Chapter 7

To Tame A Dangerous Man!

Mi Young sat waiting for Jonghyun in the guest room the next week; she was relieved when Yuri had told her Jaejoong wasn’t home, she was avoiding him and for a week she was doing a good job of it. After the incident she didn’t want to face him.

She could hear voices coming to her direction

‘Come on, just one date, can’t you just do that?’ it was a females voice, one she didn’t recognize.

‘Maria, I told you to stay away from me’ she could hear Jaejoong voice, and they were approaching the guest room.

 In her panic, Mi Young shot up from her seat, she looked around for a place to hid, and she couldn’t face him just yet, especially when he had a girl with him.

She dashed for the room next door, and she entered an office room, she looked around, she hadn’t been in this room before, it was probably Nickhun office. But there was no time to relax as she heard them get closer, she ran and hid under the desk. They would probably stay in the guest room but she had to be safe.

After a few second of silence, she heard the door to the office open.

She froze. Utterly force. She stopped breathing completely. With her eyes wide, she watched as Jaejoong and some lady enter the room and came into her view, she shuffled deeper under the desk, even though she wasn’t facing them; she could see them through the side of her eyes.

If Jaejoong came much closer, he would easily spot her.

He turned and walked up to the window and went to the table filled with drinks on the right side of the room.

Please don’t turn around. Don’t turn around, she prayed

He poured himself a drink.

‘Please Jaejoong baby’ the lady called Maria came closer, running her hand across his jaw, her body pressed against his, she pouted ‘come on baby, we’ve been having so much fun lately’, she placed her hands on his chest ‘why can’t we continue?’ she whispered in his ear.

But Jaejoong seemed immune to her efforts, as his face expression didn’t change

‘I told you Maria to leave me alone; I’m not looking for a relationship ‘he exclaimed, as he pulled her arms from around his neck.

‘Good sake women, get the message and leave me the hell alone’

‘But I love you’ she whispered in a small voice

‘ and I do not give a damn about you’ he sighed and walked toward his desk.


Jaejoong didn’t know why on earth Maria wouldn’t leave him alone; he had told her countless times to stay away from him. Yes, she was beautiful and was good company, but she was getting to serious about him and frankly it had made him sick, he thought she was a rational women, but yet again he had been wrong, they had always argued that love wasn’t what they planned, that they couldn’t help themselves, but they were all lying sly creatures.  Now, he felt uneasy as an image of MI Young emerged in his head, making him frustrated. Lately, he couldn’t get that little brat out of his mind and it was driving him mad. He didn’t even like the women for god sake; she had got on his last nerves.

‘leave’ he turned to Maria, who was now in tears, god, he felt sick, they had used tears as their weapon, they would act vulnerable and helpless, but would rip out his heart, they were all devious and vile women, they were all like her, all of them. He gulped down another sip of his whiskey.

He needed a seat , he headed to his desk, he heard a squeak as he got there, and he frowned and turned to where the sound was coming from

And then he saw her.

Under his desk

It was impossible

Surely this was a nightmare. If he’d close his eyes and opened them again, she would be gone.

But there was MI Young, the most frustrating and irritating women, crouching like a frog under his table.

It was a surprise he didn’t drop his glass of whiskey.

Their eyes met, and he saw hers widen in panic and fright, good, he though savagely. She should be frightened; when he got a hold of her he was going to make her pay.

What the hell was she even doing here?

‘Maria’ he said smoothly, moving forward toward the table until he was stepping on her hand. He didn’t step hard but he heard her squeal.

‘Why don’t you go for now’ he continued ‘and we will continue this conversation later tonight?’

 Her watery eyes widen ‘Tonight?’ she looked doubtful

‘Yeah, of course, I OUCH’

Maria blinked and continued to stare at him ‘Are you ok?’

‘Yes’ Jaejoong lied, trying not to choke on his words. MI Young had at grabbed on to his leg and with both hands, she was digging her nails into his legs.

‘Let’s continue this tonight’ he was trying to shake Mi Yong off his ankle

He groaned as she dug deeper, while she used her foot to step on his other one

‘Are you sure your ok?’ Maria raised her brow

‘Yes, I’m fine, let me walk you outside’ he grunted as he tried to pull away from her grasp

‘Is there an animal under your desk’ Maria questioned

Jaejoong laughed ‘You could say that’

Mi Young fist came down on his other foot.

She let go of him, so he wouldn’t tell Maria she was under there and he walked her out.

As soon she was out of the door, he turned his attention back to the desk

‘You’ he boomed ‘Out’

Mi Young held on to the side of the desk for support as she got up ‘It was an accident’ she managed to exclaim

‘Funny how these words seem to be used by you often’

‘It’s true’ she protested ‘I was sitting in the guest room and I ‘she gulped. He stepped towards her until he was close. ‘I was sitting in the guest room ‘she said again, her voice shaky ‘and I heard you coming. I was trying to avoid you’

‘And so you came into my office?’

‘I didn’t know it was your office, I....’  MI Young in her breath as he came closer

‘Just like last time, when you thought my room was Jonghyun’s room’ he hissed

‘I...It was an accident, I promise’ she managed to whisper

‘Perhaps you didn’t not actually want to avoid me’

MI Young stood frozen

‘Maybe’ he continued ‘you wanted something else all together’

Mi Yong tried to shake her head but her body refused to obey

‘Are you sure, you don’t want anything else?’

This time her body betrayed her and she gave a little shake.

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llyremnna #1
I love this fafic ahhh authornim please updae !!!! I'll keep supporting weeeeee
levilia #2
i so love this fic!!
mrsmlegver #3
geez, jaejoong, you should see that she wants the old jae to come back... why do you have to be so frightened of love??
magicfairy77 #4
Thanks to everyone for their comments, they are much Appreciated , keep them coming!
mrsmlegver #5
ng... what will jaejoong do to her???
kya~~ i want more!!
kimnana27 #7
I LOVE THIS !!! You got me crazy all over JaeJoong again! hahaha you're such a good writer! Update soon :D
mrsmlegver #8
what the? (<--what happen when i'm speechless)
Keep updating!!
llamalove #9
AWWW This is so cute!!
llamalove #10