Chapter 12

To Tame A Dangerous Man!

‘I must be insane’ Go Eun Ah muttered to herself as she stood outside the house, she couldn’t believe what she was going to do, was she brave enough? Would she even have the courage to say it?

Yuri answered the door with a huge smile on her face and she hugged ‘How was your date?’ she squealed ‘Minho said you were and I quote directly from him ‘absolutely fantastic’ she laughed, as she lead the way inside

Go Eun Ah laughed nervously, this was going to be harder then she expected.

‘Jonghyun was very pleased’ they sat in the living room, ‘he keeps boosting him that it was all him but I know you charmed him by being yourself’

‘There’s my girl’

She looked up to see Jonghyun enter

‘So when’s the second date?’ he asked

She breathed in ‘No’

 Yuri turned to look at her in surprise and Jonghyun’s raised his eyebrow

‘Did you not like him? Yuri asked

She shook her head


Go Eun Ah closed her eyes for a second before opening them and breathing out again, she could hear her heart pounding and her palms were sweating.

‘I’m in love with someone else’ she finally managed

‘WHAT!?!’ Yuri practically fell out of her seat and she got up and hugged her ‘I’m so happy for you, you’ve got a boyfriend, but why didn’t you tell us? Why did you agree to go out with Minho? Where did you meet him? Is he handsome? OMG!’ she squealed

‘Give her space’ Jonghyun sighed

Yuri sat back down, looking at her with a huge smile on her face

‘The thing is.... I’m not dating him... I mean.. He doesn’t feel the same about me... yet’ she added.

‘Yet?’ Jonghyun repeated, both him and Yuri look confused

‘So it’s one sided?’ Yuri asked

Go Eun Ah nodded ‘but I plan to make him fall for me’

They both looked at her in surprise

‘That doesn’t seem like you’ Jonghyun exclaimed

‘I know’ Go Eun Ah agreed ‘But it’s the only I think I might get through to him’

‘But why tell us?’ he asked

‘I need your help’

He looked at her in confusion but Yuri laughed ‘that means we know him!!!’

Jonghyun looked at her for an answer, and she nodded

‘Is it Daniel? I mean he did seem kind of interested’ Yuri said

Go Eun Ah swallowed hard ‘no, it’s someone you know on a more personal level’

They both paused for a moment

‘OMG!’ Yuri screamed in happiness ‘It’s Nickhun!! I knew it! You guys have always been close, I mean it shouldn’t be too hard, he already likes you, we just need to get him always from work and then we...’

‘Stop Yuri’ Go Eun Ah sighed ‘It’s not Nichkhun’

Then she paused and then her face changed as she looked at her in horror, ‘No....’ she placed her hands over a mouth ‘You couldn’t possible love him.... it can’t be... Jaejoong’ she paused and looked at her in shock and horror as did Jonghyun.

But Go Eun Ah couldn’t say anything, nothing was coming out from ‘I’m sorry’ she managed

And before she knew it Yuri’s arms were around her again ‘Oh, you poor soul, how hard it must have been’

She let go and looked at her ‘how long?’

Go Eun Ah wasn’t aware that she was crying ‘ever since I was 7’ she whispered

‘That basterd’ she looked up at Jonghyun ‘he hurt your feeling that night’

They both knew what he was talking about

‘But Go Eun Ah what on earth makes you want to get him to fall for you’

‘I wasn’t going to at first, I was just going to move on but.. I don’t know I just feel that there is something there and I plan to be the one to make him feel something again, even thought I don’t know what happened to make him so bitter and cruel, I plan to find the man I love.

‘But he doesn’t pay you any attention and he never wants a serious relationship, let alone to marry, he says so often’ Yuri sighed

‘That means nothing’ she shook her head

‘What makes you think so?’

‘The way he kisses me’

‘KISSES YOU’ Yuri jerked straight up

She blushed and nodded 

‘Why that basterd!

‘Don’t worry I plan to make him open his heart, and he will, it’s that simple’ Go Eun Ah exclaimed

‘Nothing is simple, not when Jaejoong is concerned, Oh Go Eun Ah, and you really don’t know what you’re doing. He’s such a hard bitter man. He could never make you happy’

Go Eun Ah laughed ‘come now, your thinking of him as he is now but that’s not how he’s going to be when I’m done with him’

‘He’s not?’

‘Course not. I mean to make him a very happy man. I’m going to put laughter back in his life; don’t you want that for your bother?’

The question put Yuri off and made her rethink.

‘I want to make him smile again. I want to make him happy. I want to heal his wounds.’

‘Well that settles it’ Jonghyun said ‘what do you need us to help you with?’

Go Eun Ah smiled as she turned to Yuri who was also smiling

‘If anyone would be able to open up Jaejoong’s heart, it would be you, you who have set your heart set on giving him the kind of love he needed’

She was very touched; ‘I thought I would just let you know, I’m going to be very straight forward with him, and I would like your help’ she smiled

She would have her chance this time to dazzle him with her wit and charm, to make him notice her, because he certainly hadn’t noticed her all these years but why should he? She’d been tongue-tied and caught up by what he’d made her feel.

After Jaejoong had come back home after a few years and he turned into the arrogant and cynic of his family, Go Eun Ah had been depressed for a while, of all the three handsome brothers, the one she had picked was actually the least suitable of her. But then, she hadn’t actually picked him. The feeling that he’d stirred in her were what had done it, telling her without a doubt that he was the one for her.  No man had ever made her feel the way Jaejoong did, not his brothers or not Minho or any other man.

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llyremnna #1
I love this fafic ahhh authornim please updae !!!! I'll keep supporting weeeeee
levilia #2
i so love this fic!!
mrsmlegver #3
geez, jaejoong, you should see that she wants the old jae to come back... why do you have to be so frightened of love??
magicfairy77 #4
Thanks to everyone for their comments, they are much Appreciated , keep them coming!
mrsmlegver #5
ng... what will jaejoong do to her???
kya~~ i want more!!
kimnana27 #7
I LOVE THIS !!! You got me crazy all over JaeJoong again! hahaha you're such a good writer! Update soon :D
mrsmlegver #8
what the? (<--what happen when i'm speechless)
Keep updating!!
llamalove #9
AWWW This is so cute!!
llamalove #10