A Love To Die For (Real Love)


Ji-Eun's POV

Time stopped at the very moment I stared into his dark brown eyes. Nothing moved, except for my churning insides.  And then…before I knew it, everything sped fast forward and hit me all at once.


“WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?” Jinyoung demands, pointing an accusing finger at me. Stunned and confused, it takes a moment to remember how to breathe, much less speak. “I can ask you the same thing!” I challenge, flushed and disoriented.  The entire house is silent, the kind of awkward silence you’d expect from hearing a bad joke. Only when Dr. Noh speaks up, does it break the icy tension to a lesser degree. “This is amusing…you two know each other?” Immediately, we both refuse. “NO!”


Glaring into each other’s eyes, it is as if we are cobra and mongoose, just waiting to pounce on one another in a ruthless fight. “There is no way I know anyone as vile as him.” I say sharply, before storming back up stairs. “Vile?” He repeats, following me until he grabs my wrist and spins me onto the wall. “Who are you to call me that?” He leans his face towards mine. “G-get off.” Keeping my eyes to the ground, I refuse to look at him. “Didn’t your parents teach you to look at someone when they are talking to you?” Lifting my chin up, his face is dangerously close to mine; especially his lips. “Get off.” I mumble, barely audible.


“Speak up.” He grins evilly, his grip on my wrist tightening. “I said…” Taking a silent breathe, I glare at him. “GET OFF!” Shoving him away, I barely escape as he collapses on the steps. Running to my room, I slam the door and lock it before he can recover his fall. “What the hell…” My hand on my chest, feels the rapid beating of my heart. His face so close to mine…What the heck is he thinking?



Jinyoung's POV

“Hyung!” Baro runs towards me, helping me up. “Jinyoung, that was too much.” Dong Woo sighs, crossing his arms. “You crossed the line.” Scoffing, I dust off my pants. “She pushed me down the stairs!” I bark, annoyed that he is taking that brat’s side. “You pinned her against the wall!” Pursing my lip, I ignore his comment and snatch my tumbled suitcase from the floor. “Whatever.”


“God dammit!” I kick the foot of my bed, throwing my luggage on top of it. “She really pisses me off.” I breathe sharply, my bangs lifting upwards. “Who does she think she is to call me vile? That flat chested brat!” Sinking onto my bed, I sigh in frustration when the image of her soft pink lips and large brown eyes catch me off-guard. “What are you thinking about?” I say to myself in disbelief. “I like y swimsuit models with S lines and curves!” Even though I keep chanting that in my mind, it doesn’t change the rapid beating of my heart.



Ji-Eun's POV

It is as if I am shoving pins and needles down my throat. As delicious as the chicken and rice is, I can barely eat with  Jinyoung’s death glares. “So…” Gong Chan says slowly, poking his food with a fork. “You’re name is Ji-Eun?” Nodding, I wipe my mouth with a napkin. “Nice to meet you Ji-Eun shi.” Dong Woo smiles kindly, opposite of Mr. Grumpy in front of me. “How old are you?” Sandeul asks, munching on a piece of bread. “Seventeen.” I answer, taking a sip of iced tea. “Oh! We’re the same age.” Dong Woo grins, his eyes shining. Smiling sheepishly, we exchange details of ourselves when Baro exclaims. “I remember now!” He gasps, making me flinch. “You were the girl that was with Jinwoo at the concert.”


Taking a moment, I try to recall what he is talking about when I remember the concert and the unexpected confession serenade. “So you’re the girl Hyung likes.” Baro says in amazement. “Jinwoo and I are-.“  Interrupted by the sound of a scraping chair against tile, I look up at Jiyoung standing. “I suddenly lost my appetite.” Throwing the napkin on the table, he walks off, making the dining room yet again very awkward.




Perhaps it was because it was a new environment that made it impossible to sleep. All night, I kept turning and twisting, trying to convince myself to fall asleep but like a lot of things, it just wasn’t my luck. Only when it reached early morning did my eyelids shut tight.




“Ji-Eun.” There is a voice calling me. I know it but I can’t seem to remember who it is. “Ji-Eun.” Her voice, it’s soft and gentle but for some reason it hurts to hear it. “Who are you?” I cry out in the darkness, unable to see a thing. “Ji-Eun.” Her voice echoes, squeezing and stabbing into my heart. “STOP!” Covering my ears, I tremble when then floor below me cracks. Unable to scream, the floor shatters and I fall into a endless icy pit.




“AH!” Sitting up, I pant rapidly, pulling onto my shirt collar. My heart still racing, I search the room for anything out of place but sigh in relief to see the same pale green walls and white furniture sparkling in the morning light. Groaning, I stretch my stiff arms and legs as I force myself up, deciding to take a shower to loosen my muscles and hopefully clear my head. 


Walking in the empty hallway, I close the bathroom door behind me and turn on the shower. Waiting for the water to heat up, I shimmy out of my pajamas and slowly walk into the hot pellets of steaming water. Sighing in relief, I can feel the stiffness of my body from earlier disappearing and the images of the nightmare fading away. 


Jinyoung's POV

As the hot morning rays of sunlight bakes through my blankets, I kick it off and sit up only my boxers. Eyes closed and still half-asleep, I yawn and crack my knuckles while rotating my neck. Barely opening my eyes, everything is blurred and hazy. Maneuvering myself into the hall way, I glide my hands against the surface of the walls until I feel the cool metal of a door knob. Pushing the door open, I am blinded by the bright vanity light when a scream screeches into my ears. As if dunked in cold water, my vision clears and what I see in front of me makes my eyeball jump out of my skull. 


"AHHHHHH!!!" Both screaming, we are frozen in place as we yell on the top of our lungs.  Standing in only a towel with dripping wet hair, Ji-Eun wraps her arms around her bare skin as I cover my groin and chest. 



The member's POV

It is just another Saturday morning when ear-splitting, gut-wretching screams echoes into every crack and crevice of the house. Each member, jumping up from their beds, panics at the sound of something coming straight out of a horror film. Spilling out one by one, each member runs out into the hall to only be shocked by what they see.  JinYoung, their oh so charismatic and ruthless leader, is topless with only boxers on while Ji-Eun, barely covered in her towel, is throwing all sorts of soaps and bottles and linen cloths at him. Jaws to the ground and eyeballs hanging from their sockets, the members can only watch in explosive shock...





*Author's note: Im really happy with all the positive support I've been getting for all my stories. Thank you all so much for all the wonderful comments. Continue to support in the future! PEACE~

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Real Love Chp. 8-9


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uaenaland #1
Chapter 14: please update :(
uaenaland #2
Chapter 14: When will you update?? I really love your story
Chapter 14: Waaaa your so good plz update sooon hwaiting
Annellise25 #4
Chapter 14: waaahh!! really interesting story.. hope you update soon!! :)
oh my gosh i can't believe i haven't read this story till now ;-; i noticed this hasn't been updated for a while.. if you're still willing to update please do so~ i really like it c:
Jinyoung, you pabo!
update soon >.<
your story is A-W-E-SO-M-E~~~!
TheGermCafe #8
Please update soon I love this story!!!
LadyAthena #9
Omg they are going to live together now?!?!!!! *o*
I hope you update soon. I can't wait to see what happens! :)
stayuptonight #10
Yaay there they meet again! :D