chapter 9

To Tame A Dangerous Man!

After that incident Go Eun Ah tried her best to avoid him, and he seemed to be doing the same, although her lessons with Jonghyun were going well, at least according to him anyway.

They were all sitting in the living room a week later.

  ‘I think I found something that will help you’ Jonghyun stated as he made himself a cup of tea and sat opposite to her.

She took a sip of her own tea ‘Really? What?’

Before he could see anything, they watched in silence as Jaejoong came in from the office.

‘Anyway’ he continued ‘I brought a book that I thought would help you’

She raised her eyebrows, what kind book was this?

He leaned forward and from the self he took out the book.

ihoAs soon she saw it she froze and she heard Yuri gasp, there in front of her was her latest novel

‘I asked around and she seems to be a popular author, she’s the best at romance novels, I thought you could use some advice from it’

This causes her to choke on her tea, how was she supposed to learn from her OWN BOOK!!

‘I haven’t read it, but some of my lady friends say it’s good’

He handed her the book

‘I...I...guess I could give it a go’ she finally managed to find her voice

‘How about you read us a little’ Jonghyun exclaimed

‘I don’t think that needed’ Yuri cut in,

‘Nonsense’ he sighed as he got up and took the book of her and opened it on a random page and read aloud

Oliver didn’t like this as much as her, what could he do? He loved her so much but they couldn’t be together, he was a poor Gardner and she was the king’s daughter. How he ached to hold her, to claim her as his own.

He sighed ‘boring’ he flicked though onto another page

She lay in his bed, she lifted her hand and cupped his face and whispered ‘please’. And Oliver knew in that instant that nothing would stop him from making love to her. Claiming her as his own. As least for tonight, for they couldn’t have forever.

‘Stop’ she said too loudly as she snatched the book, ‘that’s enough, I will read it on my own’

She watched Jonghyun eyes brighten ‘you like these kinds of books?’

She blushed and turned away.

‘Anyway’ Yuri changed the subject ‘I’ve found three potential guys for you to choose from’

‘Really?’ Jonghyun changed his attention to his sister

‘Yeah, one a doctor, the other a lawyer and one’s a photographer’

‘There has to be a catch’ GO Eun Ah exclaimed, ‘All three have agreed to go out with me?’

‘Yeah’ she nodded with enthusiasm ‘I told all about you and they seemed interested, so I was thinking’

‘That can’t be good’ Nickhun who was sat next to Go Eun Ah muttered

‘Anyway, I was thinking you have a date this week, like a trial date to see if you can apply the things you have learnt’

‘That sounds like a good idea’ Jonghyun agreed

‘Yeah, and I can take you shopping’ Yuri sat up in enthusiasm ‘I can give you a makeover’ she clapped in excitement.

GO Eun Ah cringed at the idea ‘I guess so....’

‘You don’t need to you know, I think you look perfect just the way you are’ Nickhun added

She turned to him and smiled ‘thanks, but we all know I’m not going to get their attention looking like this’

She turned to Yuri ‘I’m in’

‘Great, so which one first?’

‘The photographer’ Go Eun Ah exclaimed after some thought

‘I’ll make the date on Friday, which gives us two day to get ready’

‘I don’t think we need that long’

‘Trust me, if we want to look perfect, we need time’ and with that she and Yuri left the house.

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llyremnna #1
I love this fafic ahhh authornim please updae !!!! I'll keep supporting weeeeee
levilia #2
i so love this fic!!
mrsmlegver #3
geez, jaejoong, you should see that she wants the old jae to come back... why do you have to be so frightened of love??
magicfairy77 #4
Thanks to everyone for their comments, they are much Appreciated , keep them coming!
mrsmlegver #5
ng... what will jaejoong do to her???
kya~~ i want more!!
kimnana27 #7
I LOVE THIS !!! You got me crazy all over JaeJoong again! hahaha you're such a good writer! Update soon :D
mrsmlegver #8
what the? (<--what happen when i'm speechless)
Keep updating!!
llamalove #9
AWWW This is so cute!!
llamalove #10