Phase 1 - Affection

The Devil's Contract

You woke up to the smell of grilled fish early in the morning.

It was a lovely Saturday morning and you’re excited of what’s to come.


You cleaned yourself and skipped down and greeted Mrs. Jung.

  She was busy making breakfast so you watched her, learning in the process.


Daehyun walked down groggily in his duck pajama pants only.

You stifled a laugh seeing his morning face and hair and his... bare body.

‘Morning, Daehyun.’ You greeted him with a smile.

He stared at you before realizing that he’s walking around with his duck pajama pants only.

He hurriedly covered his body with his arms as he ran back to his room.


You laughed to yourself.  

‘That boy should change his habit of walking around shirtless in the morning at home.’

Mrs.Jung laughed as she placed the bowls of rice on the table.


After a happy breakfast for you and a grumpy morning for Daehyun,

he decided to go to the mall with you.

You needed new clothes since you’ve been wearing Daehyun’s t-shirt for the past few days.


Since Daehyun can’t drive nor can you, Daehyun suggested that you both take the bus.

As you’re walking down to the bus stop, a car pulled in front of you.

‘~~~~~~! Where are you heading to?’ Youngjae’s head popped out from the car window.


‘To the mall. Daehyun said that he would want to buy some clothes for me.’

You smiled as Daehyun his grunted.


‘I’m going there too! Hop in! I’ll give you a ride.’ Youngjae offered.

You gladly accepted his offer and dragged Daehyun with you.




‘Himchan’s here too?’ Daehyun frowned as he saw

Himchan and Yongguk walking towards the three of you.

Youngjae just nodded at him.


You elbowed Daehyun softly.

‘Why do you look so grumpy? Himchan oppa’s your friend.’

You smiled and waved at Himchan and Yongguk.


*Psh. Now you’re even calling that ert “oppa”.*

Daehyun smiled smugly as Himchan walked closer and hugged you.


‘Annyeong ~~~~~-ah!’ Himchan seems so hyper and happy to see you.

You laughed and greeted him back, ‘Annyeong, Himchan oppa.’


Himchan paused and looked at you with wide eyes.

You thought something was wrong as you backed a little,

bumping into an angry Daehyun.


‘You..You called me oppa... right? You just called me Himchan-oppa! You’re so cute!!!’

Himchan pinched your cheeks. Daehyun slapped Himchan’s arm away with a frown on his face.


‘Daehyunnie, stop frowning. You don’t look handsome when you frown.’

Himchan rolled his eyes at the younger.


‘Hyung, as much as you love skinship, keep your hands away from ~~~~~.’

Daehyun said monotonously.


‘Is there something you’re not telling us, Daehyun?’

Yongguk asked as he put an arm on Daehyun’s shoulder.


‘N-no!’ Daehyun flushed at Yongguk’s  question and pushed his arm off


‘Come on, ~~~~~. We’ll go get your clothes and go home.’

Daehyun dragged you away from his friends.


‘Why are you being so unfriendly to your friends?’ You asked him.

You didn’t like it when he does that.

They such a nice bunch of people.

Daehyun just grunted and pushed you into a random shop.


As soon as you’re done with your clothes shopping, you’re dragged home.


‘Yah, Jung Daehyun. Why are you being so grumpy today?’

You yanked your arm away from him.


Daehyun gave you a look as if expecting you to read his mind.

*I wanted to go out with you and ONLY you today but they had to show up and ruin it.*


You shrugged and linked your arms around Daehyun’s.

‘Anyways, thank you for bringing me to the mall today! I bought so much.’

You smiled up at him.

Never had a girl been so close to him and smiled up at him like that.

Daehyun blushed and cleared his throat.

‘L-let’s go.’


As you’re walking by, you heard a soft mew from behind.

You stopped on your tracks, stopping Daehyun along too.

You turn to your back and saw a kitten following you.


‘Aigooo! This cute thing!’ You let go of Daehyun and walked slowly towards the kitten.

You crouched down and patted its head softly as it rubbed its head against your palm.


‘Hi kitty, are you hungry?’


‘Well, obviously. Look how skinny it is.’ Daehyun rolled his eyes at you.

You frowned at him and diverted your attention back to the kitten.


You rummage through one of the paper bags and pulled out a small box of steamed fishcakes.

‘I was supposed to save this for later but i’ll give it to you, kitty.’

You smiled as you opened it up and placed it on the floor.


The kitten purred gratefully before feeding on the fishcakes.

You the kitten’s head softly.

After a while you stood up and linked your arms around Daehyun’s again.

‘Let’s go home.’


Daehyun smiled at you.

‘You know what? You just did it.’ Daehyun said.






You send a questioning look at Daehyun as he just smiled at you.


‘What you’re showing to the kitten is affection. It’s like.. a tender feeling toward another.’

Daehyun told you as you just nodded.

‘Affection is a form of love.’


‘Wah, Daehyun! I feel all fuzzy and warm inside when i fed that kitten.’

You said, jumping slightly out of happiness.


‘Yeah, i can see that.’ He smiled.


‘Thank you, Daehyun.’ You smiled up at him.

He blushed and nodded.

*I might fall for her if i’m not careful*


Phase 1 – Affection

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Cheesecake143 #1
Chapter 24: Wooowwww it's so cute ^-^ I read it in just 2 hours *\(^o^)/*
sam098 #2
Chapter 24: so cute story <3 i really love it^^
Chapter 24: best story i've read!! really wish this was an ACTUAL korean drama <33
Cute story
YouAreTheArtist #5
Chapter 24: Wowoowwwwoooo.... I read that story in like 3 hours... So good!
aerith_cloud #6
Chapter 24: DAEBAK~~~~~~~~!!! love you~~~~~~~~
Bree19 #7
Chapter 19: this part are so funny...*burst in laugh...haha
DeathMask #8
Chapter 24: The POWER of LOVE~ ^_^
This story is really really daebak!! Ur an amazing author <3