< / 3 part 2

Ringless Finger
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Chapter 4









TOP was on his way home when he found Dara’s car driving out the parking lot. He continued to pace towards his car and sat on the driver’s seat. He was maneuvering his car from its parking space when he suddenly glanced on the rearview mirror and found Dara’s car drive off a different direction from 2ne1’s dorm. Where is that girl going? It’s half past eleven. Aisht, this girl. His curiosity got the better of him, so he quickly drove off to where she was headed to, hoping he can catch up and see what she’s up to.



- - -



Dara quickly climbed down her range rover and strode to a place she was very familiar with. She knows she can’t stay for too long or her Park Sister and their leader will go ballistic and hang her upside down, but she can’t help but give in to the urge of going back to this serene place.



The trees were swaying with the wind, letting her feel the fresh air brushing through her skin. The lights surrounding the bridge and those that are coming from different establishments looked like they were dancing on the peaceful river.



So with steady stride, she walked to the dark, seemingly secluded part of the famous Han River. For years, this place has served to be her haven. A place she can go to take her mind off the things that bothered her. It gives her the feeling of peace and tranquility.



Solitude was what she was after. She wants this time to reflect on things that troubled her. Mostly, things that involved Jiyong. She can’t understand him. His actions earlier at lunch had kept an unsettled feeling inside her chest.



She was brought back from her reverie when she heard a sound from a few meters away from her. A couple who is headed to where she was seems to be fighting. When they were at a good hearing distance, she caught on their conversation.



“So what, I can’t kiss you now? Why the hell are you being so difficult?” the boy angrily yelled.



“Huh! Now I’m the one being difficult?” the girl sarcastically countered, equally angered. “Who among us started being harsh when I said not to touch me to the body parts I am not so comfortable to be touched?” the girl added.



“We’ve been in a relationship for more than a year, but still I can’t get my way inside you? Who wouldn’t be pissed with that? The friends I know starts ing their girlfriends a few weeks from hooking up. But you, you can’t even give me that goddamn satisfaction to enter you! Not even a hot make out session, and we’ve been on for more than a year! Now tell me, should I be hysterically happy?” the boy responded, with equal sarcasm coating his last question.



“Oh so now, we’re being honest. It all boils down to the fact that I am not letting you in me. Is that the only reason you courted me for, huh Sam Joon? You should’ve said earlier, we could have saved a whole ing year and four months of you pretending to be in love with me.” The girl muttered, the hurt obviously glazing her voice. Tears were endlessly falling down the girl’s face while her left hand was covering , trying hard to suppress the sobs from coming out.



“Babe, I don’t mean any of that. I.. I meant-” the boy stuttered, regret overt from his voice when the girl cut him off.



“Just shut up Sam Joon.. just.. shut up.” The girl said before she quickly run back to where they came from. The boy chased his girlfriend, and soon Dara was left alone again.



She didn’t mean to further eavesdrop when she had realized they were having their lover’s quarrel. She wanted to stand up and leave but the scene had her rooted on her spot. The scene she had just witnessed had opened the chapter from her past she wanted so hard to forget. But now, the rush of memories is swarming in her mind that she can’t help but reminisce.



It was the day of their second anniversary. They had just finished their celebration and have just done packing up their things into the compartment. They are now seated at their respective seats in front of the car, when Jiyong leaned down to her and started kissing her gently. She responded to their kiss which by the tick of the clock became much more passionate. She returned with equal fervor. For what seems like hours, which is actually just minutes of eating each others lips, the kiss continued until Dara had felt Jiyong’s hands s into her blouse and caressed her sides. She wasn’t really comfortable of their situation, and this will be the first time they’ll be doing more than their usual kissing, but she figured, maybe she can give Jiyong now a full make out session since it’s also their second anniversary.



Jiyong continued to move his hands upwards until it cupped one of her sensitive buds over her bra. He was still passionately kissing her while massaging her mound. His other hand found its way to the buttons of her blouse and clumsily opened it. He slid it off her shoulders and went back to kissing her lips and groping her lacy bra covered s. After a while his right hand sneakily made its way to her back and fumbled on the clasp of her bra. When he finally unclasped her lacy bra, he took it off her and immediately devoured the delight in front of him, like he was a hungry beast. Minutes of allowing Jiyong to lavish and her had left Dara to determinedly suppress her moans. She had felt the evidence of his arousal poking her thighs. When Jiyong’s hands finally found its way inside her skirt and touching the band of her , that was when she woke up from her state of semi-unconsciousness and stopped him from going further.



“Ji, I’m still not ready for this.” Dara said while holding firm to his hands which are still inside her skirt.



“.” Jiyong uttered before getting his hands out of her skirt and faced

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for those who are rly still waiting, i'm sorry for not updating for SO long.. even thru all the issues now. i'll try to update soon


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cyndzrose #1
Chapter 13: please don't abandon this story authornim....such a nice story.... please finish it....looking forward for ur updates......
cyndzrose #2
Chapter 13: please don't abandon this story authornim....such a nice story.... please finish it....looking forward for ur updates......
Dorkhiem #3
Hi Bem Bem unnie!
Missing youuuuu.
Chapter 12: Authornim, I cried like a fool last night when I read chap which Ji cheated on Dara. Even he kissed that fish again in company. Hmmmmm and I so satisfy when he receive his karma right now.
wenkie0414 #5
Chapter 13: i want a next button.. a very demanding sub her lol.
Chapter 6: With what Jiyong have said? No.
Chapter 4: So Jiyong did cheat on her. T.T
Chapter 4: Omg, im right. Even he say "i love you" to that girl. Im so hurt
Myomyo #9
Chapter 13: Oh where is next button? Authornim don't leave this story. Please please update soon