Chapter 11

To Tame A Dangerous Man!

‘Thank You for a wonderful date’ Go Eun Ah smiled, and she wasn’t lying she had a great time, he was handsome, charming, smart, funny and a perfect gentleman, she couldn’t have asked for a better date, and he seemed very into her as well, she had tried to be mysterious like Jonghyun had taught her and she had flirted, but by the end of the evening she was being herself and he seemed to like her regardless. Now at 11:30, they stood outside the house.

‘I would like very much to see you again’ he took a few steps towards her and grabbed her by the waist until she was inches always from him

‘I would like you see you too’ she smiled

‘Good,’ he leaned in

He was going to kiss her, she hadn’t been prepared for this, she hesitated and closed her eyes, one harmless little kiss. But before anything could happen, she could hear the door open, and he eyes flew open, once she felt someone yank her hand and separate her form Minho, she looked in surprise at Jaejoong

‘What are you doin..?’

But before she could say anything, he grabbed onto her hand tight and led her away

 ‘WHAT ARE YOU DOING?’ Go Eun Ah tried to get out of his grip, as she turned to see a surprised Minho staring at them. ‘LET GO OF ME, WHERE ARE WE GOING?? YAHHH’ she screamed as she struggled to let go.

He finally stopped at the park next to the house,

‘WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING?’ she screamed once they stopped

He paused, he looked angry, how dare he be angry, she was supposed to be angry at him, what on earth had gotten into him?

He ran his hands in his hair in frustration, ‘what did you think you were doing?’ he hissed

She stared at him in confusion’ what am I doing? What are YOU doing? I was in the middle of the date and you came and interrupted it.

He paused and stared at her

‘How on earth can you make this my fault, I didn’t do anything wrong’

He looked at her in frustration, ‘what are you doing, dressed like this, with a guy you barely know, in the middle of the night and to make it worse you were just going to let him kiss you’

She stared at him in more confusion, ‘what’s that got to do with you?’

Her question seemed to get him off hand and he blinked a few times and he just stared at her

‘I...I.’ he paused ‘you’re Yuri’s best friend and well that mean you’re like our family’

She winced at his words

‘So... I don’t want you to get hurt’ he said

Go Eun Ah stared at him in surprise,’ since when did he care?’

He placed his hands behind his neck uncomfortably ‘I mean you barely know this man’ he coughed and straightened his back ‘I mean you’re dressed like a tramp so he’s going to treat you like one’

Go Eun Ah had never felt so insulted, how dare he barge in on her date and start insulting her,  she could feel her tears threaten, she wouldn’t cry in front of him, she wouldn’t, but she had no control of her tear as they spilled down.

‘Why are you doing this to me’ she whispered ‘I don’t understand’ and she looked up at him, their eyes meeting.

He just stared at her in shock

‘I don’t understand why you hate me so much, what I ever did to you?’ now she was angry and frustrated, why was he making it seem like he cared about her, why was he confusing her?

‘What’s it got to with you who I date, what I wear or whether I kiss him’ her eyes searching his eyes for answers.

He stared at her, lost for words ‘I told you... your ‘

She had enough ‘since when did you care?’ she practically screamed ‘for the past few years, you never knew I existed and now you pretend like you care, WHY? WHY? EXPLAIN TO ME BECAUSE I DONT UNDERSTAND?!?’ by now she was screaming, her hands flying everywhere in frustration as her tears still came down.

‘I mean you can just start throwing yourself at anyone that gives you attention’ he finally spoke

‘what’s it got to do with you’ she exclaimed ‘as a matter of fact, I like him, he’s sweet, handsome, he’s perfect, and what’s it got to with you whether I kiss him or I sleep with him’ she huffed.

‘I...I...I’m just looking out for you’

‘But why??? Since when is that your concern?’ she insisted       

‘I DONT Know’ he burst out, catching Go Eun Ah by surprise ‘I DONT KNOW!!! WHY DO I CARE? WHY DID YOU KEEP COMING INTO MY THROUGHTS? WHY DO I WANT TO KISS YOU? WHY I DIDNT WANT YOU GOING OUT WIHT HIM?’ he was frustrated ‘I DONT UNDERSTAND IT EITHER! WHY YOU INVADE MY EVER THOUGHT? WHY YOU GET ME SO FUSTRATED BUT AT THE SAME TIME I WANT TO BE AROUND YOU? I DONT KNOW’ he sighed, and before he could say anything he grabbed her face in between his hands and then he hugged her.

Go Eun Ah stood still; she was still trying to digest what he was going and what he had meant. But before she could say anything, he let go of her and breathed out.

She stared at him in silence.                              

‘Sorry’ he sighed, placing his hands on his head ‘I had too much to drink, don’t take what I said seriously, you should go back to your date’ and with that he left an even more confused Go Eun Ah standing in the middle of the park, wondering what the hell just happened.

Go Eun Ah sat on her bed that night thinking, as if she was not already confused tonight had confused her further, he had been so cruel and insulting to her but yet he had hugged her with just passion she didn’t even know existed, that boy she loved was in the there somewhere, and after staying up most of the night, she had come up with a huge decision, she was going o help him, she was going to bring that boy back and she was going to make him feel love.

She paused, it sounded like a silly idea, but it was something she knew she had to do, she didn’t want to go on pretending she didn’t have feeling for him because she did and instead of fighting her feeling, she was going to give this love a chance and she was going to make him love, laugh, she was going to bring happiness back in his life, and these past few days showed her that it was possible. Her aim had changed, she wasn’t going to run away from her feelings she was going to face them head on and she was going to be successful, she would make sure of it.

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llyremnna #1
I love this fafic ahhh authornim please updae !!!! I'll keep supporting weeeeee
levilia #2
i so love this fic!!
mrsmlegver #3
geez, jaejoong, you should see that she wants the old jae to come back... why do you have to be so frightened of love??
magicfairy77 #4
Thanks to everyone for their comments, they are much Appreciated , keep them coming!
mrsmlegver #5
ng... what will jaejoong do to her???
kya~~ i want more!!
kimnana27 #7
I LOVE THIS !!! You got me crazy all over JaeJoong again! hahaha you're such a good writer! Update soon :D
mrsmlegver #8
what the? (<--what happen when i'm speechless)
Keep updating!!
llamalove #9
AWWW This is so cute!!
llamalove #10