
Remember Me Forever

"You can go in now," the lady at the front desk of the hospital says in a scratchy voice that creeps me out a little bit.

I cannot feel my bottom half...am i moving at all? No, I am leaning against a wall, my feet are not going anywhere. I am not going anywhere. But she says I can, I can go in and see Taemin and find out that he really is okay. That I don't have to worry anymore because he just slipped and is now getting taken care of by actual doctors. He is under supervision. Supervision of people that actually know what they are doing, not Key or Jonghyun, or me for that matter. Taemin fell...He fell on a turn that he had mastered over a month ago. How come that doesn't seem right to me? How come I feel like he is not all right?

"Minho?" Key is pulling on my arm. "Let's go."

I blink, the memory of him falling and smacking his head against the ground flashing before my eyes. How? I did not see him slip.

I nod at Key, following him past the lady at the desk and into a room down the hall, a guard at the door. He let's us go through. All I hear for the first second is the sound of beeping. Something is beeping. I turn my head to see what it was and it is the thing that is connected to Taemin. In the next second i hear just his shallow breaths. He looks pale, eyes closed and sunken in to his head. His mouth is open, a tube running up his nose. My stomach flips, wanting to crash through my skin and land on the floor like a "get well" present for the boy wrapped in a blanket on the bed a few feet away from me.

Key goes to him, but i stay in the doorway. I watch as Key tries to touch Taemin with slow hands that are shaking. He must be afraid to touch him, but I guess I would be too. Never has Taemin looked so feeble, so breakable. If one fall did this to him, what would it be like if he dropped down a flight of stairs?

I knock on the wall behind me, not wanting to curse him with my stupid thoughts. He is okay. He is okay. He is...

Taemin opens his eyes half-mass, his pupils dilated and huge. there is sweat all over his face.

"Hey, little one," Key says, Taemin's hair back off his face. "How you feeling?"

Taemin makes a weird little noise, trying to sit up but Key gently pushes him down.

"No, don't move." Key shakes his head. "You're in the hospital. Don't you remember?"

Taemin's eyes widen and he looks around, finding me with panic written all over his soft face.

I nod, crossing my arms over my chest awkwardly. "But you are okay, though," I say in an assuring like tone. "You just fell."

"Fell?" he says, his voice cracking.

"Mhm, at rehearsal. It was over a couple hours ago."

Taemin closes his eyes, groaning deep in his chest.

The doctor saunters in with a clip board in his hands, not bothering to be polite when passing me. He goes to Taemin to feel his head and check the blinking screen that keeps beeping. He taps on the thing that is dripping by the bed and rests a hand on Taemin's neck. He writes something after a minute and sighs.

"How are you feeling? I see your friends have arrived."

Taemin does not open his eyes. He just nods.

"We called your mother, but she said that there was no way of getting out here tonight. I expalined to her that your accident was minor and that you will be okay by the morning. She will call you tomorrow, okay, Lee Taemin?"

Taemin takes in a deep breath and holds it for an odd minute before letting it out.

"I will be back a little later." The doctor stops in front of me and asks me quietly to follow him.

"Key hyung, stay with him, okay?" I say, leaving with the doctor. "Yes, sir?"

"Lee Taemin was recorded to have fallen, correct?"

I nod.

"Studies prove that he had nothing in his system. He was completely dehydrated and his vitals were low. The men that were there wrote that a boy told them that he had eaten beforehand, but that is impossible. There was no food in him. No nothing really. I am amazed that he could even get up." The doctor shakes his head. "He has a concussion but it isn't that serious. He should be able to go home in the morning. But, I would like for him to see a therapist before letting him go tomorrow, if that is okay with you."

"Yes, it is perfectly okay," I hear over my shoulder, Onew and Jonghyun finally here. Onew shakes the doctors hand while Jonghyun ducks into the room to find Key and Taemin. "Hello, sir." He bows. "So it is just a concussion? Nothing too serious?"

The doctor looks at his clipboard. "His mental health may be in jeopardy but physical health wise in general, no, he will be okay. But I must stress the fact that him not eating at his age with his metabolism and what he does for a living is very dangerous. He is a teenage boy, fellas. He has to eat."

"But he did..." Onew starts, seeing me shake my head. "But Jonghyun said..."

"I know, " I say, shrugging. "I guess he was lying."

"Or maybe Taemin did eat but he threw it up. I don't know. That is why I want him to see one of our therapists that is on staff before departure in the morning. It may help."

Taemin could have thrown up what he ate? Did he use the bathroom when Jonghyun wasn't looking? That doesn't sound like him. Why would he purposefully throw up food?

"Did he not slip?" I say quickly before he can leave.

"I am guessing that it strongly proves that he did not. Yes, he lost balance and went down. But I do not think he slipped, no." The doctor looks at me. "He can go back to work in the morning but I need you both to keep a close eye on his eating habits."

"He didn't eat dinner."

"I didn't see him eat lunch yesterday either," Onew adds, frowning. "Did he even go to breakfast with you and Key?"

I shake my head.

"So he didn't eat today or yesterday?"

We both nod.

"Then it all adds up to him physically not being able to do such a stunt at his training. As I said, a boy his age, a boy at any age, should eat before doing extreme workouts. And since there is a possibility that he hasn't eaten in a while makes things more serious." He nods his head. "I have to go, but I will check on him later when we give him dinner. Please do come back before visiting hours are over."

He walks away.

Onew runs a shaky hand through his hair. "I cannot believe any of this, can you?"

I shrug, not knowing what my feelings are towards all this. Taemin is not eating, but why? And if he does than why is he throwing it up after? Then he falls. Why can't any of this add up? I shove my hands in my pockets of my coat and cough into my shoulder, moving away from the wall I am near.

"I'm going out to get air for a little while." I cannot look at Onew. "Please get me if he asks for me." Mentally with that last request, the air wants to be shoved out of me. Obviously he doesn't want me or else he would have come to me for help. He went to Jonghyun and not me. I wonder what he told him, could Jonghyun know something that none of the rest of us know?

The cold air outside freezes down my throat, like a refreshing drink of water after waking up. Inside, I want to crumple and fall over but I know that I cannot. If I fall mentally how will that help him? Taemin needs strong people around him. Strong people that can help him when he falls again, hopefully not  literally. 

I rest the back of my head against the brick wall outside, closing my eyes.

This is so awful.

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lia2001 #1
Chapter 22: More
lia2001 #2
Chapter 22: More
AjSummer #3
Chapter 22: I hope that TaeMin will start to get better now but he won't be 100% better until his hyungs are better too.
Chapter 22: you're not updating this anymore? :(
it's been so long since you have updated :)
kayeblaise #6
So. . .I totally just found this story hidden in my bookmarks (with like 15 more chapters than when I saved it)and I just read through the whole thing so. . . I figured I should probably subscribe. XD XD <3

This is great. I love your style, it's very detached in a way, like we're getting the real thoughts inside someone's head. That kind of zoning out feeling and self reflection that I love. I like how there's this constantly moving pace and developing drama and I really love how you're writing the relationships between the members. They're not too cutesy and overly lovey, they're all flawed but they're all working to make things better even as they're falling apart. <3 I love how everyone has a role (like, people always forget Onew XD ) and the tension is building so nicely. I can't wait to see where you go with this :) <3
update soooooon
oh god... can't wait. >_<'
taemin is kinda good now *thank god* :D
what happened to minho?
onew is the best leaser :) :D
Kindeldunya #10
oooh tension! can't wait to read the next chap! I'm glad taemin is more stable now and onew is such a cute leader. i feel bad for minho though.