The contract

The Devil's Contract

‘Teach to love.’

Various things are going around in Daehyun’s mind.

Should he accept the offer? Or not?

But to think about it, it’s a deal with a devil.

What if the devil didn’t hold onto its promise?


‘W-what if you didn’t hold onto your promise?’ He asked bravely.


You rolled your eyes at him. ‘I cross my heart. A promise is a promise.’

You traced an ‘X’ your chest with your finger as it glowed.


‘B-but you’re a devil and you know... we humans believe that devils are evil.’ He said softly.


‘That is what you humans think!’ You growled at him.

‘Devils are no different from angels.

It’s just that we’re not good enough to be angels just yet.

That’s why i need to learn to love, so i can be an angel.’ You said rather loudly, shocking Daehyun.


‘A devil can become an angel?’ Daehyun asked.

You rolled your eyes at him again.

This boy sure has many questions.


‘Seems like your knowledge on spirits are still shallow.

I’ll tell you more after you sign the contract with me.’ You said.

‘So, what do you say?’


Daehyun shrugged.

Well, he’s got nothing to lose. Might as well risk it all.

He nodded his head as you smiled.


You grabbed his hand and trace a weird shape on his wrist.

It glowed and started stinging him as he winced.

The sting only lasted for a few seconds before he looked at you and rubbed his wrist.


‘You’ve signed the contract. There’s not backing out.

If you ever do, energy will slowly drain out from you until you turn into a corpse.’ You said, smiling.


‘W-what. You should have told me first.’ Daehyun grunted.


You smiled. *Seems like i’ll get along well with this boy.*


You both sat there awkwardly until Daehyun cleared his throat.


‘S-so, what do i call you? My name is Daehyun, by the way.’ He said.


‘Daehyun.’ You repeated after him and smiled. ‘That’s a nice name.’


He blushed. *How can a devil look innocent when she smiles?*


‘I-i don’t have a name. I don’t even remember how i was born or who i was.

The thing about spirits is that we don’t remember anything.’ You bit you lip as you said that.


Daehyun just stared at you.


‘W-why don’t you give me a name?’ You said, feelimg embarrassed by your request.


Daehyun looked at you with wide-eyes.


‘Please?’ You pouted and that made Daehyun smile too.

*How can a devil be so similar to a human?

She feels like a human to me now and i think, she’ll be a nice devil.*


Daehyun scratched the back of his neck as he think.


‘How about ~~~~~?’


You grinned at him and repeated after him.

Your name. *I finally have a name.*


Seeing you grin, Daehyun can’t help but smile too.


‘So where’s your house?’ You asked all of a sudden.


‘Eh? Uh... why?’


‘I need a place to stay.’ You answered casually.


‘So you’re implying that you’ll be staying at my house?’


‘Yes because you signed the contract with me already.’ You shrugged.


Daehyun gulped. *Omma and appa will freak out if i bring a girl home. But how? Aish.*


‘Follow me then.’ He said as he stood up. You jumped up happily and followed after him like a puppy.




‘Uh.. i have a question to ask you.’ Daehyun said as you are both waiting for the bus.

You looked at him.


‘So now, everyone can see you?’

You nodded.


‘And you looked more warm and human now. Why is that?’


‘That’s because i made a contract with you.

Until our contract ends, I will remain looking like a human, feeling like a human and smell like a human.

When our contract ends, I’ll disappear.

Maybe i’ll be an angel by then.’ You said as you looked up the sky and smiled.


Daehyun looked at you.

You look so peaceful unlike some spirit loitering around the faces of earth.

*Why does she want to be an angel?*


‘Why do you want to be an angel that badly?’ Daehyun mentally slapped himself as he blurted out.


‘Don’t you want to be one too? My family is up there. I want to go join them there too.

They seem happy.’ You said. ‘The spirits you see here are devils.

They have their own task to complete before they can become an angel.

But some gave up and turned evil.

Therefore they cannot be an angel anymore and then they live here by devouring human souls.’


Daehyun mouthed an ‘O’.

There are so many things that he did not know.


‘But there are angels here too right?’ Daehyun asked.


‘Yes. They’re here to help humans.

I would want to do that too someday.’ You looked at Daehyun and smiled.

‘So now you’re helping me to become an angel.’


‘In other words, you made a contract with a devil.’

You continued and gave him a sly smile as if to scare him.


Daehyun just shook his head.


What did he just get himself into?

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Cheesecake143 #1
Chapter 24: Wooowwww it's so cute ^-^ I read it in just 2 hours *\(^o^)/*
sam098 #2
Chapter 24: so cute story <3 i really love it^^
Chapter 24: best story i've read!! really wish this was an ACTUAL korean drama <33
Cute story
YouAreTheArtist #5
Chapter 24: Wowoowwwwoooo.... I read that story in like 3 hours... So good!
aerith_cloud #6
Chapter 24: DAEBAK~~~~~~~~!!! love you~~~~~~~~
Bree19 #7
Chapter 19: this part are so funny...*burst in laugh...haha
DeathMask #8
Chapter 24: The POWER of LOVE~ ^_^
This story is really really daebak!! Ur an amazing author <3