A Breaking Point

Remember Me Forever

Jonghyun holds his bloody hand close to his chest, his sunglasses and hat disguise keeping him covered from fans that could be around. The media has been outside the hospital doors for a couple hours now after hearing from a man that Taemin had fallen and is now in care. That man got over three hundred yen for his "good work". The hospital staff and security has been doubled, cops by Taemin's door, a nurse always with him.

Everyone is worried about the little man asleep in his bed this night. 

Jonghyun had punched a wall and his knuckles have been red, puffy, and bleeding for over a long amount of time. His face is clenched, teeth grinding in rage. The security know that it is Jonghyun which is why he is allowed to stay on the grounds of the hospital, but Jonghyun does not want to go in. He is mad. All his emotions have turned into this sickening rage that pumps through his blood, and refuses to leave with it as the blood soaks his shirt. 


Key is walking back and forth, his cell phone to his ear. 

"Well, where did you bring him?" he says, his voice filled with anger.

"Sorry, sir, but Jonghyun sir told me not to tell. Please call him."

"I did! He won't answer his phone! You are the stupidest basta--"

Minho takes the phone away from Key, resting a hand on his slender shoulder. Minho says to the driver on the other end, "Keep him safe for me," and hangs up, dropping the phone in his pocket, keeping it away from Key.

"What did you do that for?! He was about to tell me where he is!" Key pushes at Minho's chest who doesn't stagger a little. 

"You did not just push me," Minho growls, his blood pulsing like fire in his veins.

"What if I did? You going to hit me, all tall and muscular?" Key says in Minho's face, getting on his toes.

"Back off," Minho barks, bumping chests with Key.

"Make me." Key's eyes are wild and crazy, his lips peeling back to expose clenched teeth like an animal ready to fight.

Onew runs over and separates the two with his hands, hoping Minho does not fight him too since he knows that Minho would win in a matter of seconds. "What are you guys doing? This won't bring Jonghyun back."

"Yes, but it sure as hell will make the time passing a lot better." Key is winding back, moments away from hitting Minho. 

"No! Stop it! The both of you," Onew shouts, pushing them both back.

"You can't hurt me and you know it." Minho laughs, making Key turn red with a mixture of embarrassment and anger.

Key shoves Onew out of the way and goes at Minho, almost hitting his cheek but Minho reaches up and grabs his fist, squeezing it. Key's knees buckle as the pain shoots through his body.

"You really are an idiot," Minho says, punching Key in the stomach with his free hand and kicking under his legs so he falls. Minho brushes his hands on his pants and coughs into his shoulder, his heart beating a mile a minute. He sighs and looks down at Key when Onew gets to him. "Both of you are stupid."

Minho leaves the room.


Jonghyun goes into the van without being noticed by the screaming media people with flashing lights and annoying pretty girls trying to flirt their way into the hospital. The driver quickly tells Jonghyun about Key calling and Jonghyun frowns, nodding. "Take me back," he says and the drivers does what he asks with no complaint. After about an hour, almost Midnight, Jonghyun leaves the van and goes up the stairs in the studio. Onew is sitting with his head in his hands alone in the dressing room. Jonghyun knocks on the door-frame gently to get Onew's attention. Onew looks up. 

"Hey," he says in a quiet voice.

"Are you okay? What happened?"

"Minho and Key are gone." Onew rests his head back in his hands.

"What do you mean?" Jonghyun's hand, that is protectively hiding in his coat pocket, starts to sting as blood pounds through his body faster.

"They left. After Minho and Key got into a fight, Minho left first and then Key shortly after," he says, his words mumbled and almost hard to hear.

"They got in a fight?"

"Minho hit him." Onew slams his head against the desk, putting his hands on the back of his neck. 

"He hit Key?!" 


Jonghyun winces, imagining all that, Minho punching Key, right here. Jonghyun does not want to believe it. He refuses to believe it. How can a friend hit another friend? How can they get into a fist fight?  Key called me, Jonghyun remembers, his face going cold. He can hear his heart in his ears. Key called me and I did nothing.


7 hours later.

Taemin is being examined, to make sure he is good and ready to leave after visiting with the therapist. He didn't protest when the doctor told him to see Dr. Kwong, he just nodded, wanting to get out of here.

"Is anyone here to see me?" Taemin asks Tina, the nurse that will be going off duty in an hour.

"No." She shakes her head. "None of your friends are here."

That hurts Taemin something deeply. Where could they be? 

"After your meeting, you will be able to go. Just one more dose of medicine and then you can change." She smiles, removing the tubes from my arms and nose. "Here is your last shot, Lee Taemin." She sticks the needle in Taemin's upper arm and moves away from him once done. "Now, get dressed and I will lead you to Dr. Kwong."


Jonghyun is twisting and turning in bed, his dreams causing him discomfort. He is sweating and groaning in bed back at the hotel, alone at the hotel. 


Key is sitting on a dock near the hospital, his legs over the side. The sun is half way up in the sky, shining on Key's face as he watches it. His stomach is sore from the fight with Minho earlier. 


Minho is drinking.


Onew is asleep in the dressing room in the same clothes he wore the day before, never going back to the hotel to change.


"Are you ready, Lee Taemin?" Tina says when Teamin walks out of his room. He looks down the hall, not seeing one of his band-mates. 

"What?" he says, not listening to Tina.

"I said, are you ready?" She smiles.

Taemin nods, letting her take his arm and lead him down the hall, his heart swelling with pain. He cannot believe that none of them are here. They do know that I am getting out today, right?







(So I know i said it would be at the end of the day, but i had this idea and had to write it. Comment and tell me if you like this chapter ^^)

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If anyone has any suggestions for Remember me Forever, please write to me and i can add it :)


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lia2001 #1
Chapter 22: More
lia2001 #2
Chapter 22: More
AjSummer #3
Chapter 22: I hope that TaeMin will start to get better now but he won't be 100% better until his hyungs are better too.
Chapter 22: you're not updating this anymore? :(
it's been so long since you have updated :)
kayeblaise #6
So. . .I totally just found this story hidden in my bookmarks (with like 15 more chapters than when I saved it)and I just read through the whole thing so. . . I figured I should probably subscribe. XD XD <3

This is great. I love your style, it's very detached in a way, like we're getting the real thoughts inside someone's head. That kind of zoning out feeling and self reflection that I love. I like how there's this constantly moving pace and developing drama and I really love how you're writing the relationships between the members. They're not too cutesy and overly lovey, they're all flawed but they're all working to make things better even as they're falling apart. <3 I love how everyone has a role (like, people always forget Onew XD ) and the tension is building so nicely. I can't wait to see where you go with this :) <3
update soooooon
oh god... can't wait. >_<'
taemin is kinda good now *thank god* :D
what happened to minho?
onew is the best leaser :) :D
Kindeldunya #10
oooh tension! can't wait to read the next chap! I'm glad taemin is more stable now and onew is such a cute leader. i feel bad for minho though.