Variety Show?

I Loved an Idiot


"Eunha, why in the world did you do that?... though I should say thank you.." you said.
"Christine-ah, It's okay with me.. Really."
"Really?? You won't regret anything??"
"Yeah. I won't. Why don't you believe your friend. Idiot."
"Ehhh. Of course I believe in you. I'm really happy.." you said with tears in your eyes. 
"I'm very lucky to have you. What is this variety show all about?" you begin to ask your friend. 
"Ahhh. That, I don't know but I know that it's a variety show from SBS.. that's all."
"How.. how did you know about that raffle?"
"Uhm, my friend just included my name in that raffle.. I don't know about it too. And luckily I got picked then I gave it to you. What if it's something like Dream Team? I definitely wouldn't like that even if I'll be with idols," Eunha answered chuckingly.
"Heh. I don't care if it's like Dream Team..." a phone call cuts your conversation.
"Hello~ Who is this?" you asked while Eunha is eavesdropping.
"Ahh. Hello. This is Kim PD-nim from yesterday. Can we meet at the same cafe?"
"Ah, yes. I'll be there sir."
"Okay, bye."
"Waaaah~! Eunha! Eottteokhae??" PD-nim called. Come with me."
So Eunha and you went to the cafe. PD-nim began to discuss the variety show.
"The variety show was long been planned. It will include an ordinary girl and idols from different groups. And will last for 2 weeks straight. I can't give you the details yet but it will start tomorrow. Your daily life will be filmed so you need to sign this contract. Everything will be filmed because we want to show the life of an ordinary girl. Do you have any questions?"
"Uhm, PD-nim sir... what do you mean? I still can't understand anything about this variety show."
Kim PD-nim then began to give you some additional details, "Okay, the variety show is something like you meeting idols" he answered with a grin. Then he left.
That left you and Eunha dumbfounded. What did he mean with that words. Is that literal?
So tomorrow is the start. What variety show is that. Srsly, it's getting me hardtime to think. Why did I arrive in a variety show anyway. Tsk D:
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LOL! KYUNG!!!! Can totally see him like this!
Oh no Jinyoung you're not going to do what's on my mind aren't you?? ottoke!! update soon please!!
update soon neh ~
toush18 #4
@nookspassion Thank you my first subscriber :DD I'll try to make a good fanfic :D