chapter 5

To Tame A Dangerous Man!

‘OMG!!!’ Yuri practically screamed when Go Eun Ah had told her what she was doing and about her lesson with Jonghyun

‘That’s a brilliant idea, thank god for your dad’ she smiled ‘And I have to be there for the lesson, and don’t worry Ill help you find a boyfriend, you have to win the bet’

Go Eun Ah smiled, she was glad she had told Yuri.


She stiffened and avoided looking at him, damn him! He still made flustered and lost for words,

Yuri got up and squealed ‘You’ll never guess what happened? Jonghyun is giving Go Eun Ah lessons!’

Jaejoong frowned ‘Lessons?’

Go Eun Ah wanted to get up and throttle Yuri, she knew she was a big mouth but why him? Of all people!

‘Go Eun Ah’s dad is bugging her to get into the dating scene and Jonghyun is giving her lesson on how to flirt and.’

‘How did I know she wasn’t going to keep shut for more than an hour?’

They turned to the doorway and saw both Jonghyun and Nichkhun approaching

Great, Go Eun Ah sighed, the whole family had come.

‘Why?’ Yuri exclaimed ‘its excellent news’ she turned to Go Eun Ah and smiled

‘It’s not that exciting and something I would not like shared with the whole family’ her eyes shot to meet Jaejoong and she quickly turned to Yuri ‘its fine now, but please do not share this with anybody else, so now before I die of embarrassment, I am going to leave’

‘I’m sorry’ Yuri approached her ‘you know I don’t mean it, anyway were all family here and we can all help you’

The thought of Jaejoong helping made her sick

‘I think you have helped enough’ Jonghyun sighed’ sorry Go Eun Ah is was my idea to tell her, how could be so stupid I...OUCH’

Go Eun Ah laughed as she saw Yuri elbow Jonghyun in the stomach.

Yuri frowned at him and turned to Jaejoong and Nichkhun ‘You guys have a lot of friends, maybe you can set up one of them with Go Eun Ah, so she can win the bet’

‘Bet?’ both Jaejoong and Nichkhun looked at them in confusion

‘Go Eun Ah bet Jonghyun in to month she would learn everything he teaches her and she will get herself a boyfriend’

Jaejoong probably thought he wouldn’t find one, she would show him; she would show all of them.

‘And if I win she has to accompany Yuri to her marriage meeting ‘Jonghyun said

Go Eun Ah smiled ‘And I win, Jonghyun has to avoid touching a women for one month’ she emphasized the number with her fingers

And everyone in the room burst into laughter except for Jaejoong, whose frown grew deeper  

‘And I don’t need anybody’s help in finding a man’ she gazed went to Nichkhun and Jaejoong ‘I am perfectly capable of finding a man on my own’ where the hell was she getting this courage, two days she would dare even look Jaejoong in the eyes and now she was...was .. Stronger.

‘What about we help?’ Yuri afford her a smile ‘what kind of man would you like?’

The question threw her of course, she had never thought of that, her whole life she had loved Jaejoong she had never thought what she wanted in a man

‘I...I...’ she stammered

‘See she doesn’t even know what she wants, this is child’s play’ Jaejoong exclaimed harshly.

This again provoked anger in her, why was he been so cruel?

‘Of course I know what I want’ she laughed it off ‘I am young, and I am passionate’

That did the trick, he looked up at her.

She gazed at him without blinking and chose her words with care.

‘I want a strong and handsome man who can love me with a passion equal to mine’

By now the whole family were staring at her, their mouths open.

But she kept her gaze at Jaejoong ‘The man I choose’ she said ‘will never need another woman. The man will sleep in no bed but mine. That man I will treat like a king and I will be the light that brightens his day. That man will give me many kids, he will wake up in my arms every morning with a smile on his face, and he will be in love with me every single day of his life. It cannot be left to you or anybody to decide who that man is.

Jaejoong said nothing. He simply looked at her, and she could read nothing in his face.

Jonghyun snorted ‘good luck finding him’

While Yuri’s eyes were watery ‘I never knew that what you felt’

Go Eun Ah nodded, she was worried if she spoke she would cry, all these things she had wanted she had wanted with Jaejoong, but as she stood there looking at him, she realised that she had to let go to become stronger, she had to let go. But why was it so hard? And why did she ache to run into his arms?

‘I know I’m not pretty as other women, but I think I deserve to be loved, is it wrong for me to want someone who loves me?’ she said and with that she left the room.

‘There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be loved’ Nichkhun murmured as she left ‘not a damn thing’

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llyremnna #1
I love this fafic ahhh authornim please updae !!!! I'll keep supporting weeeeee
levilia #2
i so love this fic!!
mrsmlegver #3
geez, jaejoong, you should see that she wants the old jae to come back... why do you have to be so frightened of love??
magicfairy77 #4
Thanks to everyone for their comments, they are much Appreciated , keep them coming!
mrsmlegver #5
ng... what will jaejoong do to her???
kya~~ i want more!!
kimnana27 #7
I LOVE THIS !!! You got me crazy all over JaeJoong again! hahaha you're such a good writer! Update soon :D
mrsmlegver #8
what the? (<--what happen when i'm speechless)
Keep updating!!
llamalove #9
AWWW This is so cute!!
llamalove #10