endless Naruto comics Hyun Joon, the boy next to me, would lend me. "Asa…" I whisper when I reach the huge almost empty lobby. Taking a seat at the far end of the last row, there is an elderly couple sleeping on each other's shoulder. "How cute!" I mouth silently. 


Taking in the scenery of the unusually calm hospital, it amazes me that in just a few hours it will be as lively and crowded as ever. This serene quietness will disappear as if it never happened in the first place. "Can't sleep?" A small female voice says, making me jump. Turning around, I smile at the sight of Dr. Yoon, no longer in her white coat and is now in a pretty dark blue dress with a thin gold belt around her slim waist. " Yes." I say embarrassingly. " I think it's because I'm excited for tomorrow." Chuckling, she walks forward and takes a seat besides me. " With good reason. You've been stuck at the hospital for so long, you must be bored out of your mind." Shaking my head, I disagree kindly. " The hospital is fun too! There are a lot of children I play with and making fun of Dr. Noh is always a moral booster." Laughing along with me, she comments on how Dr. Noh will never be able to find a wife if he keeps being so touchy. " I fear that also. Dr. Noh doesn't understand woman at all. " Pleasantly sighing, she brushed back her hair with her fingers when she stopped midway. " Oh! Have you got something to wear tomorrow?" 


Suddenly remembering that I don't even own a party dress, I gulp. " No… Oh man! The only dresses I have are the ones I wear in the summer. What do I do?" Panic began to rise in my stomach. Raising a hand, she told me to calm down. " Don't worry. I'll bring you something to wear for tomorrow." 


"Oh no! I couldn't." I begin but she stops me. " It's alright. I want to make sure you look your best." Grinning widely, I hug her. "Dr. Yoon is so cool!" Chuckling, she pats my head. " Now, go back to bed before I tell Dr. Noh you were sneaking around." Jumping up from my chair, I wave goodbye before heading back to my room. "Oh! Dr. Yoon?" Turning around, she faces me with a look of curiosity. " Yes?" She asks from the other side of the hall. "If there is a person I wished would marry Dr. Noh… it'd be you." Blushing scarlet red, she stares at me, unable to speak. " Good night!" Running away, I wonder what the next day will bring. 

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Real Love Chp. 8-9


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uaenaland #1
Chapter 14: please update :(
uaenaland #2
Chapter 14: When will you update?? I really love your story
Chapter 14: Waaaa your so good plz update sooon hwaiting
Annellise25 #4
Chapter 14: waaahh!! really interesting story.. hope you update soon!! :)
oh my gosh i can't believe i haven't read this story till now ;-; i noticed this hasn't been updated for a while.. if you're still willing to update please do so~ i really like it c:
Jinyoung, you pabo!
update soon >.<
your story is A-W-E-SO-M-E~~~!
TheGermCafe #8
Please update soon I love this story!!!
LadyAthena #9
Omg they are going to live together now?!?!!!! *o*
I hope you update soon. I can't wait to see what happens! :)
stayuptonight #10
Yaay there they meet again! :D