Is he sick?

Remember Me Forever

Minho shouts out a few curse words, running and pushing through people to get to Taemin first. He lifts him up in his arms as if he doesn't weigh a thing. They (everyone around) all watch Minho rest Taemin on a chair, not knowing what to do. 

"He just fell over," the manager says into his phone urgently. "Yes. Get a medical team down here."

Minho rests his head on Taemin's bare chest, listening to his heart that is barely beating at any speed. it's faint and uneasy. Minho touches Taemin's sweaty face, Jonghyun at his side. Jonghyun is on the verge of breaking down, or worse, hitting someone. He is confused because he saw Taemin eat earlier and he had lost of rest, so what could be wrong?

"Do you think he's sick?" he asks Minho, both boys being shoved out of the way by large men holding a stretcher. Someone is yelling for everyone to leave and get out of the way. Minho grabs Jonghyun and yanks him out of the way, not wanting him to get hurt by one of the men trying to get to the young boy. Minho closes his eyes, not wanting to watch Taemin get taken away, his arms dangling off the sides of the stretchers as the men rush him out. 

The manager rests a hand on Minho's shoulder.

"He'll be okay, don't you two worry." He nods and walks off.

Key runs in, breathing rapidly and when he finds Minho and Jonghyun he dashes over to them.

"What happened?" he asks in English, getting confused glances from both Minho and Jonghyun. "What happened?" he tries again, running a hand through his hair. 

"He just fell over, hyung."

"No, he slipped," Jonghyun says. "He didn't fall. He never falls. He just turned and the damn floor was wet or something and he went down. He's okay. He's not sick. He can't be."

Minho looks at him. "Did he eat today?"

"Yeah, did he?" Key adds, remembering that Taemin did not go to dinner last night.

Jonghyun nods. "He ate at the diner. He ate a lot. so... He slipped. Not dizzy. Not sick. He just slipped." He runs a hand through his hair, wanting to believe what he was saying. He turned around and left, bumping into Onew without saying anything. His mind was spinning, he didn't know what to think. Is Taemin sick?

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If anyone has any suggestions for Remember me Forever, please write to me and i can add it :)


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lia2001 #1
Chapter 22: More
lia2001 #2
Chapter 22: More
AjSummer #3
Chapter 22: I hope that TaeMin will start to get better now but he won't be 100% better until his hyungs are better too.
Chapter 22: you're not updating this anymore? :(
it's been so long since you have updated :)
kayeblaise #6
So. . .I totally just found this story hidden in my bookmarks (with like 15 more chapters than when I saved it)and I just read through the whole thing so. . . I figured I should probably subscribe. XD XD <3

This is great. I love your style, it's very detached in a way, like we're getting the real thoughts inside someone's head. That kind of zoning out feeling and self reflection that I love. I like how there's this constantly moving pace and developing drama and I really love how you're writing the relationships between the members. They're not too cutesy and overly lovey, they're all flawed but they're all working to make things better even as they're falling apart. <3 I love how everyone has a role (like, people always forget Onew XD ) and the tension is building so nicely. I can't wait to see where you go with this :) <3
update soooooon
oh god... can't wait. >_<'
taemin is kinda good now *thank god* :D
what happened to minho?
onew is the best leaser :) :D
Kindeldunya #10
oooh tension! can't wait to read the next chap! I'm glad taemin is more stable now and onew is such a cute leader. i feel bad for minho though.