chapter 1

To Tame A Dangerous Man!

'I mean did you see his teeth, he looked like he had more teeth then possible’ Yuri exclaimed.

Go Eun Ah pushed her glasses further up her nose closed the book she was reading and leaned against the wall ‘You cannot judge by his appearance’ she sighed

‘I know, but his breath smelt and he was so boring’ Yuri ran her hand through her hair and cringed ‘I cannot imagine dating someone like him’

Go Eun Ah gave her best friend a smile ‘I guess so, but he’s the third boy to ask you out this week, you can’t carry on being picky’

‘I know, I’m not picky! I just want a decent boyfriend’ she sighed leaning closer toward Go Eun Ah, ‘I want a strong independent man’

Go Eun Ah understood, it was one of the many qualities she loved in Jaejoong, she shook her head, she had to stop thinking about him when she was his sister.

In many ways Yuri looked like Jaejoong, they were both tall and had the same black hair and huge eyes. Unlike Jonghyun who looked different, he had dyed his blond for such a long time Go Eun Ah could barely remember his real hair colour, he wasn’t as tall as Jaejoong but he was very built and has a wicked smile, one smile from him got all the girls weak in the knees. The middle brother Nichkhun although also shared the familiee big eyes, he had light brown hair; he had a very cute face witch contrasted with his serious personality. While all siblings although looked quite similar all had different personalities, she didn’t have any siblings and her mum had died when she was 5 and her dad was always busy with work, so they were her family, even though she defiantly didn’t see Jaejoong as a brother.

When she had first meet him, she was about 7 and he was 10, Anna her next door neighbour had been bulling her about her bushy short hair and her and her friend were laughing at her, and Jaejoong had passed by in his bicycle, he stopped and told them off and helped her all the way home.

Ever since then she had fallen deeper and deeper in love with him, when she was about 13, she was teased for being ugly and he pulled her into a corner and told her not to listen to them and that she was very unique looking and he had called her cute, it was the first time a guy has given her and complement which made her fall for him even more.

But when he turned 18, he had gone to university and he moved away, Go Eun Ah had been crush when he left, but he’d come back at the age of 22  cause his dad had died and his mum needed him but he had changed completely. He had turned cold and arrogant, Go Eun Ah couldn’t even remember the last time he smiled or how it looked like and he’d been back home for about 4 years. Even though before he hadn’t paid much attention to her, but he would wave or smile slightly when he saw her but now she didn’t even glance her way. She had tried several time to get Yuri to tell her what was wrong with him, why had he changed? But she didn’t seem to know either.

 Go Eun Ah spent a lot time in his house but he managed to ignore her existence, but it wasn’t so bad for her at least she got to see him.


‘You’re not getting any younger, you will need to date to marry’ she smiled as she turned her attention back to Yuri, even though Yuri was 1 year younger than her, they got on very well ‘I know your mum has being putting pressure on you to marry’

‘I know, ‘I’m only twenty two’ she sighed ‘what about you? You don’t date’

Go Eun Ah sighed, what she supposed to say, I’m in love with your brother that’s why I won’t date anybody? Or that no guy really gives her much attention and they tended to look past her just like Jaejoong did.

‘I’m too busy with work, the editor want the whole story but next week’

Go Eun Ah was an author, but she didn’t work under her name. She hadn’t wanted to because at the time because she was worried that if people knew it was her book they would be judgemental, but after her first book was a huge success, she had decided to keep her identity a secret, it  put a little excitement in her life. In day she was a normal girl but by night she would write romance novels about knights saving damsels, dukes dancing with beautiful women or people losing love under a different a name. She was the most popular romance writer in Korea and she was damn proud, of course no one knew it was her expect for Yuri and her dad.

Her father had told that she got her writing and drawing skills from her mums, she couldn’t remember her but she has her pictures and in them she looked beautiful. Her mum’s death was hard on her both and father, while she had taken it with her writing and drawing, her dad dealt with it by working too.  

‘Oh yeah, sure’ Yuri snorted

‘Speaking of work, I guess I should get back’ she sighed as she got up.

 ‘For god sakes, Jonghyun remember that you are not alone and save your flirting for when you are’

Go Eun Ah stiffened, she couldn’t mistake that voice, it haunted her dreams.

‘Calm down’ she heard Jonghyun sigh ‘she just the post women and she’s cute’

She heard Jaejoong grunt, they were coming in the living room.

Go Eun Ah caught her breath as she heard their footsteps get closer

‘Who do we have here? My adorable little sister and her lovely friend’ he turned and gave you one of his dazzling smiles, which would cause any girl to faint, but Go Eun Ah didn’t even blush and gave him a slight smile, she seemed immune to his charms.

Her eyes shifted to Jaejoong who wasn’t even paying attention to her and he got himself a glass of water, before she embarrassed herself she turned her attention back to Jonghyun

‘It’s nice to see you’ she managed, fully aware of Jaejoong’s presence.

‘You too Go Eun Ah, I haven’t seen you in a while, have u been busy with work?’ he frowned ‘what to do you even do?’

But before she could answer, Yuri changed the subject.

‘So we hear you were flirting with Maria?’ she exclaimed

GO Eun Ah glanced her way and smiled in appreciation.

‘That’s her name’ he smiled ‘I’ll make sure I’ll remember it, it will come in handy later’ he gave Yuri a cheeky smile.

‘What about you?’ he raised his eyebrows ‘I hear your mum is still bugging you to marry, you have to start dating, you’re not getting any younger and don’t be too picky, I mean.. .’

‘Not you as well’ Yuri moaned ‘I heard enough from Go Eun Ah’

Jonghyun turned to her in surprise ‘Oh my, Go Eun Ah, do you have an interest in marriage?’

This time she felt herself blush and she turned to see Jaejoong who was occupied with something outside.

She coughed uncomfortably ‘that’s not it, I was just agreeing you your mother, and I believe that I have stay in her good side, I’ve seen her bad side and I wouldn't like to be in that place’

Jonghyun burst into laughter ‘Why Go Eun Ah do I detect a sense of humour?’

She paused and got up ‘I really must get going,  it was very nice seeing you again’ she smiled at Jonghyun and gave Yuri a hug. She turned to see Jaejoong staring at her direction

‘good...bye..... mr.......Kim’ she whispered as she rushed past time.






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llyremnna #1
I love this fafic ahhh authornim please updae !!!! I'll keep supporting weeeeee
levilia #2
i so love this fic!!
mrsmlegver #3
geez, jaejoong, you should see that she wants the old jae to come back... why do you have to be so frightened of love??
magicfairy77 #4
Thanks to everyone for their comments, they are much Appreciated , keep them coming!
mrsmlegver #5
ng... what will jaejoong do to her???
kya~~ i want more!!
kimnana27 #7
I LOVE THIS !!! You got me crazy all over JaeJoong again! hahaha you're such a good writer! Update soon :D
mrsmlegver #8
what the? (<--what happen when i'm speechless)
Keep updating!!
llamalove #9
AWWW This is so cute!!
llamalove #10