Morning and School

One touch, and already fallen for you.


"We'll always be here by your side, forever."
The next day, you woke up early to wake up Jaehyun and Kai for school. You groggily rubbed your eyes and looked at you clock that read 6:30am.
You knew it would be hard waking up Jaehyun and the ert, since they go back to sleep once you try waking them up. You sighed and stood up to walk in the bathroom. You cleaned your face, brushed your teeth and hair and patted your cheeks before going out to wake the two up. 
You first went to Jaehyun's room. You opened the door and gasped.
"Noona.. help me.." Jaehyun was flat on the bed with Kai's legs and arms wrapped around his cousin. Jaehyun looked at you with pleading eyes. You laughed and walked towards Kai and Jaehyun.
You roughly pulled Kai away, since he needed to be awake. Jaehyun sighed with relief and gave you a small peck on the cheek, "Thanks noona!" He grinned and jumped back on his bed to go back to his sleep. Your eyes twitched, *Okay maybe I should've left this guy on top of him.* 
You looked at the peaceful 'sleeping' Kai on the ground and let uot a sigh. You bent down and shook him as hard as possible, "Yah, ert- KYAAA!"
Before you knew it, you were on top of Kai on the bed. He smirked and hugged your body close to his, "Good morning, dear cousin." He puckered his lips for the usual 'morning kiss' and leaned in. You stared at him with a w-t-f-look.
Before Kai could come any closer, Jaehyun wrapped his arms around you so you were laid in the middle of Kai and your brother. They both had their arms around you with a wide grin, "MORNING KISS!"
Your eyes widened as Kai and Jaehyun pecked both sides of you cheeks. You softened and pinched their noses, "Pabo." The three of you laughed and got ready for the first day of school.
One hour passed and you and the two idiots came out of the house to take the bus to school. You walked in the middle of Kai and Jaehyun to the bus stop.
You passed by neighbours and greeted them with warm smiles, "Annyeonghaseyo ahjussi!" You smiled and waved the the ahjussi that was taking a morning walk with his 3 year old grandaughter.
The ahjussi waved back and the small chils waved in a cute manner, "Annyeong unnie!" She beamed. You laughed and gave her a small hug before waiting for the bus to come. Kai and Jaehyun said goodbye to the ahjussi and followed you.
A few minuted later, the bus came and people rushed to come out of the noe empty bus. You were about to step inside the bus but turned around and saw an ahjumma having trouble walking behind you with her walking stick.
Kindly, you stepped back to the side and placed a palm on the ahjumma's back, "I'll help you ahjumma!" Brightly, you guided her carefully inside the bus and made her sit down on a chair, "Here you go." 
The ahjumma gave you bright smile and squeazed your hand in regards, "Thank you, young lady." You smiled back and finally found Kai and Jaehyun behind you with a dirty glare. You blinked, not knowing what was going on.
"Yes?" You asked, curious. Kai grabbed your arm and leaned in, "You left us with these scary looking ahjussi's!" He hissed and jabbed his thumb behind his back. Jaehyun chuckled as you made a face watching the ahjussi's behind Kai laughing hard like drunkards early in the morning.
You looked away, frightened as their laughs became like howls of wolfs. Kai sighed and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that." He patted your shoulder and pulled you closer.
Jaehyun turned in front of you so you wouldn't see the scary looking ahjussi's in front of you, "Noona, just look at my pretty face, okay?" He winked at you while pointed at his nose. You laughed and held his hand, "Okay."
Soon, you, Jaehyun and Kai arrived in front of the school. You smiled brightly and skipped inside, arms locked together with Kai and Jaehyun's. The school wasn't different. It was the same school you knew last year.
Jaehyun pointed at one of his friends and smiled widely, "YAH!" Laughing, he ran towards his friend and tackled his over. Everyone turned to them and laughed as Jaehyun squeazed his friend that was underneath him.
Kai rolled his eyes with a chuckle and you giggled, "Come on, I'll take you to your locker." Before Kai could pull you away, Jaehyun ran towards you and hugged you with a big, fat kiss on your cheek, "Bye noona ~" 
"AISH!" You and Kai glared at Jaehyun skipping away with his friends. The two of you looked at each other and laughed while stepping inside the building. 
You and Kai walked together to your locker and greeted some younger students that always looked up to you or Kai or Jaehyun. "Hi sunbae-nim!" One said as she bowed with her friends. Both of you waved at them brightly before walking again.
You found your locker and quickly gave your locker a big 'hug', "I missed you, locker ssi!" You giggled at your own remark as Kai laughed at you, "Okay, I'll be going now. I still need to meet up with my friends, so I'll meet you at lunch. Bye!" Kai quickly hugged you as well and sprinted off.
You smiled with warmth and opened your locker, *I'm glad these two are with me today.*
uhm, how was this chapter? I'm sick today and came home early from school so I had time to type this chapter.. I hope it wasn't boring and I didn't edit this chapter so sorry >; 
I hope you enjoyed this chapter tho! sehun will come soon~
- littleasianswagger
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Krystal_Kim #1
Chapter 8: UPDATE NOW!!!!! We're at the cliff hanger this story is just too good.... ^(>~<)^
Krystal_Kim #2
update plz! :) i've been waiting too long~ T^T
donkerboy #3
Chapter 8: so cutee~~
keep going author-nim^^
donkerboy #4
Chapter 8: so cutee~~
keep going author-nim^^
Chapter 8: Ayiieee! LUCKY SEHUN! :3
Please Update soon! =))
Heyinpiniteu #6
Chapter 8: Can't wait for u to update
update soon ^^ martina >:))))
Chapter 8: oh yeah ~~
love is coming ~~~~~
thatulzzangisfreakinhot lololol sorry for the out of topic hehe