Giving Life

The Devil's Contract

You stood beside the unconscious body of Daehyun.

He had his left arm and leg in a cast, his head was bandaged and he’s breathing heavily using the oxygen tank.

You sobbed lightly.




‘He is now in a stable condition but we have to keep monitoring him.

His wounds are healing really slowly so he is still losing a lot of blood.

This can’t be helped.’ The doctor told you.


‘B-but.. You have to try. If he continues losing blood, he will die!’

You grabbed the doctor’s shoulder and looked at him in the eyes,

tears wetting your own cheeks.


‘I’m sorry but we cannot do anything about it. It needs to heal by itself.

We can force it to close or it might cut off his blood circulation.’

The doctor calmly said, looking at your with pity.


‘Are you saying he is going to die either ways?’ You screamed at him.


‘There’s a 50% chance that he might survive.

All we can do is hope his internal and external wounds can heal as quick as possible.’

He said and patted your shoulder before leaving the room.


You looked at Daehyun and burst out in tears.

You couldn’t help seeing him in this condition.

If only you didn’t get carried away in your thoughts.

If only you’re beside him that time so you could have saved him.


‘Noona.’ You heard a voice form the door.

You know very well whose voice it was.



‘We just heard about it from Mr. Jung in Japan.’ Yongguk walked up.

His face distorted into an expression that you couldn’t comprehend.

You continued to sob.

‘The least they could do is at least be beside their son in these times.’

Yongguk said through gritted teeth.


‘Daehyun is a tough boy. He is going to be alright.’ Youngjae pulled you into a hug.

‘I don’t know. I’m so scared. It’s my fault he is like this. If only i was there,

i could have gotten hit instead of him.’

You sobbed into Youngjae’s arms.


‘Don’t say that, baby.’ Himchan your back softly in comfort as you sobbed.

‘It would need a miracle for Daehyun-hyung to wake up.’

Jongup said quietly as his lips trembled slightly.


The rest of the boys stayed with you for a few hours, comforting you and also just to be by Daehyun’s side.

It was time for them to leave and you sent them out the room, thanking them in the process.


You went back and sat on the chair beside Daehyun.

You looked at his face now filled with light scratches and an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose.

Suddenly you thought of something.


You can help him heal faster if you transferred a part of your powers to him.

But you, yourself are already struggling to live on using that last bit of your power to stay as a human in this world.

If you gave them to Daehyun, you will die.


You bit your lips, pondering if you should or not.

You decided to give it to him.

After all, your last wish is to see Daehyun living happily.


You leaned closer to his face and took off the oxygen mask carefully.

You looked at his face one last time as you close the gap between your lips.

His soft dry plump lips against yours as you pushed his mouth open with your tongue.


You felt the energy inside you seeping away as you breathe into his mouth.

You continued that for a few minutes then pulled away and place back the mask.


You slump back onto the chair with half lidded eyes.

You felt weak and unable to move.

You noticed that Daehyun’s fingers twitched as he opened his eyes and searched around the room

until it landed on you.


You gave him a weak smile.

‘Welcome back, Daehyun.’ You said weakly in a soft voice with the last bit of power you have within you,

you held onto his hand gentle as you pressed the button on the wall to call for the nurses’

so they could come and check on Daehyun.


You gave him a last smile as you choked.

You let go of his hand as you fell on the floor, clutching your chest and panting.

Daehyun unable to move looked at you in horror.

His eyes searching around for help.


‘~~~~~~.’ He called out your voice dryly.


You coughed and panted heavily.

You know it’s time.

You will have to leave for The Abyss.


‘~~~~~-ah.’ His voice became desperate.


You felt your legs and fingers started disappearing.

You looked up and smiled at Daehyun before a white light enveloped you.


Daehyun tried to get off his bed but his body was numb.

His eyes stung in tears as he watched you disappear before him.



He managed a dry and hoarse scream as the nurses rushed in.



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Cheesecake143 #1
Chapter 24: Wooowwww it's so cute ^-^ I read it in just 2 hours *\(^o^)/*
sam098 #2
Chapter 24: so cute story <3 i really love it^^
Chapter 24: best story i've read!! really wish this was an ACTUAL korean drama <33
Cute story
YouAreTheArtist #5
Chapter 24: Wowoowwwwoooo.... I read that story in like 3 hours... So good!
aerith_cloud #6
Chapter 24: DAEBAK~~~~~~~~!!! love you~~~~~~~~
Bree19 #7
Chapter 19: this part are so funny...*burst in laugh...haha
DeathMask #8
Chapter 24: The POWER of LOVE~ ^_^
This story is really really daebak!! Ur an amazing author <3