
Secret Love


I knew this would be coming. Nevertheless, I could not possibly hold back the feelings that were welling up on me few minutes ago.

"AND WHO's THAT ******* YOU'RE WITH?!!!" the faint voice of the annoying female senior really hurt me.

I wasn't trying to flirt with him, I did nothing honestly. I just wanted to see and be with the personality that I idolized most.

Is that even considered being a B-word? Sorry, I don't really speak crude language.

Speaking of which, it's 10.00am, and I really should be going to my classes.

Clenching the aching heart with a fist, I held up my head high, trying best to hold back my almost-emerged tears.

"Now students, can someone explain what does a real poem contain?" Mr Francesca adjusted his glasses, as his framed eyes glimpsed through the spacious hall of Seoul High School, the class that I'm in now.

Silence filled up the whole room, as noone was practically interested in this particular topic. Some were dwindling with their pencils, while some were flying paper planes across the room, sending some annoyance to the teacher who was currently witnessing the incident.

In that midst of silent, noticeable chaos, I just sat there, looking down to my Literature component text. I mean, that question was incredibly easy, just felt like raising up my hand to answer at that moment.

But, it became a mental block when I saw Zelo's big bully gang sitting right in front of the teacher, each of them exuding auras that you don't want to mess with.

"Ahhhh, I see a bulb lit up on your head, Miss Hye Jin? As a new student in this environment, would you care brighten up our class a bit?" the teacher's clear and crisp voice echoed through the hall, sending tons of glances on my face.

Why did he called me? For so many people in this class, he could have picked his old students? Or does he know about my secret hobby?

I slowly stood up, fidgeting slightly, and lifted my head to have eye contact with the eyes of Mr Francesca's whose were expecting a marvellous answer from me regarding this question.

"Personally, a real poem must be not left out of its descriptive metaphor language, a clear and concise picturesque of the subject that you are portraying, and also not forgeting the last, but also important detail, the expression and feeling that the poet must have in delivering his poem." Saying all those bombastic words in a row made me short of breath for a while, as I advanced into my chair, waiting for the class and the teacher's response.

"Wow, Hye Jin, you are really a heck of a speaker. You should be our panelist." Young Min nudged my elbow as he whispered softly.

I smiled at his cute expression, accepting the compliment with open arms.

"My my, if that's what I'm hearing, you are absolutely a bright student there, Hye Jin! I supposed you have done any research on poems?" Mr Francesca proposed another question, eager to learn about my poetic background, which I had back when I was in Malaysia.

AGAIN, those unfamiliar eyes were darting at me, but this time, softened up and more encouraging ones could be seen from afar, with a mixture of some envious and poisonous ones. I was nervous at the same time relieved as I stood up again, taking up the question like a professional.

"Yes, I have been engaging in this poetry research back when I was studying in Malaysia. I was very fond in this field and took up as my occassional hobby too. My favourites would be Shakespeare, and Virgil." I replied with a slight tone of jibberish, but yet it appeared very satisfactory to the teacher who constantly nodded his head with his index finger holding up his chin.

"Ahh, that is good, very good indeed. I expect you a lot higher, so don't come begging marks for me in your upcoming short test." He said with a cheeky laugh, indicating that it was pure jokes. But the students around him seem to not understand his dry jokes. It was altogether awkward.

Coughing out of that awkwardity, Mr Francesca appointed us to construct a poem on humidity. Everyone scurried up on their notebooks, ipads, making small and brief notes on it for their checklist of homeworks. Then, he quickly rushed over to the teacher's table and took his petite briefcase, and we greeted him and watched his silhouette marching out of the classroom gradually.

As soon as that had happened, a bunch of students, whom I did not know of, hurdled around my table.

"Hye Jin, nice to meet you, I'm Han Tae Sun, senior of 9th Grade." the second male friend that introduced to me boldly. I nodded in acceptance, and replied, "Nice meeting you, Tae Sun sunbae-nim."

"We'll be expecting a tough competition in this field." Han Tae Sun's eyes beamed with slight envy, as he walked away suavely back to his seat, with some girls tagging along him.

That person was sure some rough competitor, I thought as another hand let out to me, expecting for a friendly handshake. I looked up, and the girl uttered, "Hi, my name is Park Beom. I'm your senior for the 8th Grade. Don't mind that Tae Sun. He's a bit competitive when it comes to poetry. Besides, noone in this class has ever scored as high as him, so I think he's just met his right opponent." she giggled. I shook her hand with smiles plastered on my face, and was at the same time bewildered.

Some time later, there were some other classmates that did the same: Introducing themselves to me and telling all sorts of stories about this class. "Don't you think they are just some materialistic people?" Young Min said abruptly as the crowd lessened around our tables. "I could say so." I replied. "Talk about looking at standards. Eish." the bubbly Joo Ri suddenly murmured.

I guess today's a quite accomplishment I made in being a newbie here, little did I know....

A pair of knackling high heel sounds reached within an arm length's distance from my table, and as I looked up, it was the same person I met just now.

Scolding Zelo and calling me the B-word. Humiliated me in front of Zelo.

Only this time was worse, she was with her clique.

"I don't know what's your problem, but I just want you to stay out from Zelo. You smell of bookworms that will contaminate him and my gang. Go do that to someone else, Miss Nerdy." she laughed like hyenas with that small little clique of hers, strutting off and halt in a moment, wanting to say more.

"Oh ya, before I forget, I'm Kim Hyuna, Korea's most famous dancer." She took a small step back as she said that, and looked at me as if I was trash, as she strutted off without doubt this time, leaving a more disappointed me.

Tears were starting to build up, and that sadness and rejection I got just now, was entirely taxing and unbearable. Covering the upper part of my face, I quickly took the exit behind as I dashed outside of the classroom, sending some tears flying up in the air.

"Hye Jin sshi...." the almost shocked Joo Ri and Young Min called out for my name, as they watched my back disappearing from the door of the exit.


I can't believe with my own eyes.

My Noonas that I thought used to be so supportive and positive, just made a newbie cry.

My limbs felt like moving toward Hye Jin, wanting to tell her that everything's alright, that there's nothing to worry, but my conscience refrained me from doing so.

Hyuna noona chatted so lively with her clique, being so enthusiastic about their successful attempt of mentally bullying the new transfer student.

I overheard their conversation going like, "Oh my god, did you see that lame nerd when I told her to stay away from Zelo? She was so terrible looking, not to mention such a loser in fashion." one of Hyuna noona's friends, Yoona noona commented on Hye Jin.

I looked far into the classroom, my eyes searching for Hye Jin's appearance, but she was just nowhere to be seen.

"Oww, Zelo ah~what's the matter, hmmm?" Hyuna noona tapped on my shoulder asking me.

"Ohhh, it's nothing, I just need to use the washroom." I said abruptly as I quickly stood up and pushed the door frame out into the school corridor.

"Come back quickly and give me that kiss you promised me, ya?" Hyuna noona pouted her cherry glossy lips, as she gave me a goodbye kiss again, sending chills up my spine.

For that second, I now had an impression that all the noonas in my gang were plastic and fake.

The school corridor was fairly lit, as the bright morning Sun had took over the fluorescent lights' job. The scorching yet warm light rays from the Sun shone through the window panes lined along the corridor, exuding a more welcoming atmosphere.

My eyes wandered into the surroundings, as I began to search for Hye Jin. I slowly walked, while calling out her name.

"Hye Jin sshi...", "Hye Jin ssshi...where are you?" I walked, this time, my pace fastened up, as I had wavering thoughts of what happened to Hye Jin.

I walked toward the dead end of the corridor, leading up to the other section of the building. I halted there, right in front of the wall, as I stretched my hands out onto the concrete wall, gasping for breaths.

As I slowly gained back my breathing pace, I heard faint sounds of a girl weeping. I searched for the source of the voice, as I took a step forward into the school garden which was just directly beside the dead end side of the corridor. I walked out, embraced by the golden blistering sun shining in the vast blue azure sky.

My exhausted body trailed me down to the source of the sound, there she was. Weeping by herself, keeping all that pain all that misery.

She cuddled up herself in a ball hiding herself well in the densely massed bushes in the garden, as she released her tears, sending some dripping on her shirt, some on her skirt.

I looked at her with pity, as I advanced a step forward, wanting to do what I had desired from the start.

To be her friend that she will not only look up to, but also to confide in.

To be the friend that she will only smile to, and that she will rely on.

Unfortunately, all of that came to an end when that happened. I was so close in creating a beautiful miracle for her, yet my fate destroyed it.

Every single bit of it.

My noonas just had to ruin. EVERY SINGLE BIT. Of it.


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Will update soon on the Foreword and the Chapters. Must go now!


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Chapter 5: It cut off? What???
Chapter 5: It cut off? What???
amama13 #3
I like the story:)