chapter 3

To Tame A Dangerous Man!

‘Oh my god’ Go Eun Ah groaned as she stared at her phone, she had over 20 missed calls from Yuri, last night she left in such a rush, she had forgot to tell her. She turned to look at the clock it was 1 in the afternoon, she would have to go to apologise. But what could say, I left because I realised your brother who I have loved forever doesn’t think much of me, she swallowed, she promised her herself she would not cry, she had always been strong and this was one of time where she had to be.

She had spent the rest of the night crying, she had shed a lot of tears from the pain of Jaejoong’s insulting words. But most of all she had cried for the pain she felt in her heart, she had always had a hope that maybe... just maybe he had some sort of affection in her direction, but his words last night has crushed any hope she had.

But she didn’t feel so bad now, she actually felt better. As she got up and got dressed, she had felt a huge weight off her shoulder, all these years of loving, trying anything to please, hoping he would notice, hoping that she could change him and all it got her were those harsh words.

He had called her pathetic but what was really pathetic was what she felt for someone who barely noticed her. His words had been harsh and cold but they had made her learn something about herself. She had always wanted him to notice her but she had never done anything to get noticed by not only him but by other men to. But that was going to change, she would no longer be the quiet, insecure girl, after her mum’s death, she had never tried to be herself, to joke, to smile and to enjoy life because she always felt it was something she was to experience with her mum, but she wasn’t here, so she always lacked on feminine appeal. But that would stop now, but how? She had no idea where to start? Maybe she would tell Yuri? She quickly shook the thought of her head, and she paused, what about Jonghyun? He would understand? He was always so kind to her and most importantly he was a playboy, he knew what attracted men to women. She had always thought although she knew she was no beauty that she was average, but yesterday had given her a wakeup call. She would prove him wrong, she would blow all of them off their feet and she needed Jonghyun help.

‘WHERE THE HELL WHERE YOU????’Yuri screamed, as soon Go Eun Ah entered.

She took a deep breath as she spotted all three brothers sitting. She had made sure before she left the house that her face was no longer puffy and her eyes were not red.

‘Sorry, my friend called she was sent to hospital and from the shock I ran there and completely forgot. My phone ran of charge and I had to spent the night there’ She lied, she hated lying and was really bad it, hopefully they didn’t realise

But she saw Nichkhun raise his eyebrows, of course he didn’t believe, she and Nichkhun were very similar and she was the closest to him out of his brother.

Lucky it seemed Yuri believed her ‘Thank God, I was so worried, I couldn’t sleep all night’ she sighed

You smiled and gave her a hug

‘We were all worried’ she turned to Jonghyun, both him and Nichkhun were watching her with concerning while Jaejoong didn’t even glance her way.

She took a deep breath, this was her chance, and she had to be brave.

‘Jonghyun, is it ok if I talk to you privately?’ she managed

This caught everybody in surprise, as they all turned to her; even Jaejoong, but she kept her attention on Jonghyun

‘May I ask what you want to talk to me about?’ he said, his voice filled with surprise

‘I did say privately didn’t I’ she exclaimed as she glanced around the room, to find them all staring at her.

‘I....I..Ok... I’

Go Eun Ah watched in amusement as Jonghyun stutter

‘Why I do believe Jonghyun is lost for words’ she turned to Yuri and gave her the brightest smile ‘this doesn’t often’ she laughed

She watched as the brother react to her actions, especially Jaejoong, who for once could not stop staring at her.

Jonghyun got up and joined her outside

‘What on earth is this about? Since when do you need to speak to me privately?’ he exclaimed

‘Calm down’ Go Eun Ah sighed ‘I just need your help’

He raised his eyebrows

She breathed in and with all the courage she had, she spoke ‘I need you to help me turn into a lady’

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llyremnna #1
I love this fafic ahhh authornim please updae !!!! I'll keep supporting weeeeee
levilia #2
i so love this fic!!
mrsmlegver #3
geez, jaejoong, you should see that she wants the old jae to come back... why do you have to be so frightened of love??
magicfairy77 #4
Thanks to everyone for their comments, they are much Appreciated , keep them coming!
mrsmlegver #5
ng... what will jaejoong do to her???
kya~~ i want more!!
kimnana27 #7
I LOVE THIS !!! You got me crazy all over JaeJoong again! hahaha you're such a good writer! Update soon :D
mrsmlegver #8
what the? (<--what happen when i'm speechless)
Keep updating!!
llamalove #9
AWWW This is so cute!!
llamalove #10