Thinking Of You

Secret Love

Continuous from Zelo's POV

"Zelo ah, there you are. I was looking all day for you." Hyuna noona shoved over as she held her high heels up high as she tiptoed over to my side.

This is not good, I've got to do something.

I quickly shielded Hye Jin who was sobbing behind the bushes, so that Hyuna noona won't notice anything.

"Eh? Why are you here in the garden, Zelo?" she came closer and closer to my space.

"Ummm...I...just want to take some fresh air after going to the washroom." I stuttered at first, but managed to give out a smooth reply.

"Hmm, since we're here, won't you mind to give me that kiss of yours? Hmm?" she winced at me, with her cherry glossy FAKE lips pouting in front of me, as I moved back.

No way, not this time already. I had enough of being a kissing machine.

"Noona, why don't you do it to Himchan hyung? He's better in that?" I took a step back as she inched closer.

"Well, Himchan hyung does that to me all the time, but you..." she held me close by the waist, and slowly caressing my cheeks with her long slender fingers, her face putting up a very lustful expression that I almost gulped of, and as I moved a little, she whispered in my ear, ".....are still new in this..."

Not anymore, Noona. I had enough of this.

I pushed away Hyuna noona as soon she was about to make up my neck. She looked at me in horror, but kept her cool, trying to do it again as she inched closer, "Now now there Zelo...everything's going to be fine if you just do it my style...."

No, Noona, I have my way too. I am not following you, not following your ruthless ways anymore. You are a jerk.

"You are a jerk, Noona....and I don't like jerks." I glared at her, as she gasped in horror dramatically halting her movements toward me.

"Z--ezzello, what did you just say?" she stood there, flabbergasted by the words that she first time heard of.

"I've said it, I hated jerks. That jerk is you, noona." I looked at her straight in her eyes, as I said those words.

For the first time, I've been so brave to stand up and defend myself.

I shooked away my monologues as I watched Hyuna noona strutted off while cursing me under her breath.

I continued looking at Noona until her silhouette's completely out of sight, and quickly turned around to face Hye Jin.

Noone. She disappeared. Just like that.

I looked through the bushes again, hoping that she was still there.

Noone. She vanished into the winds.

The humid air that blown against my lobster red face apart of the intense heatwaves was indeed a disappointment, as she just left me.

She left me without wanting any help. Any comfort. Any advice. Any hugs.

She didn't want anything from me, and that made me even more guilty, more sorry for her.

Hye Jin, I think I'm growing fond of you


Joo Ri and I waited anxiously for Hye Jin's return, as we tapped our fingers on the tables nervously.

"Yah! Young Min, do you think we should find Hye Jin?" Joo Ri slapped my shoulders, letting out her frustration, and blurted out.

"Calm down will you?!" I said in an unusual high tone, sending some eye glances at me. I smiled at them sheepishly, noting nothing was wrong.

"Fine fine. So do you think that we should do that?" Joo Ri repeated her question, only this time with a calmer voice.

Our conversations were cut off as we saw the familiar tall, broad shouldered girl that we just met walked in the classroom.

Our mouths gaped open, as she appeared a bit too suddenly.

The only difference that we noticed was her messy and quite frizzy hair, with her eyes almost bulging out of her eye sockets.

She passed by the tables where the "Dictators" gang sat, with that Hyuna looking at her satisfyingly with an evil aura surrounding her.

That was when I noticed, a turn of tables.

Zelo went walking in after Hye Jin, but a few centimetres away from her.

I suspected that. Did Zelo beat Hye Jin up?

He was the one that Hye Jin was blamed of.

He was the cause of all this turmoil.

All of a sudden, I felt the word anger boiling inside out of me, as I stared at Zelo for a while.

Zelo, if you dare to hurt my friend, I swear B.A.P would never exist again.


I looked back at Hye Jin, who was already sitting back in her seat.

"Hye Jin ahhh~are you alright?" Joo Ri immediately shooted her the question as soon as I cleared off my monologues.

"Hmm...yeah, sure. What's up? Did any teachers came in?" she put on a bright and cheery smile to Joo Ri.

You're faking everything, Hye Jin. That smile, I know that you're just pretending.

I held her wrist and took it up, causing her face to change abruptly.

"Don't try to be a hypocrite." I said in a deep tone.

"Yah, Young Min, she just asked whether there were any classes that she skipped." Joo Ri tried to settle things down.

"Tell me, did he hurt you?" I ignored Joo Ri's advice, as my hands still grabbing onto Hye Jin's wrist, asking the shocked her.

"I.........." she was about to say something, but something just stopped her from doing that.

"Tell me!" I almost screamed, but luckily my voice range wasn't that prominent, so the voice appeared to be squeaky and somewhat faint.

"No, he didn't." she replied indifferently.

"Then what did he do? Did he try to flirt?" I asked again, this time being firm on my grounds.

"No~he didn't do anything, I swear." she said as her eyes glint a slight truth behind it.

I looked at her for a while before I released my grip.

"Young Min, it's too early to show your true colours, she probably be-" Joo Ri was agonizing about how I reacted toward Hye Jin, and how exaggerating I was.

"I can't help it, Joo Ri. She reminded me of someone I used to treausure so much." I looked away and cutting off her sentence with that monotone voice that I had.

Hara, I believe that you came back again.


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Will update soon on the Foreword and the Chapters. Must go now!


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Chapter 5: It cut off? What???
Chapter 5: It cut off? What???
amama13 #3
I like the story:)