A Love To Die For (Real Love)

Ji-eun’s point of view

“I’m so sorry I had to leave!” Yuri apologizes as I climb onto bed. “I told you. It’s fine.” I repeat for the third time, assuring her that it wasn’t her fault. “I know but still, it must have been awkward with only you and Jinwoo. If only my dad wasn’t so protective, making me come home so early.” She says, pouting. “I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t awkward, but he’s still my friend.” Sighing, I think of everything that has happened today. Even now, I almost didn’t believe it.

“It must have been shocking to find out that he likes you.” She says with a smile in her voice. Nodding, I agree. “Of course, I have only seen him as a friend until now.” I confess. “Well, what are you going to do?” She asks eagerly. “I don’t know. I’m not really sure what to do in these kinds of situations.

“Oh! Hey, I go to go. My dad’s calling me.” Hanging up, I place the white hospital phone back in its holder and lay down on the soft bed. “Jinwoo likes me….and I like-“.  Suddenly, an image of Jinyoung flashes through my mind. Perplexed and confused, I sit in bed wondering what just happened. Exhaling deeply, I lay back down as I tell myself to calm down. “I just need to sleep. My mind is all jumbled up because I’m tired.” Convincing myself, I close my eyes. “Everything will be fine in the morning. ”I whisper to myself, clutching onto my humming chest.


Jin-Young’s point of view

The morning sun warms my skin with its bright rays of light as I shift in my bed. “Wake up, Jin Young.” Dong Woo says behind the door. Burying myself with the blanket, I ignore him when he knocks again. “Rin’s going to yell at you.” He warns. Opening one eye, I rub the other while yawning. “Jin youn-“ Dong Woo repeats until I interrupt him. “I’m up, I’m up.” Regretfully, I stand in my sweats, bare chested. Stretching, I open the door and walk out into the living room.

“Good morning!” Baro chirps, unbelievable lively. “How are you so energetic?” I question, unable to understand how a person can be so happy in the morning. “Since you’re up, can you wake up Gong Chan?” Dong Woo asks as he flips through the channels with a remote. “Sure, give me the hard job.” I grumble, dragging my feet towards Gong Chan’s and Baro’s room.

Inside, I scan the messy room while kicking stray cloths on the ground with my feet. Finding him sprawled out on his bed with his red hoodie, I sit on the bed and yawn. “Yo, wake up.” I slap his back. No response. “Hey, Gong Chan. Get up.” Again, no answer. The only response is the shallow breathing and moving of his chest. “Fine, have it your way.” Getting up, I walk to the bathroom and grab the water spray bottle from under the cabinet. “You’re not really…” Sandeul says with wide eyes.

Smiling, I reenter Gong Chan’s room, aiming at his face. In a sweet calming voice, I call out his name. “Gong Chan…” As expected, he doesn’t move. Then placing my finger on the trigger, I yell. “GET UP!” Rapidly spraying his face, neck and hair with cold water, he gasps as he opens his eyes. “Gah! Hyung! COLD! COLD!” Covering his face, his red hoodie is splotched with dark spots. “Are you awake now?” I ask, ready to strike again. Nodding pitifully, he sniffs. “Yes…. I’m up.”


Ji-Eun’s point of view

Lying under the thick padded cover, it was uncomfortable to stay still in the CT machine as the sound of a noisy dry cleaner continues to ring inside the hollow tube. Twenty minutes feels like an eternity as I patiently but restlessly wait for the scanning to end. Listening to boring classical music, I wish I could sleep but remember that I can’t because it would affect the scanning of my heart. Can’t do this. Can’t do that. Sighing, my body itched to move.

Finally, the lovely beep of the machine signaled the end of the test. Exhaling in relief, the platform backs up as I am brought out of that dreaded tube of boredom. “I can go in there a hundred times, but I will never like it.” I say crossly, following Dr. Noh to the examination room. “Don’t complain.” He mutters, occupied with the clipboard in front of him. Pouting, I purse my lips as I do as I’m told. “Welcome, Ji-eun.” Dr. Shin smiles as I take a see in front of him.

“Morning,” I grin before shooting Dr. Noh with a glare.  Rolling his eyes, he leaves the room. “How are we doing today?” He asks, looking through the results. Nodding, I happily tell him that I feel fine. “That’s good. Your results look normal and it seems like the medicine is steadying your blood pressure.” Biting my lip, I clear my throat, wondering about something. “Actually…I have a question.” Shifting my feet nervously, I stare into his elderly eyes.

Closing the folder, he puts to the side and leas forever. “I’m listening.” Clearing my throat again, I straighten up. “Well… it’s about someone.” I say, feeling awkward. “Raising an eyebrow, he nods. “Continue.” Placing my hands on the desk, I sigh. “There has been some bad luck I ran into.” I say, recalling the day I met Jinyoung. “And even though he makes me angry and annoyed whenever I see him, he is always in head.” Smiling with interest, he clasped his together. “This is a boy, is it not?” Blushing, I awkwardly nod. “Do you like him?” He asks simply.

Raising my hands, I shake my head immediately. “Absolutely not, he’s spoiled, rude and arrogant. There is no way I like him…right?” Smiling, he stands up. “The human mind isn’t that easy to understand. Sometimes we hate the person but can’t stop thinking about them. Perhaps, it’s just because you hate him that you can’t get him out of your head, but it could be that you feel something more than just negative emotions.”

“Something more?” I repeat, perplexed. “That could be a reason why, I mean… why else would you care so much?”  Gulping, I furrow my brow. “Why do I keep thinking about him? I don’t even know him, but…ever since I saw him at Music Bank, singing with such passion on stage….he seemed kind cool.” Placing a hand on my shoulder, he gives me a reassuring smile. “Whatever it is, I’m sure in time, you will understand your feelings.”



Ji-Young’s point of view

Returning back to our apartment complex, Rin drives to the curb in the dark. “I wonder when our interview is going to broadcast on MTVK?” Baro asks excitedly. “Probably next month, there doing the SNSD segment now.” Dong Woo answers, opening the van door. Stepping out, my eyes widen to see a large crowd with signs and speakerphones around the building entrance. “What’s going on?” Rin asks from inside the car. Then, someone notices us and screams loudly. “It’s them! B1A4!”

Panicking, we stumble back into the car, just barely avoiding the fans. “Who the hell told them where we live?” I demand, remember very clearly the one rule we had. NEVER tell a fan our address. After a long moment of cold silence, Baro nervously raises his hand. “I-I-I did, Hyung.” Afraid to meet my eyes, he looks down at the ground. Raising my voice, I shout loudly. “Why would you do that?” Flinching, his scared eyes look into mine as he grabs my hands, pleading. “I didn’t think it would be this bad!” He confesses. “It’s just that in one of the fan’s letters, she wanted to send me a painting of myself and asked for my address.” Groaning, everyone lets out a sigh. “How are we supposed to get  inside now?” Sandeul mumbles.

Just then, someone knocks furiously onto Rin’s car window. Unrolling the glass, Mr. Kang, the elderly landlord pants with anger, his shirt torn at the sleeve. “You and your crazy fans have kept the entire complex up all night. The one rule in the contract to your apartment is that you cannot make a public disturbance for the other tenants. Because you have violated the contract, you have exactly two days to move out or I will be forced to make you leave.” Stomping away, he disappears into the crowd as we all glare at Baro with evil smiles.


“Common guys!” He protests, kicking his feet in the air, trying to remain in the car. “I don’t want to die!” He shouts as we push him successfully outside. “You started this.” I point at him, watching his tremble. “We need to get inside, so you are going to distract the fans and lead them outside the complex while we sneak in.” Wide eyes and open mouth, he stares at me with shock. “B-But what if I get caught?” He whimpers. “Then god help you.” Dong Woo prays with a pitiful expression. “Don’t do this hyung.” Baro pleads as I smirk evilly. “You better run…”

Screaming like a girl with all my might, I pretend to be a fan girl. “Oh my god! It’s Baro oppa!!” Slamming the door, we speed off, deserting him. It took a short second before the sea of fan girls stormed towards the defenseless Baro. Breaking into a sprint, he runs towards the other direction.  


Disappearing down the street with the fan girls tailing him, we all silently pray for his survival before driving back to the empty entrance. Grabbing all our things, we quickly jump out of the car and run towards the automatic doors. Before leaving, I tell Rin to let Baro run around a bit more before picking him up. It was the least I could do since he did get us kicked out of our home.


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Real Love Chp. 8-9


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uaenaland #1
Chapter 14: please update :(
uaenaland #2
Chapter 14: When will you update?? I really love your story
Chapter 14: Waaaa your so good plz update sooon hwaiting
Annellise25 #4
Chapter 14: waaahh!! really interesting story.. hope you update soon!! :)
oh my gosh i can't believe i haven't read this story till now ;-; i noticed this hasn't been updated for a while.. if you're still willing to update please do so~ i really like it c:
Jinyoung, you pabo!
update soon >.<
your story is A-W-E-SO-M-E~~~!
TheGermCafe #8
Please update soon I love this story!!!
LadyAthena #9
Omg they are going to live together now?!?!!!! *o*
I hope you update soon. I can't wait to see what happens! :)
stayuptonight #10
Yaay there they meet again! :D