chapter 6

To Tame A Dangerous Man!

 ‘Where’s Jonghyun?’ Go Eun Ah asked as she sat with Yuri in the living room the next day

‘He’s in his room, why don’t you just go and get him’ Yuri exclaimed

Go Eun Ah sighed; she needed to see her editor after this, so she had to finish the lesson quickly. ‘Which one is his room?’

‘First left, after you go up the stairs.’

She knocked on the door but there was no answer. He better not be asleep,

She knocked on the door and waited. Why wasn’t anyone answering?

Nothing prepared her for what she saw.  It wasn’t Jonghyun who opened the door but Jaejoong. There he stood bare-chested with nothing on but boxers.

She stood there and eyes wide open

Jaejoong stood looking at her, perplexed ‘Go Eun Ah’ he shook his head as it to make sure it was her ‘it is you, isn’t it?’

She kept her eyes trained on his face as a blush crept up her cheeks. ‘Good morning, Jaejoong, I’m sorry I awakened you’ not that there was any question to it, his tousled hair and lack of clothes confirmed it

‘Is everything ok?’ he questioned

‘Yes...No...I mean...I’ her lame attempt at speaking properly failed when he leaned on his forearm against the doorframe, causing his muscles to shift and flex.

How on earth could a lady talk rationally when he stood there half ?

‘Are you ok?’ he asked

Only when her head snapped up did she realise her gaze had wondered to his boxers ‘yes’ she cried too loudly, then added in a whisper ‘I’m fine’

He cocked an eyebrow, as if knowing precisely how much his appearance had annoyed and distracted her ‘sorry I’m not dressed in appropriate clothes, I wasn’t expecting company’

‘No need to apologize. I hadn’t even noticed your boxe...I mean, your clothes- I mean your lack of.. .’ she tried to form a complete sentence ‘I hadn’t noticed anything’

‘Nothing?’ his huge eyes danced with mischief.

‘I’m sorry, I thought this was Jonghyun’s rooms, Yuri told me’ she stopped this was hopeless

‘So you planned to go into Jonghyun’s room?’ he cocked an eyebrow

‘Yes, we have...’ she paused ‘He wasn’t downstairs, so I came to get him’

He frowned and slammed the door right in her face.

‘Damn idiot’ she cursed after her shut the door, who did he think he was?

She sighed and knocked on the door again loudly.

He opened the door and looked at her in surprise, as if he hadn’t expected her to knock again.

‘I’m sorry, but I think you owe me an apology’ she exclaimed, crossing her hands over her chest

His eyes widened ‘apologise?’

‘Oh, I’m sorry’ Go Eun Ah smiled in a sarcastic way ‘that mean saying sorry in English’

‘I know what it means’ he practically growled

‘Good, then you know this situation requires you to apologize, it was extremely rude to close the door in my face’

He stared at her as if she had gone mad, and turned to close the door again.

But this time she had been prepared, she stuck her foot in between the door and placed one of her hands on the door

He looked at her, his jaws tightened, he was angry, good.

‘Maybe asking nicely didn’t work’ she sighed ‘how about this? If you don’t apologize’ she paused and screamed

‘HELP ME! JEAJOONG DON’T’ she screamed

He looked her at confusion, but he didn’t do anything

‘AHHH’ she continued and leaned over and took her jacket off to reveal a t shirt she was wearing under it ‘!!! , JAEJOONG GET OFF ME!!!’

Once he realized what she was doing, he put pulled her into his room, closed the door, covered and pushed her against the door

‘Have you gone insane?’ he hissed

She shook her head and bit his hand, hard.  Causing him to groan and let go of her

‘You should have just said sorry’

By now he was furious; he slammed his fist against the door

‘Are you trying to intimidate me’ she asked in a quiet voice, her voice filled with anger

‘No’ he practically hissed ‘what were you thinking? What would you have said if anyone had come, that I tried to hit on you’ he looked at her up and down ‘cause I’m sure you know that’s hard to believe not only because of who I am, but of who you are’

Her eyes widened in her disgust, he was offending her right in her face

‘You, you, you!’ she cried, an outburst that had obviously astonished Jaejoong, not only because she dared to speak to him in this way, but this was probably the first display of anger she had shown to him

‘Who you are?’ she laughed bitterly ‘I will tell you exactly what you are, you the most selfish man I have ever known. Inconsiderate and bitter, too, you don’t care for the feeling of other people and your arrogant and self centred enough believe that it is ok for you to behave this way’

He opened his mouth to argue but she spoke before he had the chance ‘that fact is that I don’t like you, but because of the affection I feel towards your family, I try to endure being around you’ she breathed out

He paused ‘Did you come here on purpose?’ he raised his eyebrows

Her eyes widened in shock

‘Maybe, you knew this was my room and you intended what happen to happen’

She gasped ‘you offend me, Jaejoong, I just told you I don’t like you and yet you’ she stared at him and he leaned forward until there wasn’t much space between the bodies.

‘I see you have found you tongue at last, Go Eun Ah’ he said

‘I wasn’t aware that I lost it’ she answered immediately ‘for all I know; it has remained in my mouth my own life’

‘A fact that I am just now discovering now’ he murmured, taking a step closer to her, but she refused to move. Her eyes steady on his gaze

‘Your eyes aren’t brown’ he said, sounding as if he had discovered something unexpected ‘their hazel’

Go Eun Ah’s heart slammed against her ribs and all her newfound confidence left her, there was something in his eyes, something in his voice,  that made her remember the women she had been before, a women blissfully unaware of how heartbreak felt.

She took a deep, steady breath. That woman was gone and the women who had taken her place was not going to feel any pain because of him, not ever again.

‘I still insist you apologize for shutting the door and for accusing me of coming in your room on purpose. For you to insist even though I didn’t is very ’ her eyes widened with clear embarrassment   ‘rude. I meant rude

‘Hmm. Yes, speaking of .’

‘I wasn’t speaking of ?’ she squealed

‘You’ve seen quite a bit of me’

‘Not really’ she insisted ‘you have....’ she pointed to the area of his boxer ‘Pants on’ she continued

She looked up to see his eyes looking at her as if searching for something

‘You’ve changed, what happened?’ he whispered

When she remained silent, he moved closer to her, until less than two feet separated their bodies. Her chest rose and fell with her shallow breaths and she clutched on to her jacket.

Her eyes were bigger then he thought her lips red and full, her cheekbones high. Jaejoong kept his gaze on her.  She was much better looking up close, why hadn’t he realised this before? He leaned forward as she stood staring at him, he couldn’t read her expression and it was killing him, what was she thinking?  She stood there, open slightly, inviting him.

He leaned forward, until their lips were inches apart.

‘Jaejoong she whispered, did she sound scared?.

And suddenly he realized what he was doing, he was half and she was in his room and he was going to. He swallowed and let go

‘Go’ he whispered

He watched as she watched him in surprise

‘GO’ he practically growled

And before he said anything else, she left.

As soon as she left he groaned and ran his hand through hair, what the hell did he think he was doing? What had come over him? He paused, most importantly what was over Go Eun Ah? Ever since he knew her she had been his little sister’s weak and vulnerable friend, she had always just blended with other but now? He groaned as he sat down on his bed. What had got over him?

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llyremnna #1
I love this fafic ahhh authornim please updae !!!! I'll keep supporting weeeeee
levilia #2
i so love this fic!!
mrsmlegver #3
geez, jaejoong, you should see that she wants the old jae to come back... why do you have to be so frightened of love??
magicfairy77 #4
Thanks to everyone for their comments, they are much Appreciated , keep them coming!
mrsmlegver #5
ng... what will jaejoong do to her???
kya~~ i want more!!
kimnana27 #7
I LOVE THIS !!! You got me crazy all over JaeJoong again! hahaha you're such a good writer! Update soon :D
mrsmlegver #8
what the? (<--what happen when i'm speechless)
Keep updating!!
llamalove #9
AWWW This is so cute!!
llamalove #10