The Fanmeeting

I Loved an Idiot


You sat infront of Taeil.  You don't know how to speak Korean and the only word that slipped your mouth is "A-ahnyeong hasseyo" followed by a slight bow. Then Taeil spoke to you with this crazy Korean language you can't understand and then you said, "Ehh?".
"Ahh, sorry Taeil oppa. I can't speak Korean language, I'm sorry" then you bow again.
"Ahh," Taeil said. You're feeling like crazy and want to go back now and to hide in the comfort of blankets when his manager come and say, "It's okay. We thought you were Korean. Haha. Taeil wants to say you're beautiful," then he goes away.
Ehh, what? I'm not beautiful. Really. Aish. The thoughts are racing into your mind. You were busy with this thoughts when Taeil gave your signed cd.
"Ahh, thank you" you say. Then he gave you a high five. Taeil oppa has sharku eyes, so cute~, you think.
So you were now infront of PO. He is smiling wide and doing his victory pose infront of you so you can't stop giving a small smile.
"Hallow," PO said with that bass voice.
"Hello PO oppa," you said. 
"OMO so cute," PO said while facepalming. A small blush colored your face. You were not a fan of make-up so your face is naturally as it is. Naturally beautiful but you don't know that cause you always see your face in the mirror and think it's just a normal average face.
"Name?" PO asked.
"Ahh, uhm, Christine," you answered.
"You want?" PO askedafter he drank in the bottled juice. OMO an indirect kiss, you thought.
"Ahh~ no, thank you," you bluntly answered.
"Ehh?" PO answered with a sigh.
"Eottokhae, noona doesn't like me."
"Ehh~ no! I like you. Really!" you answered loudly. Eyes are fixed at you now from everyone.
"Ay, sorry, sorry," as you slightly bowed to everyone. You didn't know PO is giggling and laughing over you now.
"Noona loves me!" he does his cute aegyo again as he sign your cd. You're blushing uncontrollably now. Aish, this maknae. Really.
So you're now infront of Jaehyo with this weird blush all over your face. You have feels everywhere. OMO.
"Ahh, you are blushing. So cute," Jaehyo said in Korean which you could not understand. You can't speak, you just stare in Jaehyo's beautiful-than-girl's face. His face is so smooth and perfect. He's truly an ulzzang but you knew the secret behind this. He is really a derp. Block B's Derphyo. BBCs name him this and you don't know if he knew this.
He do that pose of biting his tounge out which snapped you to reality again. 
"OMO Jaehyo oppa stop that". He giggled at your words while signing your cd. He then gave you a high five.
How is it so far? :D
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LOL! KYUNG!!!! Can totally see him like this!
Oh no Jinyoung you're not going to do what's on my mind aren't you?? ottoke!! update soon please!!
update soon neh ~
toush18 #4
@nookspassion Thank you my first subscriber :DD I'll try to make a good fanfic :D