Chapter 9

Ringless Finger
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Chapter 9          



Jiyong scanned the crowd for his girlfriend. He is now in an exclusive club in Japan. After 2ne1’s concert, he immediately called one of Kiko’s best friends to ask if she’s with his girlfriend guising that he can’t contact her on her mobile. Luckily, the said best friend is with Kiko and unmindfully told him where they were. And so, he hurried towards the location.



Another quick scan of the crowd, but still he can’t spot his girlfriend from the sea of people. He proceeded to go to the more exclusive part of the club, the VIP rooms. He tried knocking on each rooms and peeked inside, but he still wasn’t able to find her in the first few doors near the stairs.



He was about to knock on the other door but a familiar giggle made him halt and jerked his head towards the sound. A slightly opened door on the other side met his gaze. He went near the door and heard another bouts of giggles. He was about to knock on the door but it opened on the first bang of his knuckles, luckily, the sound was either engulfed by the louder sound from the speakers downstairs, or the two occupants of the said room was just too absorbed by their activity. He got a shock of his life from what he is witnessing! His girlfriend on top of his other friend, the straps of her dress was now down on her arms, exposing her front side to his friend, the skirt of her dress was up on her waist while she straddles his lap. His pants and boxers are down to his ankle. Her underwear is thrown carelessly on the ground near their feet as both of them hump each other like there’s no tomorrow.



He felt his blood boil from the scene he just witnessed. How could she cheat on me with a friend? He felt his ego crushed.



“What is the meaning of this?” He exclaimed.



“Jiyong?!” The pair humping earlier, blurted at the same time, startled at his sudden presence and jumped away from each other.



“Why are you here? I thought you’re in Korea?” Kiko, his girlfriend quizzed him, not a bit bothered about how she looks as she strolled towards him, the dress' strap still dangling on her sides, baring her front on him, and tried to kiss him on the lips like he didn't just witnessed her humping on his friend.



Jiyong turned his face away from her before she was able to land a kiss on his lips. “Don’t you dare lay anything of your filthy self on me!”



“Oh, c’mon now baby, it’s not as if you didn’t played around with me while you were still in a relationship with your ex-girlfriend.” Kiko nonchalantly said. “It’s the same story as that, it’s just that I like you more than I like him,” she pointed her dainty fingers towards the other guy still in the room, trying to wear his clothes properly. “So don’t overreact, I am not replacing you with him.” She continued as she laid her hands on Jiyong’s chest, rubbing it gently, ily, cooing him.



Jiyong grabbed her wrist and forcefully jerks it away from him, “I said get your filthy self away from me! We’re done!!” With that said, he walked out and slammed the door forcefully. His nails are buried deep within his palm as he clenched his fists.



He punched the wall he passed through as he can’t contain his anger anymore. He can’t believe he’ll just be cheated. His mind can’t believe how his ego is crushed into tiny little pieces. He is G-Dragon, for crying out loud! No one dared bruise his ego!



He was walking fast towards the exit door when he happened to glance near the bar side of the club. He saw two familiar figures sitting on the high chairs in front of the bar. They were both talking intensely looking at each other’s faces unaware of the other people around them.



His heart began to thud painfully within his ribcage. Again, just like every single time he thinks of her with other guys fussing over her this past week, his heart clenched like an invisible but strong force is gripping it. His breathing turned ragged that even taking in oxygen is such a hard task for him to do as he watched his TOP hyung held Dara’s hand as they got engulfed into their talk.



Just watching them talking intensely like that made him ache like no other, so he went on and walked to where he was supposed to go, the exit. Cold night wind welcomed him as he set foot on the cemented street outside the exclusive club. He hurriedly went to where his car is parked wanting to end the day immediately. The night has given him nothing but a bruised ego, aching heart, painful and bleeding knuckles and a throbbing headache.











“Oh, what the heck!!” he exclaimed as he made a U-turn, going back to the same exclusive bar he saw his girlfriend (latest ex-girlfriend) moments earlier on top of his friend, half , and his TOP hyung with Dara, his other ex-girlfriend, while halfway to his hotel.



“I badly need booze anyway,” he told himself, trying to push away the thought that he’s going back because he wants to yank Dara away from his hyung.



A good ten minutes later, he’s back inside the bar. He looked around the place trying to locate a brunette with a shoulder length hair.



Turning his head to the right, he spotted her being towed by the tallest member of his group, Choi Seunghyun, to the stairs up to the VIP rooms. Where the hell is he taking her?! He hastily took off towards them, but the crowd suddenly hindered his way, slowing him.



He made it up the stairs in time to see them go inside one of the VIP rooms. He ran fast towards the said room and tried to open the door, but it was locked. He banged his fist on the door, knocking, but no one opened the said door. He walked farther in the hall, trying to figure out a way to peer inside and see what his TOP hyung was up to. At last, he saw a small space in the junction in between the curtains that his TOP hyung might have hurriedly yanked closed. The walls of the said room are made of glass and are only blocked by curtains to keep the occupants inside from the general people’s watchful eyes if they want some privacy.



He focused his eyes past the small space and saw his hyung caressing Dara’s face affectionately, his back facing him and blocking most of Dara’s frame by his broad shoulders.  What is he doing? He can’t do that! She’s my girl damnit! Then the older man’s face slowly moved down towards his girl’s

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for those who are rly still waiting, i'm sorry for not updating for SO long.. even thru all the issues now. i'll try to update soon


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cyndzrose #1
Chapter 13: please don't abandon this story authornim....such a nice story.... please finish it....looking forward for ur updates......
cyndzrose #2
Chapter 13: please don't abandon this story authornim....such a nice story.... please finish it....looking forward for ur updates......
Dorkhiem #3
Hi Bem Bem unnie!
Missing youuuuu.
Chapter 12: Authornim, I cried like a fool last night when I read chap which Ji cheated on Dara. Even he kissed that fish again in company. Hmmmmm and I so satisfy when he receive his karma right now.
wenkie0414 #5
Chapter 13: i want a next button.. a very demanding sub her lol.
Chapter 6: With what Jiyong have said? No.
Chapter 4: So Jiyong did cheat on her. T.T
Chapter 4: Omg, im right. Even he say "i love you" to that girl. Im so hurt
Myomyo #9
Chapter 13: Oh where is next button? Authornim don't leave this story. Please please update soon