se7en's rage!

Ringless Finger
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Chapter 5







After more than an hour of just crying inside her car in a secluded place at the side of the road, Dara wiped her tears away from her cheeks. She fumbled inside her dashboard, praying to God that a concealer is tucked somewhere inside there. She was never too fond of makeup, but Bom insisted that she’ll bring a concealer and a lipstick anywhere she goes. “You’ll never know, you might badly need it someday”, Bom said trying to convince her. And indeed, Bom is right, she badly needs a concealer now, she doesn’t want to worry her group mate by seeing her puffy red eyes. They’ll definitely ask what happened, and she’s in no condition to retell what she saw in Jiyong’s apartment now.



A minute later, she finally located the concealer beneath all the stuff inside her glove compartment. After applying an ample amount on her bags and other parts of her face, she stuffed back the concealer to where she found it and drove home.




- - - 




Slowly, Dara turned the door knob open, trying hard to prevent it from squeaking loudly. It is still five in the afternoon, her members might be at home, and the last thing she wants to happen is her explaining to them why she went home earlier than expected. She tiptoed towards her own room after locking the front door.



She sighed in relief noticing that no one is around the dorm. They might be in the mall now, she thought.



She removed her shoes and proceeded to her closet, planning to change to more comfortable clothes. Today’s events got her so tired, she just wanted to slump into her bed and sleep everything off, wishing tomorrow when she wakes up, she’ll realize she was just having a dream~~a nightmare.



Twisting and turning left and right trying to find the most comfortable position to sleep got Dara more tired than ever. What she saw earlier still haunted her. She still can’t believe it happened, that everything between her and Jiyong is now over.



I thought he said they were just friends. I trusted his words months ago. Tears started flowing down her eyes again. She can’t help them from dropping. Her body shook soundlessly from suppressing her sobs. Never have I even doubted him. Then what does the scene earlier means? Did he lie to me? He said… he said he loves her, is it the reason why he'd gone cold on me? Does that mean they are having an affair behind my back while I trusted him for his words? All this time, he was cheating on me.”



Tears didn’t stop from falling the whole night. She hasn’t even had the chance to catch her sleep. She just laid there on her bed, tears flowing endlessly like a broken faucet, and heart clenching so hard she felt like there’s something impeding her breathing.







- - -







Turning his head left and right, Jiyong strode down the hallway of the YG building. He was praying so hard he can find Dara somewhere inside the building.



Rooms after rooms, he entered trying to search for Dara, but it seems like luck is not on his side for he haven’t seen even just her shadow.



Jiyong was turning open another knob when his phone rang. He immediately fished out his mobile from his pocket, checking who the caller is before answering. “Babe”


“Jiyong oppa, I am here at YGE’s reception area. Please get me here.”



“Ok babe, I’ll be there in a minute. Bye.” he put back his phone inside his pocket and ran towards the elevator to go down the ground floor.



Immediately after stepping out the lift, the girl ran towards him and kissed him senseless which he responded with equal fervour.














Dongwook was going out of the recording room when he saw Dara walking in front of him. He jogged towards her to greet his friend.



“Hey hey hey! Why is the little tokki all alone?” he said as he hooked his arm around Dara’s shoulders.



“The girls are out shopping again since our sessions are cancelled today, giving us free time. I am off to the dorm actually, I need to catch some sleep” Dara explained for Dongwook.



He smiled as he turned his head to face her, but the smile immediately turned into a scowl as he had the view of the tokki’s face. “Why do you look like a battered ? Your eyes are worse than the panda’s.”



“Insomnia kicked in last night, I didn’t have even a minute of a well deserved sleep.” Dara explained while touching the bags below her eyes.



“Will you drive home by yourself? You should at least ask your boyfriend to drive you home. You might get into an accident while driving groggily.” Dongwook suggested.



“N-nah~ a-ahh, I’m sure he’s busy. I don’t want to interrupt him from whatever he’s doing, besides, I can manage, really.” Dara stuttered. She can’t bring herself to tell everyone her relationship with Jiyong has ended. It is still so painful, and she doesn’t want to retell what happened as early as now, she have to lessen the pain first before divulging her break-up, for sure they’ll ask for reasons.



“Oh~ I’m quite free for a while. I can drive you back to your dorm. And no buts, I insist.” He firmly said while stirring Dara towards the elevator. They waited for awhile for it to open before climbing inside the lift. They waited silently for awhile for the lift to open on the desired floor. When it did, both their eyes grew big from shock.



“What the hell!! What's the meaning of this?” Se7en exclaimed seeing the two bodies pressed together, locking lips just outside the elevator doors.



"Hyung!" Jiyong nervously exclaimed, startled by his hyung's angry outburst and discreetly untangled from the girl he was caught lip-locked with.



"Don't you ever call me that again you goddamn bastard!" Se7en launched himself into Jiyong, grabbed his collar and forcefully threw him to the nearest wall. "How dare you cheat on your girlfriend? You even got the nerve to bring your inside the building your girlfriend is working?" He threw one hard punch to Jiyong which landed on the latter's jaw.



"Ven, stop it. It's alright, I'm alright." Dara tried to stop se7en from landing another punch from her ex-boyfriend, but Se7en was so strong compared to her.



"Get your away from here or I'll drag her out of here by my own two hands. I don't care if she's a girl or a female dog, she's not welcomed here!" Se7en pointed at the other girl while still looking at Jiyong straight in the eye, making him realize how serious he is at his threats.



The other guy shove his hyung away from him, went to the girl in question and looped a protective arm around he

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for those who are rly still waiting, i'm sorry for not updating for SO long.. even thru all the issues now. i'll try to update soon


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cyndzrose #1
Chapter 13: please don't abandon this story authornim....such a nice story.... please finish it....looking forward for ur updates......
cyndzrose #2
Chapter 13: please don't abandon this story authornim....such a nice story.... please finish it....looking forward for ur updates......
Dorkhiem #3
Hi Bem Bem unnie!
Missing youuuuu.
Chapter 12: Authornim, I cried like a fool last night when I read chap which Ji cheated on Dara. Even he kissed that fish again in company. Hmmmmm and I so satisfy when he receive his karma right now.
wenkie0414 #5
Chapter 13: i want a next button.. a very demanding sub her lol.
Chapter 6: With what Jiyong have said? No.
Chapter 4: So Jiyong did cheat on her. T.T
Chapter 4: Omg, im right. Even he say "i love you" to that girl. Im so hurt
Myomyo #9
Chapter 13: Oh where is next button? Authornim don't leave this story. Please please update soon